The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Wow, you guys have more fortitude than I. I'm doing a whopping 2 day long t-break starting today. Im doing it for many reasons, one of them being tolerance. Even consuming 0.03-0.05 per day is starting to give me that dreaded "this session isnt really getting me high" feeling. This past Sunday i hung out with a buddy, used 3x more than I normally do in a day, and I sadly brought myself to the phenomenon I call "smoking myself sober" - vaping so much weed in a day that its impossible to get higher and instead I actually get kind of sober from those last hits and last session. Such a crappy feeling. This is where potheads turn to concentrates to get the stimulation that overusing flowers wrecks, and I am so not going that direction. T-break is the way to go, not the opposite.
So this break is facilitated by the fact that Im very busy the next 2 days, leaving home early in the AM and not getting home until 11pm which is bedtime, leaving no opportunity to sit idle and pull out the vape. I feel grateful that I dont experience adverse effects when abstaining. My last break was 11 days long and nothing significant happened, bad or was actually pretty easy.
A bigger concern I have is that I use this forum as an accessory to help me deal with the abstinence, the forum is like a little addiction on its on here alot when really I should be working towards my goals. Going on FC and looking at vape review videos on youtube might be harder for me to abstain from than the herb..
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Even consuming 0.03 per day is leaving me with that dreaded "this session isnt really getting me high" feeling. And this past Sunday i hung out with a buddy, used over twice as much as I normally do, and I brought myself to the phenomenon I call "smoking myself sober" - vaping so much weed in a day that its imppssible to get higher and I actually get kind of sober from it instead.

Although I know exactly what it's like to vape yourself sober, i'm quite surprised to hear that .03g daily is causing tolerance? WOW! So just over .05g and that's too much? You sound like @lwien ! Goes to show how important tolerance is whether you vape .05g/day or 2g/day!

My only suggestion would be to not vape back to back days, otherwise you need to UP your dosage! :2c:

Being busy is hugely beneficial for getting through it, but could backfire at night if you have sleeping issues.


.05 is one bowl in my Vapcap.
.03 for one day is a tiny dose, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see ones tolerance rise with such a small dose unless you only vaporize once a day.
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Well-Known Member
Although I know exactly what it's like to vape yourself sober, i'm quite surprised to hear that .03g daily is causing tolerance? WOW! So just over .05g and that's too much? You sound like @lwien ! Goes to show how important tolerance is whether you vape .05g/day or 2g/day!

My only suggestion would be to not vape back to back days, otherwise you need to UP your dosage! :2c:

Being busy is hugely beneficial for getting through it, but could backfire at night if you have sleeping issues.
On 1 hand, Ive been doing good. Since my 11 day break Ive returned closer to how it was in the good ol days (2005-2009) when 1 hit at the end of the day was enough to satisfy me. On the other hand, its a slippery slope and I still have moments where I do just a little too much and then I feel strung out on weed, and I just feel like its making me stupid and mentally foggy. I just need to give my body and brain a break again.


Well-Known Member
.05 is one bowl in my Vapcap.
.03 for one day is a tiny dose, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see ones tolerance rise with such a small dose unless you only vaporize once a day.
Everyone processes it differently, whats tiny for one person may not be for another. Yes some think Im a lightweight, but Im a heavyweight compared to a few people I know.
As an almost daily weed consumer of over 15 years I know myself really well now, and Ive identified what is and isnt too much and what constitutes a necessary t-break for me and what doesnt. .05 in my Vapcap takes me either 1 or 2 sessions to finish and I feel the effects for the rest of the day, even if the high wears off. there are many influencing factors, but for the most part I stopped using weed early in the day because i feel like it makes me stupid and I should only be stupid at the end of the day after getting all my shit done, lol. I also dont like coming down at 2 in the afternoon. id rather be sober. I load an e-vape with 0.15 and it lasts me 3 days. Yes, ive used much, much more than 0.05 in a day, ive done lots of trial and error over the years, gone overboard, and I dont like how overuse makes me feel. Im not a "gotta be high every waking moment" type user like some friends I know, ive tried it and tried using it 5 times in a day and I honestly hated it. Doing more isnt the answer for me and believe me, ive tried - at a certain point it just makes me feel sober again, but with a foggy brain and thats the worst feeling ever, lol.
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Yes some think Im a lightweight, but Im a heavyweight compared to a few people I know.

What do they vape? A rice sized crumb? :lol:

In all seriousness though, thank you for your post, it's an eye opener and very motivating for me to keep my usage down. I can only imagine what it would be like to get lit from only one hit, instead of multiples.

Also definitely agree with you about getting shit done and waiting until later in the day. Because anything after the first sesh, is just chasing the first high which can't be replicated without time.

I still am in awe with such light use, but I feel we are going for different effects. I need full on blazed baked feeling, or I don't bother. When you say you stop feeling high after a little while, but still feel some effects, I don't like that feeling, which is why I re-up!


Well-Known Member
What do they vape? A rice sized crumb? :lol:

In all seriousness though, thank you for your post, it's an eye opener and very motivating for me to keep my usage down. I can only imagine what it would be like to get lit from only one hit, instead of multiples.

Also definitely agree with you about getting shit done and waiting until later in the day. Because anything after the first sesh, is just chasing the first high which can't be replicated without time.

I still am in awe with such light use, but I feel we are going for different effects. I need full on blazed baked feeling, or I don't bother. When you say you stop feeling high after a little while, but still feel some effects, I don't like that feeling, which is why I re-up!
And thats the thing, im in awe over the heavy use of some people I know, and countless times back in the day I was right there with them --- me and 2 guys burning two 1-gram blunts in an hour, or hitting multiple wax covered 0.3 flower loads in just a few hours, coughing up a lung after every hit, believe me, ive been there and I know I dont like it because ive done it. I dont miss it one bit. You know its a waste of weed when you take your 20th hit and you feel more sober than you did 20 minutes prior :0
Or the best was after hanging out with them, I would go home and try to have a solo session a few hours later...LOL, talk about feeling no effect. That was always a great way for me to feel like shit about myself.
It was only when I would take breaks / drastically cut usage that I would use it after the break and think to myself "now this is how it should be, this is why I originally loved getting high back when I was a teen.."
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Damn bro, you have been where I am now, but fack my life...i've been here before too, WTF can't I learn my lesson ever?! It's like having unlimited access to incredible meds and vaporizers is my biggest downfall. And my medical conditions don't help either.

Again, appreciate hearing from someone that "has been there" and huge respect for taking the measures to change your habits for the better. Not many do, and end up living in denial dependent on it, without as much therapeutic value as they could have.

What I don't get are those people who overdo it, vape all day long, yet still get high all the time!


Well-Known Member
I really feel for you though, you're going through some heavy duty physical shit that I didn't think was possible just from THC use. I never felt like I had to take any difficult measures to reduce my usage, but you definitely are, and its very humbling for me to read about. I feel very fortunate that I could stop for a month right now and not experience any adverse effects except for, well, not being high. I need to take your advice on the not vaping back to back days. That would hard for me but only mentally. Physically it's a walk in the park, no issues with that at all. So I've got much respect for you and what you're doing and the courage it takes.
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Thank you so much, I do appreciate your kind words and motivation. It may be much harder for me due to mental health issues, especially with the insomnia (my only real problem). So I think it's due to being bipolar (maybe), but then I read about withdrawals on other forums, and insomnia is the most common denominator. It's like I can't sleep deep now....i mean, it's weird, i'm like 1/2 asleep..... i'm sleeping, but fully aware of nocturnal erections (giggity!)

If it wasn't for having to test clean in a month or two, i'd be micro dosing today just for some damn relief!

Today is my worst feeling day yet on day 12. However, still a cakewalk compared to the past. I've seen other people report this as well, stating things like WTF are they putting in this stuff, i've quit for 3 months before without any issues, but now it's insanely difficult.

I'm guessing it's the chemicals and fertilizers....because i'm using a completely different source this time compared to past withdrawals. This is why now more than ever I want to secure a nice clean safe source.

I have some outdoor organic Vanilla Haze on its way! Just presently processing and storing all my surplus in glass jars with boveda packs, etc. Oh the heavenly scents! Especially the outdoor C-weed, and indoor alaskan thunderfuck and east coast sour diesel!

I love cannabis WAY too much! I'm an enthusiast! My favourite hobby of all, next to sex! :brow:


Well-Known Member
You know its a waste of weed when you take your 20th hit and you feel more sober than you did 20 minutes prior :0
Or the best was after hanging out with them, I would go home and try to have a solo session a few hours later...LOL, talk about feeling no effect. That was always a great way for me to feel like shit about myself.

Wise words. I only vape on my own these days, or if I'm vaping with friends I bow out after the 1st bowl. It's hard at first, but otherwise my tolerance becomes wrecked for no reason.

It was only when I would take breaks / drastically cut usage that I would use it after the break and think to myself "now this is how it should be, this is why I originally loved getting high back when I was a teen..

When I've taken breaks with the intent to get that first time feeling I always end up getting less of a "satisfaction" feeling and more euphoria and inebriation. I honestly find it overwhelming. I think I like the grounding aspect of using weed regularly, versus the extreme high I used to get as a teen.

Before I really understood this about myself I used to go through cycles where I'd smoke too much, take a t break, start smoking again in moderation, then slowly let my tolerance creep up until i needed a t break again. Throughout this cycle I never felt satisfied. During my t breaks I wanted to smoke. When I'd break my t breaks I'd way over do it, and then in my times of moderate use I'd always be chasing the extreme high I got right when I broke my t break.

Now I approach weed differently. The goal is not inebriation, but satisfaction and enjoyment. If I want to get inebriated I know that I need to take a t break followed by infrequent usage. The key (for me) to enjoying regular, frequent weed usage is small serving sizes, and to avoid chain vaping.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much, I do appreciate your kind words and motivation. It may be much harder for me due to mental health issues, especially with the insomnia (my only real problem). So I think it's due to being bipolar (maybe), but then I read about withdrawals on other forums, and insomnia is the most common denominator. It's like I can't sleep deep now....i mean, it's weird, i'm like 1/2 asleep..... i'm sleeping, but fully aware of nocturnal erections (giggity!)

If it wasn't for having to test clean in a month or two, i'd be micro dosing today just for some damn relief!

Today is my worst feeling day yet on day 12. However, still a cakewalk compared to the past. I've seen other people report this as well, stating things like WTF are they putting in this stuff, i've quit for 3 months before without any issues, but now it's insanely difficult.

I'm guessing it's the chemicals and fertilizers....because i'm using a completely different source this time compared to past withdrawals. This is why now more than ever I want to secure a nice clean safe source.

I have some outdoor organic Vanilla Haze on its way! Just presently processing and storing all my surplus in glass jars with boveda packs, etc. Oh the heavenly scents! Especially the outdoor C-weed, and indoor alaskan thunderfuck and east coast sour diesel!

I love cannabis WAY too much! I'm an enthusiast! My favourite hobby of all, next to sex! :brow:
Wow, that must be rough having it all there right in front of you and not being able to do it, yeah? I would think it would be easier if you had nothing in your possession, but then again, maybe not? Perhaps the physical companionship actually makes it easier to abstain? Like having a pet but instead of a dog or cat, you have weed? Lol.
Do you have any rough idea of when it's going to get easier instead of harder? The physically excruciating aspect of your break is not something I can comprehend, I've never come close to having to deal with something like that. It makes me realize that whatever little t-break I need to take is a walk in the park and I need to view it like that and stop whining about it to myself.


Wow, that must be rough having it all there right in front of you and not being able to do it, yeah? I would think it would be easier if you had nothing in your possession, but then again, maybe not? Perhaps the physical companionship actually makes it easier to abstain? Like having a pet but instead of a dog or cat, you have weed? Lol.

Having it is a non-issue, once I set my mind to something it's easy. I can open smell and gaze with delight, but know I simply cannot. I do have a girlfriend and 10 month old puppy, so it helps! She's not going through withdrawals other than restless sleep and REM rebound, then again she hasn't used and abused like I have, ever. Time, amount consumed, age, physical condition, mind many variables.

Do you have any rough idea of when it's going to get easier instead of harder? The physically excruciating aspect of your break is not something I can comprehend, I've never come close to having to deal with something like that. It makes me realize that whatever little t-break I need to take is a walk in the park and I need to view it like that and stop whining about it to myself.

If you look at withdrawal even in general, or quitting a apparently takes about 3-4 weeks. The key is to replace the bad habit with something more positive. I'm an athlete, and love working out in the gym second to only weed and sex (giggity!) lol However, with my fatigue (extreme) I can't do that (yet). Today I won't even leave the house. I usually feel great after about 6 weeks, and can't really tell you after that, because i've never lasted more than 7weeks thinking I have it licked, and then WHAM right back into the trap. .05g feels like a bomb but it never lasts and usage creeps up to old levels. This is where I NEED to be mindful the most. I took a LONG TIME for me to even buy a scale. Now I will ALWAYS use it.

You're lucky if you haven't visited hell, but at the same time I am also a walk in the park compared to some of the stories i've read about on the Uncommonforum. I can't imagine what it would be like to consume 5-10g/day just as some can't fathom how I did 1-2g/day.

My goal when I return will be micros, I thought .5g/day would be my limit, but now I realize this is much too high. But now i'm thinking even .25g/day will be too high! I can't believe you micro dosers!

Thanks for keeping this thread alive fellas! :rockon:
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.25g a day is definitely still micro dosing to me. That's a .05 load every couple hours. I think it's pretty reasonable. If you can go 4 hours between dosing I think that would be ideal. Learning to appreciate the full spectrum again and not just constantly topping off.
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Well-Known Member
I have been able to take breaks when all was going fairly well with my work situation, I had long periods of weekend only, but with my current deplorable job, I find I do find much comfort in the daily inclusions of cannabis or hashish, in edibles or vapo. It's possible I can work to overcome this, but for me this is hard. I have an abusive boss, who will talk to you in such a degrading and demeaning way that you wish only to punch his face or to walk out. But I can't walk out without another job. Some people have done this btw. So in this scenario, and its also the manner of the work is very stupid as he is. THe re is a lot of doing nothing logical because he says so. Reports that have never been right and can never be right for example. THe challenge is there for me to overcome this, and I would like to see how it is without Cannabis, I do have this project in mind.
Hey I have had similar experience. My last job was temp contract call centre and was bearable apart from moronic and rude 'line manager' who managed to toxicity the whole setup.

I was in weekend only smoking /vaping just on to and sat and not on sun for most part apart from when bossy boots made me so angry I couldn't sleep and had to have herb!

Unemployment has meant more herb but I try to keep two days free - if I only go one day free in a week then it is a problem. I also sometimes manage three or four days off if I'm in a good mood and occupied.

I got till one in the morning last night before money stress led to me getting high and tipsy on whisky.

Yoga helps and I think microdosing makes things better - hopefully when I get vapcap I will be on lower dose as pax 2 is a guzzler.
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I think the all-day-long approach from morning until night is no longer going to be in my life, ever again. Way too many side effects for this biohacker!

It's probably for the best if one can minimize dosing, though for some medical conditions it's probably not realistic. For mental health conditions I believe some may need all day effect; it's just more critical to control dosage going that route.


Well-Known Member
I definitely see myself as a light to moderate user. I am actually one of those people Biohacker, who can get repeatedly canned off of the same amount daily, be it half a gram, or a gram (in past), without tolerance seeming to rise too much.
However, I would feel hard done by if I didnt have at least 0.3 grams as a daily allowance.
0.5 to 0.7 grams would see me right, any day of the week. And Im sure I would be happy with less on some days. But this is just me.

It also depends on the vape itself. 0.3 grams in the vapcap is actually plenty for me to get nicely stoned twice and be satisfied around the clock.

But If I load 0.3 grams into the Herborizer, unless it is right at the end of the day, it wont be enough to make the whole thing worthwhile.


One thing I need to mention as I think it's an important variable is temperature. I'm a HIGH TEMP vaporist, my favourite temp is 200c-210c, and back in the day i'd ride the edge of combustion constantly. Perhaps this is why my past withdrawals have been so hard?

The worst withdrawals were back in my combustion days. Perhaps my high temp vaping was releasing benzene or other nasties and that's what was giving me such a hard time.

Ever since i switched to temp governed vapes like the mighty, crafty, grasshopper, with caps of 210c, perhaps I haven't been breathing in those nasties.

Additionally, convection vs conduction....? Conduction perhaps releases some nasties though pyrolysis?

Just more stuff to ponder...

It's probably for the best if one can minimize dosing, though for some medical conditions it's probably not realistic. For mental health conditions I believe some may need all day effect; it's just more critical to control dosage going that route.

VERY good point, and as mental health patient myself, I retract what I said! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have consumed MJ, at various levels and frequency, since I was 14 and I'm now 64. NOW I vape at night, about 1/2 hour before bedtime, for pain and to get sleep which is difficult due to the pain and idiosyncrasies of my surgically repaired back.

I don't want what most think of as a micro-dose and I don't want mild effects. I want to knock myself the f*ck out.

But still, I am trying to keep my tolerance down and keep to .1 - .2 grams per night.

Went to see family and had a three day t-break as a result. No issues, felt fine except for sleep and that's why I vape.

edited: P.S. - eh, in the interest of honesty and accuracy, its probably more like .15 - .25 a night.

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Got about 5 hours last night....still super fragmented and "half awake" at times. But not too bad overall, still sweating for the first part of the night, but think it's getting better. The sweat stinks like pure KUSH. It's weird, girlfriend is noticing things like this as well. It's so weird, it's JUST the RIGHT armpit! For BOTH of us! lol Literally like KUSH. I guess the body is just cleansing out the metabolites. Today will be day 13!

Should be getting better over the next week or two, except for possible depression/anxiety from the accumulation of sleep loss. Tinnitus is bad.

Fucking medical system...what a joke...I shouldn't even have to be putting myself through this BS, but there are many benefits as well, so i'll take it and accept it. It's not forever.

I keep on finding new incredible sources for meds as well! Now I have access to the largest greenhouse grow facility in the world! Tweed Farms! I'm becoming a sun kissed bud snob lol

GAS? Glass A S?

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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thank you so much, I do appreciate your kind words and motivation. It may be much harder for me due to mental health issues, especially with the insomnia (my only real problem). So I think it's due to being bipolar (maybe), but then I read about withdrawals on other forums, and insomnia is the most common denominator. It's like I can't sleep deep now....i mean, it's weird, i'm like 1/2 asleep..... i'm sleeping, but fully aware of nocturnal erections (giggity!)

If it wasn't for having to test clean in a month or two, i'd be micro dosing today just for some damn relief!

Today is my worst feeling day yet on day 12. However, still a cakewalk compared to the past. I've seen other people report this as well, stating things like WTF are they putting in this stuff, i've quit for 3 months before without any issues, but now it's insanely difficult.

I'm guessing it's the chemicals and fertilizers....because i'm using a completely different source this time compared to past withdrawals. This is why now more than ever I want to secure a nice clean safe source.

I have some outdoor organic Vanilla Haze on its way! Just presently processing and storing all my surplus in glass jars with boveda packs, etc. Oh the heavenly scents! Especially the outdoor C-weed, and indoor alaskan thunderfuck and east coast sour diesel!

I love cannabis WAY too much! I'm an enthusiast! My favourite hobby of all, next to sex! :brow:
Hey man ... just wanted to chime in on the outdoor vs indoor. I know it's been mentioned before, but the main difference for me has always been the organic vs not organic. Clean, indoor buds are more potent then the outdoor ones, and I would say even cleaner, better control so better flushing etc and better control of what types of nutrients, when those nutrients are available, etc. The cleanest bud I've ever had with the most consistent long term effects were when I had an abundant supply of a few choice strains grown indoor with all these right conditions. The lights being used were also full spectrum lights good for both veg and flower so this may have had impacted the results; and the light to plant ratio was excellent being a small 1 person grow.

More important than natural light vs generated I would say would be light spectrums and organic and a consistent, quality process. (There are a lot of things a grower can do wrong :))


Exactly !!! I just went on a short t-break for about 6 days and my tolerance dropped to where I was vaping half as much as I did and getting higher. So yeah, tolerance IS important, regardless how much you vape.

Any withdrawal symptoms during the 6 days? Sleep okay?
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