almost there

Well-Known Member
I figured Dynavap knows best so I just bought the triple torch from their site. If a single torch was better I think that's what they would offer.
triple is faster and heats more evenly, overall easier to handle. Single torch requires some practice and allows for custom tweaking so you can get dense full clouds with fewer reheating cycles but will take longer to click


Vapour RebeL
Cheers guys @almost there @Derrrpp :) I had no idea that this was called a bleeding!! Good to know!! If I hadn't been bleeding my torches, they'd have probably exploded by now!! :p
I only have a single flame ones and I'll definitely put my hands on a triple one at some point.. Not that the 11-14" is a long period to wait, but quicker is always nicer...(in regard with the vaping temp of course...!!!:lol:)


taste buds
I have single, double and triple. I like them all, however the triple inline is my favorite. I use it similar to a single most of the time. One flame hits the middle of the cap and the other two over the edges. Occasionally I will use all three along the middle but I find it heats too quickly for my liking, at least first couple hits. Definitely try a bunch of different types and different styles with each one. Once you find the correct angle to attack you will be amazed!
I think this aspect of the inline triple torch is often overlooked, or at least it's not mentioned enough.

I was using it with the three jets vertically, heating the entire cap top to bottom, for months before I realized it could be used horizontally. :doh:

Using the jets sideways instead makes it function like a turbocharged single torch. You get all the precision of a single with faster heat up. With the two outside jets heating the side of the cap, it also allows for even heating with less rotation of the tip.

I've found with the single jet torches if I don't rotate well I will have an uneven extraction with some spots darker than others. It's probably my technique, because I don't use singles often. And I can get a perfectly even extraction with a single, I just have to be a lot more mindful to spin/rotate the tip. The inline triple makes it a lot easier to avoid hot spots.

I don't have a favorite torch, I'm constantly changing my mind. I think I like doubles the best overall. However, I think the inline triple is the most well rounded and versatile torch available for the VapCap. Because of its flexibility and ease of use I could recommend it to anybody, and it would be a great first torch for somebody new to VapCaps.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Hi everybody, Matt @ Dynavap here, this may be my first post but I have spent a lot of time on FC reading all that people have to say and share. I just wanted to reach out and thank everyone for making the 'M' launch so successful!

We are working very diligently to process orders while at the same time respond to the massive surge in e mails and messages. Sorry if it takes a bit for us to get back to you but I Just want to let you know that we haven't overlooked your messages.

One of the main questions we are getting is if we can add something to a customer's order or how they can do it. It's pretty simple (instructions are also included in the Order Confirmation E mail we send). You can add to your order until you get the 'shipped' message and not incur any additional shipping fees. Just make sure you are logged into your account and use the same form of payment, and the items will add into your order that is still processing. We do not keep any CC info on file, so we are unable to charge CC's. Sorry.

Also, the purple mailers are used for larger orders or if we are run out of the smaller green ones. That is the only difference. If you would like a more 'discreet' envelope than the green ones you can add a note to your order requesting it and we will see what we can do with what we have.

Again, sorry for the possible minor delays here as we work through all these e mails and orders, but rest assured, we are working as efficiently as we can.

Thank you all for your support and dedication to this wonderful community!



Definitely under a minute... I prefer the one and done approach with my single jet. The Vapcap is versatile though in that you could take it on a hike with a triple jet and enjoy a very nice session.

Tiny drop of shatter off the Storz & Bickel concentrate pad... It actually milked this tube twice but this gif site won't let me upload the whole clip.



For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
You could probably get complete a session in 3 mins with some practice.
I usually can be in and out within 2-3 mins I guess, never timed it.
I agree. I just timed one heating cycle from the moment I started to apply heat with my double torch to the moment I heard the cool down click. Less than 60 seconds overall, got two nice puffs off it during this time (first one mostly open carb, second one needs the carb closed to get the most out of what heat's left in the bowl). You could probably decrease the time further by using a triple or quad torch and blowing on the end after your hits to speed up the cool down click (or setting it on a metallic surface like a magnet or something).

Oh, and I'm quite vaped in the time it took for me to finish typing this post! :spliff:

Edit: one of the great things about the vapcap is that the sessions are as long or as short as you want. YOU DECIDE!

Edit again (for science! :science:): I just timed another hit, again from first applying heat all the way to the cooldown click. Less than 40 seconds. Same lighter, but this time got one massive hit with carb closed (and this was after I thought the bowl was pretty much spent!) and pressed the cap against the metal at the bottom of my lighter, while blowing on it to speed cooldown click.

Too vaped for further testing. I'm going to make something to eat now. :ko:

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20 going on 60
Hi everybody, Matt @ Dynavap here, this may be my first post but I have spent a lot of time on FC reading all that people have to say and share. I just wanted to reach out and thank everyone for making the 'M' launch so successful!

We are working very diligently to process orders while at the same time respond to the massive surge in e mails and messages. Sorry if it takes a bit for us to get back to you but I Just want to let you know that we haven't overlooked your messages.

One of the main questions we are getting is if we can add something to a customer's order or how they can do it. It's pretty simple (instructions are also included in the Order Confirmation E mail we send). You can add to your order until you get the 'shipped' message and not incur any additional shipping fees. Just make sure you are logged into your account and use the same form of payment, and the items will add into your order that is still processing. We do not keep any CC info on file, so we are unable to charge CC's. Sorry.

Also, the purple mailers are used for larger orders or if we are run out of the smaller green ones. That is the only difference. If you would like a more 'discreet' envelope than the green ones you can add a note to your order requesting it and we will see what we can do with what we have.

Again, sorry for the possible minor delays here as we work through all these e mails and orders, but rest assured, we are working as efficiently as we can.

Thank you all for your support and dedication to this wonderful community!


Nice to have on the Forum and in this thread Matt, welcome!

P.S. Just hit my Omni....I'm a happy customer :ko:


Where has the time gone?
I have tried to test temps of heat cycles with an ir thermometer, the cap clicks around 400°F, but the material inside seems to heat up in the following ways:

1st cycle around 325°F

2nd cycle around 360°F

3rd cycle around 380°F

4th cycle gets approximately 400-420°F(risking minor combustion and harsh taste)

Note: the temp drops rapidly however, after reaching these peaks. I wouldn't recommend touching the flame tip to the cap or going to heat cycle 4.

Thank you for this "enlightening" information :sherlock:. Helps to enjoy more the experience.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to get my M! How long does it take to smoke a full bowl? My session vaporizers are about 10 minutes.
If you're in a hurry, you could get full extraction in a minute or two. Use the dynastash magnet to help cool down the clicks, if you have one. Respect the click and you will not combust is my personal experience.
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little maggie

Well-Known Member
Looked for my M but it's not here yet. I think the advice that people are sharing for new users is important. My first one was the inexpensive glass one which I got when they first came out. I managed to actually combust the dynavap itself. Fortunately I tried again with a woody which is not really combustable and managed to learn how to use it.


Well-Known Member
M order ??

I'm ordering the M, triple torch, hemp fiber, and extra SS screens.
As a flavor chaser and micro-doser, any other parts or accessories that would enhance my vaping experience? Any "upgrades" that I'm likely to want after trying the M?

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