go for artJackson Fusion Pro or this. Hard decision.
Except cooling unit for me.Well I'm sold. So far it sounds like a vaporist's wet dream come to life. He ticked almost every box that many FCers often want.
You don't buy at least one high end vape per year?Why still micro USB instead of USB Type C?
Especially for a dive in this price range. Iwould belive that most of the potential buyers own actual top smartphone, which mostly make use of Type C.
And normally you do not buy a new top end vape every year, so it should more future safe!
Just my opinion, anyone also think so?
And yeah, I think it is ugly as hell. But seems to perform godlike, feature set is pretty complete (except Type C for me)
Hopefully it works that good! It says something for him to top the mighty/crafty that quick on his listWith that chrome-like finish it reminds me of a 1950's sci-fi movie prop...LOL!
"Ok everyone...set your vaporizers to STUN!"