will you consider giving an FC discount to a poor old stoner?
There will be a FC discount code of some sort.
Thanks for the compliment on the price.
Thanks again!
No bowl preheating is EVER required.
I love this part. Many moons ago I had a vape that had a glass whip that needed to warm up before I could get a good hit. Every time I would reload the process would repeat. No thanks.
I also decided to take it apart and give it a clean, nothing else to do for a while...
There were some yellow deposits on the inside of the 3-way adapter and the joint was a bit yellow.
The joint is easy to clean while assembled with a q-tip dipped in ISO, GS has to be cold!
Did not bother to wash the beads just yet.
Everything is so sparkly clean again!
You've been rocking GS No.1 for over 6mo.

It is cool to read it is back to sparkly like day 1.
I agree with the "clean cold" part. You don't want a big difference in temp to hit boro. Thermal shock!
The beads I dip in a bowl of iso, rinse in water, and air dry. I use a small wire strainer like
It was awesome and i was BBQ'ing some amazing Filet Mignon's!!
What a delicious dinner!!!
Sounds like a nice moment. Mmmmm, filet... I too am a fan of BBQ and also cooking with the GS as the 1st ingredient.
Hi, I’m very interested in this vape but I have a few questions. I already have a FP and I have the gold control box that you can get from them and as far as I know that should work for this vape right? Because on their website they mention something about using some old style connector, but as far as I can tell it’s a 5-pin XLR to should be perfect, but I don’t know a ton about unique connections. If anyone knows if they are compatible let me know because I’m definitely interested in getting this and seeing how it sacks against the FP, who so far has been my pinnacle of what vapes can be, even against a decent amount of competition from the rest of the collection.
I could get a mini-xlr on digikey or mouser and wire that up if you want to use the same controller? I'd have to charge a little extra but it would be far less than a new controller.
I have to say here that the experience was a pleasure. If you're wondering about something that might be holding you back, please do yourself a favour and PM the man. I could tell he's really got his act together, as a vape designer and as a business. Just a really nice humble, very smart FCer who really cares about his customers before and after the sale. I'm sure most of you regulars know him already so this is really for the new gal/guy on the fence.

Thanks. You are too kind!
Double Black Diamond in the GS this afternoon!
Celebration time!!!
Just got home from the Cannabis Clinic and met the new Dr.
Signed up with Broken Coast for MAX THC flowers! NICE!!
Also sorted me out to register for a grow license again! YEAH!!!
Once in our permanent house there will be some serious COB growing going down!
I have always found homegrown and cured bud to taste far superior to bought bud.
The Glass Symphony will make that experience even better!!
Fruity Pebbles up next...
Woah! Big congrats!
Seed to vape control FTW!
I moved to a recreational state and often miss my old homegrown hookups. Fresh herb that was well cared for is hard to top.
but do you know what the price hike will be for Jan 1st?
No hike for private sales in January 2018. Send me a pm or email and I'll send a paypal invoice.
When the site goes up the price will change a little.