dang.. I guess I'll go with a nonavong, then. I was leaning towards getting both starting with the M, but I have bad memories of overly tight joints. Waste of weed, they were.. but I don't think I'll mind some draw restriction, mouth pulls work.
When you say this vape, you mean the M, the Omni or the VapCap family in general?
Hi @Summer , I recently also searching for the gen4 tips, have asked dynavap but they replied that they have no more old stock. And I see some photo displayed old tip in Puffitup, so I asked and purchase a Blackwood Ti-woody with gen4 7-fins tip from Puffitup, they even send me photo to confirm what I may got, really nice CS.![]()
You may try to contact them if you want that, I believe they only have few left.
dang.. I guess I'll go with a nonavong, then. I was leaning towards getting both starting with the M, but I have bad memories of overly tight joints. Waste of weed, they were.. but I don't think I'll mind some draw restriction, mouth pulls work.
Hopefully it can milk a 1ft glass piece without too much trouble?
My guess would be in the imagination of a photoshopper...
You make a good point. Vapcaps work great once you learn the technique, and while there ARE differences in tip performance, they are fairly slight once you are past gen 2 or so. Technique far and away makes the most difference.I don't deny that some among you can differentiate between the evolving tips but I worry that newcomers might be put off by so many technicalities. All VapCaps are great but it's also true that VapCaps are not for everyone. I would advise anyone curious about VapCaps to buy the entry level M and experiment, practice, practice, practice.
I haven't done this, Summer, mostly because I haven't felt the need to fuck with a good thing. However, for you, and for science, I will try that this weekend. If I remember.cg, have you ever tried putting the gen 4 on the woody & vice versa to see the impact? I'm curious. Try it & lmk.
I've only owned 3 VapCaps and they are all brilliant - the OG glass, the Omni and now the M with an extra screen to reduce the chamber size. Since I've modified the M to take a smaller load I find myself using it more than my lovely Ebony OmniVap! I really like the heft of the M in my hand and I think the vapor is, if anything, cooler and less harsh.
I'm saying this because I believe there are many, many factors which influence the degree of satisfaction someone has with any VapCap - quality of herb, grind consistency, heating technique, toking techniques.... I don't deny that some among you can differentiate between the evolving tips but I worry that newcomers might be put off by so many technicalities. All VapCaps are great but it's also true that VapCaps are not for everyone. I would advise anyone curious about VapCaps to buy the entry level M and experiment, practice, practice, practice.
(I've gotten a bit lost here - just want to keep it simple).
Probably not. I used it fine before I added the second screen and I know lots of others just chuck whatever they feel like in - a pinch of herb, a 'lil nugget, a sliver of hash wrapped in hemp...is it important to make the herb chamber smaller for smaller loads so that it stays ‘in place’ better for heating up than just putting less bud in a bigger chamber?
Hello fellow vapcats! Long time lurker, finally decided to create and account and actually contribute
I'm up to page 737, so still a bit of reading to do but I purchase the m about 2 months ago and have been in love ever since I received it. It was the grasshopper thread that initially introduced me to the vc and after reading through half this thread I decided I had to have it, since reading (most of) the second half, I've learnt a lot about how to master it. The vc even helped me fuck combustion!!
Have I mentioned how much I love reading all your posts and drooling over al your pics?
I live in Australia and no one stocks dynavap.. I've been seriously considering becoming an Aussie wholesaler of dynavap, would love my life much more than working my current office job - that's how much I love my vapcap and want the rest of Australia to catch on!
Great post, Ricardo!I’d like to ask....is it important to make the herb chamber smaller for smaller loads so that it stays ‘in place’ better for heating up than just putting less bud in a bigger chamber? If so, I’m going to move my CCD’s as well.
.is it important to make the herb chamber smaller for smaller loads so that it stays ‘in place’
My theory on smaller ground loads in the largest Ti tip bowl size (or the M's default) is that the herb tumbles around while I spin and heat, resulting in lots of herb-to-metal contact, very effective extraction. I've never had a problem, ABV comes out perfectly even. I don't know that it would matter for unground hunks of bud.
I prefer my load to tumble about. I don't grind my bud. Rather I pinch off a little nug off a flower. I like the effect. I like how it tumbles around and I like how it just falls out of the chamber when I dump the ABV.
I like all these things, but I LOVE my Vapcaps!!!
I'm amazed you really read that much. I should have done it, but I of course could not. XD
Hello fellow vapcats!
I live in Australia and no one stocks dynavap.. I've been seriously considering becoming an Aussie wholesaler of dynavap, would love my life much more than working my current office job - that's how much I love my vapcap and want the rest of Australia to catch on!