Hi everyone. I received my package from Lacentrale today, as I was expecting. These guys are so cool- laid back friendly people also teriffic businessmen!
Some of the most professional packaging I have ever seen- I aint even gonna try and fit everything back in the box now, Im no good at that shit!
Now I really dont want to make anybody jealous, but I believe I may go down in Herborizer history for getting the best deal ever!
I received this email from them last week:
"Short email to let you know that we received yesterday our Herborizer order and have been able to ship your order
We did what you asked btw and put as a gift, then it's out of our hand, I'm crossing fingers here because it's the first time and we cound not put any invoice as it's a gift.
The shipping number you received is with DHL, you should received the package early to mid next week.
If you need any help please let us know, we will be more than happy to assist you.
Again we thank you for your trust and patience with this order.
Wishing you a great weekend.
With warm regards,
I presumed the gift was an extra power plug. I didnt get the original emails from them thanks to spam. They emailed me 2 weeks ago saying they had ordered me the UK power plug, and could I confirm this is my preference.
I found the messge in spam the day before shipment. So I replied saying I would have been happy enough with the EU power plug- so easy to adapt, and in case I ever sell it on to a european one day. But UK power plug is perfect anyway thankyou.
So I thought they had included an EU power plug as the free gift on top. I only received the UK power plug which is fine. But here is what I found inside my box, besides the bubbler of course:
They included the enail attachment for free!

I think they might have got me mixed up with somebody who may have inquired about the availability of the enail piece. Im not sure if it was available when I ordered? It is now I just checked.
So I got the FULL package delivered for only €290, £253!
Is that a DEAL or what (
As you see in my photo, they also threw in a few extra goodies- the little storage container, plus a sunglasses type case with sweeties (which I wont be able to eat but no complaint there), plus some damiana.
Im slightly speechless, also feel a bit guilty. I have no experience with or access to concentrates so I dont expect to use it any time soon, but-you never know! As the spirits whisper to Kevin Costner in the "Field of dreams" movie- "If you build it, they will come!"
@Doktor Dub , I think you may be correct that Vaposhop is offering you the best deao now, I believe they are free shipping?
From Lacentrale, with the enail included is now €357.50. Plus €15 shipping, so €365 is slightly better, and still not a mile from my great bargain at €290.
Wow guys, got to love Lacentrale!

One complaint only- no free croissants!