Doktor Dub
Well-Known Member
I think what doktor dub is saying is that a smaller narrower bowl will allow for micros, yet yield thicker denser vapour, at even lower temps.
+1000 Thats exactly what i wanted to say but didn t get out - thanks

I think what doktor dub is saying is that a smaller narrower bowl will allow for micros, yet yield thicker denser vapour, at even lower temps.
And here is one after cleaning:
As you can see i can't get it 100% clean, the yellow is pretty much baked on at this point.
This is after 2 soaks in PBW and 1 alcohol scrub with a toothbrush.
I don't mind, but if you are the kinda guy who obsesses on clean glass you are going to have to keep things super clean! Cause once it is baked in good luck getting it out.
(i do put around 2gr a day through it, and usually clean the bowl every 2 to 4 weeks, so it might be my fault for using it a lot and not cleaning it more often).
Loving the colour of the Ti bit though!
@Doktor Dub The Omnivape is probably the best vape you can get as a microdoser. The Ti is the complete opposite of it. What it does best are huge bowls and huge clouds.
Also there is no need for a "micro dosing" head, just stick anything on the screen and vape it.
still havent received my tracking D:
Also, would this work as a heat injector stand?
Also @MrMonss I will get a picture of my whole set-up once received! I will be testing the TI vs sublimator Apollo vs NV Flowerpot.
Anyone have any test's they would like for me to run comparing these 3 vapes?
And here is one after cleaning:
As you can see i can't get it 100% clean, the yellow is pretty much baked on at this point.
This is after 2 soaks in PBW and 1 alcohol scrub with a toothbrush.
I don't mind, but if you are the kinda guy who obsesses on clean glass you are going to have to keep things super clean! Cause once it is baked in good luck getting it out.
(i do put around 2gr a day through it, and usually clean the bowl every 2 to 4 weeks, so it might be my fault for using it a lot and not cleaning it more often).
Loving the colour of the Ti bit though!
@Doktor Dub The Omnivape is probably the best vape you can get as a microdoser. The Ti is the complete opposite of it. What it does best are huge bowls and huge clouds.
Also there is no need for a "micro dosing" head, just stick anything on the screen and vape it.
Could you also compare it to the EVO? I almost went for one before getting the Ti!
Just a quick shot of both bowls!
As you can see the 18.8mm already collects a bit of goop underneath the screen, this is after 2 or 3 weeks without a clean (daily use, multiple times a day). I don't find it too bad, and i can easily go a month without cleaning the bowl or screen.
The 14.5mm on the other hand has a much stronger taper, and would get just as dirty in a fraction of the time. It is much cleaner in this picture, but it was only used once or twice. I only use it with my "special occasion glass" my daily driver is 18,8mm.
Airflow wise, they are the same. The injector is the first in the chain and it only has two 4mm holes to provide air intake. I am no scientist, but i think the airflow will always be limited by it's more restricted point.
If you asked him for a smaller bowl, I think he might well laugh at the idea!
still havent received my tracking D:
And to keep it clean every day or two ideally you need two in a rotation!
@SoDelicious did you get your tracking number from DHL yet? Maybe yours is going with Canada Post? I received a bill from DHL for duties/brokerage fees/customs for $71cdn... not too bad, not sure if them sending standard post and canada post would change things, but a small price to pay for the deal I received.
Should have it on wednesday! Praying it arrives all intact and in one piece! lol
Thanks for taking care, @Hogni ,i appreciate it very much.
Omni is already in my Hands, will post about it in the Dynavap Thread. VDNM don t have the Omi right now and i couldn t wait any longer, needed a new Toy.
- Vaposhops FC Discount helped :-)
I will definetly wait with the Herborizer, would be nice to get a good discount and i think i want the complete Bubbler Package.
Have a great Day, i m already waiting for the end of working day......
They are both the same perc, so what you are asking is basically 14.5 vs 18.8mm...
Just go back one page, all the info about that is there.
Personally i think this is far to much percolation and far to much air space for vapour.
I'm with @Carlos8400 ...I had a matrix Ion and found it stripped away a ton of flavor from the vapor. Was amazing for smoking, but I've never gone back to a perc like that for vaping. I now shoot for the lowest diffusion possible, and I stay away from chuggers for personal preference.
I just scored a Mobius Nuc to cool my Herborizer. I have a nice dropdown and use the setting of 6. Great flavor, massive clouds that you cannot feel building in your lungs until they max out. I agree that an Ion would be too much barrel and too much perc. The Nuc being much smaller in volume is the perfect water piece for me. Glad to post a photo if that will help you off of the fence........
VDM dont have the bubbler kit either, just the 2 systems (14 & 18).
So Lacentrale may be the best deal still. Keep us all posted whatever you decide and good luck!