@Whissmu Great pics, incredible work from your models. Not taking away from your photography skillz, which are mad indeed. But with those subjects, truly best pic of 2017. And this thread has better photos than most. Just sayin'...
@snackmaster I'm not sure if I'm picturing this correctly in my mind, so please help me. If (the universal) you or (Royal) We were to stick a small amount of degummed hemp fibre in that globe section, would that collect any reclaim/particulate and keep ones's glass cleaner? Or no?
Hope all you Nano-loving Americans have great Thanksgiving! Even though my sons have never been in the US for Turkey Day, yet they expect the proper pilgrim feast. Long ago, I negotiated the limit at a bird, 4 sides, and one dessert for our family of 4. Anything more is madness if I am preparing it; and my wife does the cranberries.
@Baron23 My wife isn't a big cook either, although she's learned more over the years. Unlike your lady, she didn't invite 12 people over! Can't stop thinking and chuckling about you doing a turkey and stuffing and dressing out three ducks. Don't know how you're juggling it all, but I have every confidence in you.
My mom made sure I could cook, sew, the basics. Looking back on it, I don't think she was very hopeful that I would find anyone to put up with me. So growing up, my sons always brought stuffed animals to me for surgery and if they needed cupcakes or a dish for school, it was dad on duty. I'm so glad Mom thought I was a wild-child, pain in the ass, high maintenance asshole who would never change!
Got a loooooong stem & some basket screens coming my way, BIG love to Andy & Nadia! Would have been much more but I'm no-income sack. Isn't that how you put it
@ataxian ? Did you ever get the pick? As often as you're ordering gongs and you haven't picked up a E-pic for $4? Now, you can't afford
not to get one! So very cheap on sale and so close to you, you would have it by next week. CIVILIZED!
@Hjalmark It is just another day in the hood for you &
@UnevenPizza LOL! No holiday for you! Whilst you go about the drudgery of the everyday, just know that
@Baron23 & every other Nano-loving American will be eating and drinking like Romans at the height of the Empire until falling into a food-coma watching TV, mostly parades and football (or what Americans call football!

JK, no flaming me please) on TV. Most will spend the next 3 days recovering, while the rest of us losers (yes, me too) continue with our sad little lives. I've been in Canada with my wife's family and their feast was no joke. They rolled me on the plane, nearly had to buy a row of seats to lay down because I was so full. Not really, the last part is a lie. The plane wasn't fully booked!

Talk about an EPIC derailment! Sorry, don't report me please!
Whissmu & Uneven, I bet Nadia will be around to help. I would email via site than DM, she probably checks email more than here. But you may have to reveal the secret identity of your alter-ego! *ominous organ music* to get the sort of EPIC treatment that you deserve.

I'd do it. Wait, I've done it! It's all good! Running upstairs to hit my Nano before flipping this bird! Nano onward!
EDIT: Fuck, that's a stupidly long post, sorry brethren! Wait! I'm just making it longer!