@Alexis, hope your weather isn't as "arctic" as here in frigid Canada! Apparently some parts here like our Capital City Ottawa is colder than the north pole, mars, and moscow?!
I could never understand why this vape needs to be run at such a high temp....like we're talking 800-1000 as usable range? The new heaters allow about 100f less on the pid to be at the same temp as the previous is my understanding. I guess this heater is quite the BEAST! I rarely went over high 600's with my FlowerPot, but a completely different material/heater.
My GS has been shipped!

Thanks Bro, that is what I presumed about the new heaters but then I realised that it hasn't actually been spelled out in any certain terms. I searched but found no confirmation, could be read in several ways.
Actually the weather is pretty mild here in UK. We get barely any sun now, seriously chemtrails have been the most constant I have seen for months on end now. They have stepped it up bigtime, I don't even look at the sky anymore. There is mostly just cloud, and I think I'd rather see that than the depressing sight of all those trails.

Now- GS talk! I forgot to take account of the -100F new heater last night. I was detrmoned to have a test, even though I only slept 3 hours friday and was SO tired by 12.30 pm last night when I finally had my first chance with everything set up right. I tried not to vape yesterday but had a strong cup of pot tea and 2 bowls Vapcap early evening. I was very stoned but too tired to notice a buzz.
First, good news- I am feeling so much better all round in every sense. I really made some terrific progress with my lung infections this week. From one extreme to the other in just days.
This is the best I have felt for months, if not all this year. Just in time ha! Thanks 2017!
I was initially daunted about how to tune the Pid settings on the rdk-200. I am not technical at all that way and get overwhelmed by the foreign language of it.
But it was dead easy to tune the Auber, armed with Jojo's post on pid settings, and Auber's manual, it took minutes!
Putting the GS together was also a sinch. I was too tired to even move or think at the late hour. Feeling good, so tired though, still was easy. My initial setup:
I just guessed at a temp, picked 720 to begin (712 actual temp).
Now I know that it equal to 820 old heater, I should have gone far lower. No way will I be able to take these same temps as the other guys here, like
@lazylathe and
@Zow237 both with the rdk-200.
I vaped the first bowl anyway at 720. It is so easy to use this vape, much easier than the FPSH. I am with you 100% Biohacker- the Showerhead is just TOO open for me. Makes such hard work to keep taking on so much air.
You just don't need to inhale anywhere near as long with the Symphony. I didn't see any can milk, but my exhale was massive. Very easy to exhale a little at a time and keep hold as long as you want. Not bursting to exhale from taking in so much air.
Most of the goods were extracted first hit. I vaped a second bowl, raising temp to 740 I think.
I finished both bowls quite quick (0.2- 0.25 maybe together).
I was mostly precocupied with assessing respiratory reactions, at the moment of truth- quite nervous in case of another huge disappointment and major intolerance of another device.
Usually it seems okay to begin with, then I become increasingly aware of substantial discomfort in my lungs. Hopes can go up initially only for dreams to be crushed within the hour, so I'm always extra apprehensive in these moments which really throw my head around not knowing what to expect or what I am feeling initially.
So my Focus was here. I vaped both bowls fairly quickly and very easily with no effort at all. Here is the abv from both at 740 tops:
Extraordinarily even I say!
So by then I really wasn't feeling much of a buzz at all to my surprise. I expected more from the weed I used. I started feeling concerned about running through my stash with the Symphony.
No need- the effect was delayed but came on VERY strong and so CLEANLY, like a hallucinogen (I mean the way it comes on all at once and so smoothly after a delay). Nothing at first (I was very tired and stoned to begin though)...
Then- BHAM fully immersed by it. I was very medicated, far more so than I would expect from the amount used.
I also found that, excellent as the Showerhead is, it can take more herb than usual and eat through it very fast.
I was sure I was aware of an adverse respiratory reaction but was still difficult to judge at the time. After I finished the two bowls and before the effect came on I was convinced I needed more so I raised the temp to 775 to finish both off together:
I got zero vapor at this temp, so it wasn't needed for full extraction which happens so quickly with this vape!
By then it had really hit me hard. My chest was suffering badly though, I didnt remember the heater was 100F hotter than Lazy's. So it was at 866 effectively!! I used the funnel bowl too, which works at 100F lower than the Stadium.
I decided to try one more bowl, about 0.1 of durban. Same temp (766).
One long, very fast draw. Huge hit exhaled, TONS of vapor. So easy to inhale it all too.
Second hit nothing!
I was very very medicated. More so I feel than the Flowerpot, but temps are surely different, hotter with the GS.
My chest was REALLY suffering after and overnight. The hits were too large in the dim light, my first try, for a start. And temps way too high for me Im sure with the new heater.
Sleep quality was amazing, and I feel better in every way from the effevts except my lungs being very aggravated, like too high temps would with any vape though.
Right now I say I prefer the GS to the SH. Much easier to take the hits, and the effect is amazing. It is an outstanding vape no question.
I need to go lower, starting at 650, and more gently. Really hoping I can find a happy medium, otherwise I will have to swallow some disappointment and move on again, to the one option I know will work for me as a well tolerated heavy hitter (Herbo Ti.)
I kept this quiet mainly because I hate to put a downer on things, especially such a great thread as this thanks to Jojo's energy passion and positivity.
Final verdict yet to come, but I love this vaporizer and recommend it already.
Edit- I am finding the fine mesh in the funnel bowl very easy to work with. The way Jojo installed it is ideal. He formed it into a cozy little nest, almost like a dingy on the ocean. It's edges don't stick out or get caught. I can easily slip it out of the bowl with my finger, but
@VapeFiend.com 's great little dab tool is perfect for stirring the load, and hooking under the screen.
Stirring in the mesh also could not be easier. Everything is nested in, nothing goes to the edge. Hence very uniform extraction.
There is an art to forming the mesh screens I see, but it makes for very easy usage and load maintenance.