Vape Donkey 650
All vape, no smoke please.
Many of us are dabbing on silicon carbide surfaces at around 515F right now. You get a much more effective hit from an enail and for several reasons but the two biggest factors are the heater surface area for your concentrates is increased and the heater is already at temp. This makes a huge difference believe it or not. But like you I have been too stubborn to believe there could be much difference from one thing I had plenty of experience with to something I thought I understood but had absolutely no experience with. Luckily I listen and read well and asked the right questions to motivate myself to try what others were saying and I learned quickly how far off I was. You tend to think a pen can substitue an enail...but if I recall you have no enail experience...

If you would simply read back one page, you would see I was just telling our new friend cody about such hardware....
Also, there is a new generation of silicon carbide dab dishes and gear, which are capable of giving you big, tasty dabs at sub-combustion temps, and being able to finish up your possible leftover melted puddle that you can't finish from the 1st hit in a second or 3rd capped-off hit that isn't all burned and nasty, due to the properties of the SiC material!
I haven't tried this gear yet, but I would love to try! It costs quite a bit more, and requires the big torch or the wall plug and cord for the e-nail coil, so it's not as portable, but many people swear by SiC now it seems!Sounds great, but I'm putting my hopes into Matt's new quartz and ceramic crucible vapes so I can keep on picking up my vape boxes + dab rigs and walk around with them during use if i want to
But it seems you are of the opinion that "all 'vape pens' are crap compared to real e-nails, and we only tolerate them until we can get back home to huff on our SiC dab rigs" .... so you would have no need to come to this thread and actually read what others have to say and learn from such lowly DT / vape pen peasants, of course.

So of course you wouldn't go back and read what I said just one page back...
Because I was just trying to poke some fun at our friend @invertedisdead, and his self-described laughably low dab temps
I dab really low temp... like to the point people laugh at me haha.
From reading inverted's past posts, I think he only currently owns / uses quartz bangers with an e-nail, and hasn't tried the SiC gear yet. He can correct me if I'm wrong on that point, but based on my own previous attempts with low-temp quartz dabbing, anything much less than 550-600F would result in a less-than-satisfactory, meager hit followed by puddles of melted oil that quickly crusts up and requires repeated capped-off hits in order to not "waste it." I think this (even lower temp) "funny-guy" low temp quartz sipping is what inverted is referring to, and I don't see why this should trigger such a snappy, defensive, off-topic response on your part?

You tend to think a pen can substitue an enail...
In the real world, many people "substitute" a "pen" or a proper box mod in place of an e-nail. Alot of people start dabbing with 'pens' and for many valid reasons, cannot or do not want to own a proper dab rig. For many dabbers, they can only achieve full satisfaction with a proper rig, and I understand that. Alot of dabbers switch their use in between the 2 methods and enjoy both.
I think you simply refuse to recognize that a 'pen' can hit hard like a proper e-nail dab rig and generate a proper cloud without burning, too.. Alot of people are hooking up high-airflow attys like the DT V3 and the Sai to large hydratubes and conventional glass rigs with adapters, and believe me, a cloud you can fetch.
You can go back and look up some of my v3 / dab rig videos I have posted, but of course you wouldn't do that, because you're a grown-ass adult and a dabbing-pro that has no time for such 'pen nonsense.' And seeing those big, tasty, low-temp V3 clouds milk up a glass cylinder might actually challenge your pre-held assumptions, so you wouldn't do that, right?

I also just prefer not changing the settings on my device's. I am a consistent and thorough person and I prefer things to be certain ways. The why is of absolutely no matter as I can assure you I am a grown ass adult who puts a lot of consideration into the alternates beforehand and I am very well aware of what I do and don't like. I dont like changing settings just as much as I hate locked doors inside my own house. I actually havr thought about getting a second device for a new Supercritical C02 pen I recieved that I have been trying out lately just because it annoys me to have to change the settings to go back and forth from the C02 cart to the DTV3ST2. Its really a simple process, but I have my preferences as I said. I would, however, imagine you could dry-fire clean the cup much faster by turning up the temperature.
So... I simply asked you why it's so hard to change the settings on your mod to get it to burn off in watts mode. I don't know what not liking locked doors in your house has to do with it.

That's fine if you don't like to mess around with the settings on your mod or explore their potential; stating that simply, without the grandstanding would have sufficed.
And you're free to under-utlize your TC mods and then wonder why they don't work so great, if you like. You're a dab pro that doesn't have time for that, I understand.
But if you did want to invest your precious time and look into it, 3rd party wares like ArcticFox has been yielding great dividends for some who bother to mess with this great tool. From the new, accurate 1C/2F temp steps, better overall TC stability, PI regulation options, ability to monitor your device real-time, and the ease of using profiles to switch between different attys seamlessly, AF has something to offer everyone who uses a TC mod and is quick & easy to install, too.
Like you, I get bothered by switching attys on a single mod, and making sure coil Ω and other settings are precisely locked in before I fire them up, and I use a ton of different attys, so that is a main reason I acquired a large fleet of TC mods, so I wouldn't say it's a bad idea if you wanted to get another mod for that reason. But since you think they're just junk anyways, and have little need for them, maybe you can try out AF and set up a couple of profiles for your attys, and then you don't even have to press a single button when swapping attys? Just as you like.

And tyvm for your informative post on the "DTV3ST2" and letting us know it can indeed be burned clean? I will definitely use this great post to contextualize your future posts.

Loving the AF firmware! Definitely an improvement over stock wismec/eleaf/joyetech TC. In PI mode it's basically idiot proof. Haven't gotten any burned or fouled taste at all after running about a half g through it without cleaning.
Back on topic...yes! That's what I was talking about!

What are the PI settings you're using now, for the large or medium donuts, with what TCR/watts? I'm curious how you guys decide on what P & I values to input based on what you see on the monitor...this would be something I'd love to learn....Also do you think you miss out on any extra tune-ability by not having "D" to play with like on the PID control on myevic? Thanks
Does anyone have good performing settings for the dry herb gen 2 with the arctic fox firmware? I was doing some searching around, and I didn't come up with much.
bizwaxzion has posted about the settings he's using with the gen 2 on the TC box mod firmware thread. Although that thread is reserved for such topics, I personally don't mind seeing it cross over here too. Would be interesting to see some more PI regulation discussion here...

Cool, I was reading an interview of the creators talking about the up-coming season, and how they were behind schedule. It must have been an old article, b/c it didn't mention the 7/30 date or show the trailer...only a week away, nice!

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