And no it's not a single groove ,but three of them.
Needs a CNC to be done.
Very difficult to machine with a turning lathe.
Perhaps I am just being a semantic nit picker.

When I see threaded in this context I see a spiral groove and ridge geometry, a screw. M 3 x 0.35 or 1/4 x 20 for example. A series of independent grooves do not thread.

Tooling wise you may very well be correct, probable are.
M in the house!!!
Cleaned - It was pretty clean, just a tiny bit of crud in the condenser.
Assembled and dry fired, it clicks.
Blazer FireFox Mini Torch works well, child resistant safety removed.
Magnetic stand, glue drying.
Science must wait till this evening.
First impressions.
No instructions. I've read the thread so I am OK but seriously, no instructions.

Fit and finish are excellent, exceptional even!
The cap is pure metal working magic.
The screen is super cool.
Draw is
way more open than a Solo even with PVHES, nice!
What I don't like.
The trademark on the stem is an abomination imo. Visually confusing noise as appealing as rust.
The trademark on the cap is nice clear and subtle as befits this jewel like item. Made in USA is small enough to live with. Why do I need two big trademarks on something the size of a cigarette.
While I am at it, the trade mark of the stash is enough to prevent me from buying one. Not subtle or classy imo. And finally if I ordered a fancy wood stem and it came with a trade mark I would scream. Imagine I would just explode or spontaneously combust in the presence of the stems with both Dynavap and Ed's Tnt trademarks.
Hats off to Dynavap, this a hell of a lot of product for the money.