I do not know about your questions but from what I see holes are wider than first pictures (not the tiny round holes like air and solo 1)
yes, the holes are wider than solo 1
Have you tried heating up the unit and realigning the o'ring while inserting a stem?
no, I have not tried to inserting some stem, because I would want resolve to remove the small shaving from the ring, and also I did not open all the package.
Thanks, I don't know if the ring can be realigned in this way, but could be an attempt.
Welcome to FC!
If Arizer says it is supposed to be that way and removing the shrapenal is no issue I say you try putting the stems in and see if it's secure. If so ... no problem right?
Again ... welcome to the forum

Thank you for the welcome !
I agree that if Arizer say that, I should not have any problems, only for my concern I would like that they could inspect them.
But if I was sure that also the misalignment I see in the chamber/ring block is normal, I could try to remove the small shaving myself.
Thanks again :-)
So, while I don't have one (yet.....),
this definitely looks like the top of the Air oven, not the original Solo (which makes sense from a cost savings alone I think). Not to mention the 'tighter stem' that folks 'demanded' on Air. To have put a seal looser than Air (like the Solo I) would have been a serious PR mistake I think? If the piece you're concerned about is the upper piece, which is a lighter color than the 3 ribs below it, this is quite normal based on Air experience. That material should be quite soft, compared with the ribs below? And you can probably move it around a bit even with the top on, it's the way it's intended. It won't necessarily line up with the whole in the top, even when the stem is installed. Not to worry.
This is the Air oven, disassembled (not recommended, nothing to gain and tiny screws to strip out....):
The offending cover is at the bottom. The nut above it threads onto the white body to the left. That nut carries the 3 ribs that actually seal the stem, the ones you feel inserting the stem. Next the heat shield (silver part) goes over the cap and oven and is secured by bitty self threading screws. Finally the cover is snapped over a lip on the nut where it fits fairly loosely.
Guys were upset that things didn't seem centered when Air first came out, turned out to be for naught. If your concern is the same thing, for the same part, I suggest you take Arizer at their word, pluck out the loose bit and enjoy your new vape.
I would also not be worried about tiny scraps that might get away into the works, the material is rated for safe service at the maximum temperature possible, it's not likely to cause any more problems than the ABV that will eventually collect down there anyway?
Regards and best wishes with your new vape, it seems to be a good one.
Now that I see your Air, yes, also I think that the top of the oven are almost the same or just the same, and also I agree about the "tighter stem".
Yes, my concern is that the whole oven block (chamber+ribs+lid) is not well centered, it seems to me misaligned.
But I don't understand if the problem of misalignment is on the upper piece that you say or on the ribs/ring below it.
Anyway now that I see how the oven's block was made, and looking again at my device, maybe the problem I see is just that you tell me.
Now, because Arizer says that "the brace ring inside the unit is supposed to be aligned slightly off center -- this is part of how it works."
I think that every device with this oven should be in this way, not well centered, just as you say when the Air come out.
Because you say :
"you can probably move it around a bit even with the top on, it's the way it's intended. It won't necessarily line up with the whole in the top"
I would like to understand if it's something that can be get better or if it's better to leave as it is.
Maybe if someone else could make some photos of the alignment in his device, this could remove all doubts about it.
Then, actually I worry a little about tiny scraps that might get away into the works, because the original glass holes in the stems are rather big and could pass something.
Thank you very much for your explanation.