Crafty/Crafty+ by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
Now, now...

I had a ###400 s,n. At 23 months, I checked my excessive heat up time and found it was over 3 minutes to get to stage one. Sent it in on a whim and S&B replaced it. The new one lasted several months then went to the flashing lights. I complained to S&B and they replaced it. This was definitely after my 2 year warranty had expired but they did the right thing. I'm not confident they would replace it now (and I realize I misstated how long...I'm heading into 3 years with a functional Crafty, despite the mild setbacks... this unwanted T-break due to international travel is messing with me, due to shitty sleep.). Sorry for the misinformation. I still think warranty resets are ridiculous...

u were really lucky my friend i having this issue with them and although im certain that under EU Law, they are using a grey area in German Law to impose Company Policy and deny Repair or a new Replacement... A New unit has 2 year from the day of delivery!!!!! and they denied the same claim with a 13 months replacement unit with 145h... both my Crafty units went around 150h.... now i own an IQ at least i have 10year warranty... so now S&B Service Suxxx and i will never speak good of them... having good units but behaving like this doesn't suits me... not willing to buy a device that (on my hands) only last 13 months and then the sellers good bizz is to offering a new unit with a 30 euros discount..... bye


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys

So to end Warranties issues (on my part i mean), S&B didn't support my claim, for 2 years they were the best service i encounter, they replaced a dead crafty with 13months and around 150h with a new device that happens to last the same 13months and around 150h... but the honeymoon is over and now they simply are avoiding even to give me a Payed Repair Service so after a lot of emails mentioning this they never offered me one and for me, besides the other questions, this is inexcusable. SO i have a device and they won't repair it? i want to pay the repair and nothing?! they offered a 30€ discount for a new one?!

Shame on You S&B!!!!

What is the point to have the best company for 2 years and then they leave in the sh1t?! we are talking about a 250€-300USD device that if people knows this they would not buy it!!!! (im not making the same mistake twice....)
I talked about the laws in EU and when i mentioned the EU directive people got UAU, i advise myself with a friend lawyer so i know what im talking about, European Directive 1999/44/CE 25/05/1999 Art. 5, 6, 7 with every EU country should implement on their Country Laws, Portugal did it and if this happen in Portugal this would be a no issue... other like Germany left in a grey area and its here where they use their Company Policy to continue to be Dishonest. Off course i won't make a judicial case because of the money involved but would love to do it!!!
People mentioned that on their country the warranty is like S&B but i ask you this, whats the difference of getting a new device with a 2 year warranty and a replaced NEW device with only 2 months warranty left and in 3 months its broken again and they will not replaced due to warranty? is the replace device not a new device?! so why the warranty is not 2 years?! the message is for 2 year its ok im your best service friend but after this F$Ck0fF:o, in Portugal even the repair has a warranty time (6 months), and a replaced device has (because its NEW!!! god dam it), from the day of delivery another 2 years.

My conclusion is although they have a really nice device that performs really well, its not built to last more than this, come on guys who still have they original crafty working after 2 years with no problems?! they build a device to be used 1 time a day and not 3-4 times (i know maybe its a lot heheheheh) and everybody that is using almost like this has problems.... so now i will repair it using the knowledge that others in the forum showed me, hoping to have at least more 150 to reach 300h.... dam when i see people with 400h plus i get the feeling that with 2 units i owned that didn't last more than 150 each i get this feeling that i was F#ck3d so...

@Mr Mellish can you send me more info on your replacement after 2 years? i would love to confront them...
i will be anti S&B for a while maybe they will rectify their procedure or make a unit that will last, nor x years... but 500h...

all the best for crafty users but i went IQ for the 10 year warranty im not saying they are better but i got burned with S&B, the IQ performs well looks way more cool to me, didn't notice any significant difference between IQ and Crafty but thats my opinion.... i also own an evo and a Lynx for oil so i know what im saying...



Old & In the Way
Through all the vapes I have, the mighty is still my go to for a travel vape. Ease of use, no special charging cables, and damn fine performance. Cheers!

Hey, wait a minute-- that's a Crafty! Made me look closer when you said "no special charging cables."


Well-Known Member
So in an effort to maintain my Crafty, I visited a local industrial supplier.

I have an extra cooling unit from my original Crafty that needed some restoration.


Soaked in hot alcohol. Do not boil alcohol anywhere near a heating element. Fill your sink up with hot water. Get a mason jar full of alcohol with your parts all sealed up..... Boil a pot of water completely separate. Pour that boiling water into the sink to get your jar pretty fucking hot. Completely safe.

Cuts through that gunk no problem. I only use an old toothbrush occasionally to scrub. If it's maintained routinely, no scrubbing necessary at all.

Storz and Bickel has been great to me, but god damnit this is America and there's a better way.

I'm not going to get financially gouged to purchase the wear and tear kit which contains maybe 4 screens tops.

That things' nothing more than a bunch of high temperature silicone o-rings and stainless steel screens.

Our local Industrial supplier sells both, they sell the screens die cut to whatever diameter you need.

The size of the Crafty screen is a 5/8" 304 stainless steel.

If you want to really maintain the Crafty unit, keep that fussy little o-ring fresh, keep your screens clean. Clean the cooling unit often, or in my case rotate them and maintain them. You paid the big bills for the unit, get the most your portable can offer every time. And yes, it's noticeably better when it's 100% clean.



Product #9396K16 High-Temperature Silicone O-Ring, 1/16 Fractional Width, Dash Number 011, packs of 25 $3.75 pack

Product #9317T64 Corrosion-Resistant 304 Stainless Steel Wire Cloth Disc, 60 x 60 Mesh, 5/8" Diameter, .0075" Wire Diameter, packs of 25 $8.10 pack

Product #9317T63 Corrosion-Resistant 304 Stainless Steel Wire Cloth Disc, 40 x 40 Mesh, 5/8" Diameter, .010" Wire Diameter, packs of 25 $8.10 pack

That will replace your top screens, and finer bottom screens, as well as that shitty little o-ring that always fails. Oh well, 3.75 for a pack of 25.

Enjoy having a brand spanking new crafty every day motha fuckas. On the cheap.

Hi there,

I'm planning to make the screens a disposable element in my Crafty and Alternate.

Would this be a good choice?

I don't have a problem with cutting them but they don't seem that fine. I would like to keep replacing both the CU and the bottom screens with fine ones similar to the bottom stock one. I cleaned behind the bottom screen of my Crafty after 30 hrs and it was disgusting. Lots of gunk and I couldn't even see the holes when the screen was on.

These seem finer:;searl|1926790166

I'm looking for a big pack of screens so I can change them constantly. I live in Peru so Free International Shipping is a must.

Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
So in an effort to maintain my Crafty, I visited a local industrial supplier.

I have an extra cooling unit from my original Crafty that needed some restoration.


Soaked in hot alcohol. Do not boil alcohol anywhere near a heating element. Fill your sink up with hot water. Get a mason jar full of alcohol with your parts all sealed up..... Boil a pot of water completely separate. Pour that boiling water into the sink to get your jar pretty fucking hot. Completely safe.

Cuts through that gunk no problem. I only use an old toothbrush occasionally to scrub. If it's maintained routinely, no scrubbing necessary at all.

Storz and Bickel has been great to me, but god damnit this is America and there's a better way.

I'm not going to get financially gouged to purchase the wear and tear kit which contains maybe 4 screens tops.

That things' nothing more than a bunch of high temperature silicone o-rings and stainless steel screens.

Our local Industrial supplier sells both, they sell the screens die cut to whatever diameter you need.

The size of the Crafty screen is a 5/8" 304 stainless steel.

If you want to really maintain the Crafty unit, keep that fussy little o-ring fresh, keep your screens clean. Clean the cooling unit often, or in my case rotate them and maintain them. You paid the big bills for the unit, get the most your portable can offer every time. And yes, it's noticeably better when it's 100% clean.



Product #9396K16 High-Temperature Silicone O-Ring, 1/16 Fractional Width, Dash Number 011, packs of 25 $3.75 pack

Product #9317T64 Corrosion-Resistant 304 Stainless Steel Wire Cloth Disc, 60 x 60 Mesh, 5/8" Diameter, .0075" Wire Diameter, packs of 25 $8.10 pack

Product #9317T63 Corrosion-Resistant 304 Stainless Steel Wire Cloth Disc, 40 x 40 Mesh, 5/8" Diameter, .010" Wire Diameter, packs of 25 $8.10 pack

That will replace your top screens, and finer bottom screens, as well as that shitty little o-ring that always fails. Oh well, 3.75 for a pack of 25.

Enjoy having a brand spanking new crafty every day motha fuckas. On the cheap.

Hi there,

I'm planning to make the screens a disposable element in my Crafty and Alternate.

Would this be a good choice?

I don't have a problem with cutting them but they don't seem that fine. I would like to keep replacing both the CU and the bottom screens with fine ones similar to the bottom stock one. I cleaned behind the bottom screen of my Crafty after 30 hrs and it was disgusting. Lots of gunk and I couldn't even see the holes when the screen was on.

These seem finer:;searl|1926790166

I'm looking for a big pack of screens so I can change them constanly. I live in Peru so Free International Shipping is a must.

Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I'm so sorry for the double post I thought the first one just was sent as a reply. Noob mistake.
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Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
Maybe look for 15mm diameter screens, that's the original size - hand cutting will be hard to get perfect.
But in general the screens can last a long time with iso soaking and reflattening with some pliers
Flower of empathy,


New Member
Hi all, new to the forum...

Bought my first crafty in February this year, firmware 2.10.
By 80hrs the unit began to fail - first the vibration failed, then by 90hrs the unit would not take charge at all.

I returned the unit to Ausvapes, and it was replaced no questions asked.
The new unit is firmware 2.52, and there is a noticeable difference in performance. Heat up time to 180 is only 1m20secs, and I get four full bowls in with charge left over.

Thanks to all the members for your info, some nice mods here. Can only hope this new vape makes it past 90hrs, as I really love the crafty when it works.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, new to the forum...

Bought my first crafty in February this year, firmware 2.10.
By 80hrs the unit began to fail - first the vibration failed, then by 90hrs the unit would not take charge at all.

I returned the unit to Ausvapes, and it was replaced no questions asked.
The new unit is firmware 2.52, and there is a noticeable difference in performance. Heat up time to 180 is only 1m20secs, and I get four full bowls in with charge left over.

Thanks to all the members for your info, some nice mods here. Can only hope this new vape makes it past 90hrs, as I really love the crafty when it works.

Hi mate

Just enjoy your 2 years warranty... everything works like really well in that period... but after that you will feel the German BS...

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
Version 3 :)
It was fun, interesting and challenging project to work on and now my Crafty is pretty mighty :)

In case it is not obvious - I've added small display that shows temperature, battery level and some other info. :)


Did the display impact battery life much?
Mr. Me2,


Well-Known Member
Version 3 :)
It was fun, interesting and challenging project to work on and now my Crafty is pretty mighty :)

In case it is not obvious - I've added small display that shows temperature, battery level and some other info. :)



inconspicuous, informative, ingenious !

Markus should hire you (after he denies your warranty request)
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New Member
Nice work Alex! I don't think I'd bother with the display but the interchangeable battery would be grand.


Well-Known Member
Version 3 :)
It was fun, interesting and challenging project to work on and now my Crafty is pretty mighty :)

In case it is not obvious - I've added small display that shows temperature, battery level and some other info. :)


UAU mate thats a really nice work u did!!!
got a crafty with a red/yellow light i need to fix to bring back to life, do you have any advice? after seeing your work i think u could help me....
Thx in advance


Well-Known Member
UAU mate thats a really nice work u did!!!
got a crafty with a red/yellow light i need to fix to bring back to life, do you have any advice? after seeing your work i think u could help me....
Thx in advance

Thanks for the feedback! Unfortunately I don't know what red/yellow light means.


New Member
I have no idea how to write on this forum i just want to say that I bought a crafty 6/20/16 and it didn't get hot enough 14 months later... i sent it in to storz n bickel not only did they replace it with a brand spanking new unit; they didn't even charge for me to ship it to them AND didn't charge me to have them ship it back.. I was without my very needed crafty for less then 10 days!
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Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
I have no idea how to write on this forum i just want to say that I bought a crafty 6/20/16 and it didn't get hot enough 14 months later... i sent it in to storz n bickel not only did they replace it with a brand spanking new unit; they didn't even charge for me to ship it to them AND didn't charge me to have them ship it back.. I was without my very needed crafty for less then 10 days!
Your writing is perfect, and welcome to FC!


New Member
I'd be interested to know what firmware version the newest units are running. My recent replacement unit is running v2.52, which is much newer than the first unit I bought. It seems to have better battery life, and takes a little longer to charge.
The annoying part is a new vibration pattern for the timeout feature, which I think is totally unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
I have a warranty return on the way to me that I assume will be a new unit so I will update when it arrives mid week.

I'd be interested to know what firmware version the newest units are running. My recent replacement unit is running v2.52, which is much newer than the first unit I bought. It seems to have better battery life, and takes a little longer to charge.
The annoying part is a new vibration pattern for the timeout feature, which I think is totally unnecessary.
So...apparently our beloved Crafty is now being shipped with 20% MORE BATTERY POWER!!!


Well-Known Member
My out of warranty Crafty even with 4 bars of battery heats up you take a couple of puffs, and then it turns off showing that there is no more battery power left, the blue flashing lights. 122 hours on this one.
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