
Well-Known Member
"Do you guys like using a torch?"

Beats batteries since you only have to carry one torch versus several batteries. I've broken my share of cheap torches, but I treated them poorly. If you don't drop them they last a very long time.

"Do you feel like you get to the point where using a torch is really thoughtless and easy? Can you heat a VapCap while riding a bike? Can you heat a VapCap while hiking a mountain?Can you heat a VapCap while walking a dog? Can you heat a VapCap while walking a tiger? Can you heat it in bed? Can you heat it on a skilift?"

Can I heat it while riding a bike? Probably not, cause the torch would go out. While hiking a mountain? Sure. While walking a dog - yes, even a black lab who likes to pull. I don't know if tigers pull. I use it in bed all the time. You could probably use it on a skilift, but you'd need to remove your gloves, and keep the torch warm. Once heated, however, you can hold it with your mouth and hit it hands free. So if you have the time to take a quick break the vapcap is good.

"I think I know the answer but you don't have to stir right? and you get dark even ABV?"
Never had to stir. Probably the most even vaping of any device I've used.

"How quick is it to load one if these? how about unloading?"
With pre ground bud loading these takes 5 seconds. Unloading takes a bit longer since you have to wait for the cooldown click, but usually you are inhaling while the device cools. So there is very little wasted time in the session.

"Uh cleaning, how often to you have to do a full take a part and clean. and is that process pretty easy and quick?"

I clean maybe once a week, or if I combust, which is very rare. I'm

"Do you consider the price and effort needed to supply butane? or is it cheap enough to where it just isn't really something you think about? I think someone say that a can lasts them like 2 months and they cost like 10 or 15 dollars. Does that sound about right?"

Butane costs less than replacing batteries. Maybe $20 a year?

Is the Dynastash Sweet?

I don't know, dynavap ships with plastic tubes, so cheap bastards like me don't need to shell out for the dynastash.

What's your biggest negative about the VapCap, if you have one?

I hesitate to call this a negative, because it is the reason I use this device, but it is NOT designed for groups. It is designed to be a 1 hitter (well a 3 hitter) for a single user. Likewise I don't like using session portables when I'm alone because they are overkill. I keep my session portables for when my friends want to smoke, and if they want to enjoy a vapcap, I pack them one all for themselves.

"What's your biggest positive about the vapcap?"

George's commitment to his customers and to improving his product.

"How does the VapCap sit within the rotation of other vapes you use?"

Vapcap for when I am alone. Arizer air, when I'm with friends. Most days are 100% vapcap days. Sometimes I'll break out the underdog, but it's no longer plugged in all day.

"What is something you wish to see in the future of VapCap technology?"

A Vapcap dugout with built in electonic heater powered by two 18650s.

A vapcap which you can pack a joint's worth amount of bud, and between hits, the cap can be removed, and the ABV can be pushed out. The chamber would be adjustable, and you would adjust it smaller between hits, as you ejected the spent bud.

The clicking cap design used to make a desktop butane vaporizer

"Has this vaporizer changed your outlook on vaporizer's as a whole? if you how?"

Absolutely. I never thought vaporizers could be so stylish. I never knew that vapor could be so consistent with a torch. I also never considered a vaporizer something I could keep in my pocket all the time.

"There's a technique for heating it, how's that to learn? But as for hiting the thing, can I hand it to a friend and tell them to suck and have them get a satisfying hits. Again with my ESV the technique is in the breath so many people I hand it to don't great hits."

There is a technique to heating it, but it's pretty easy to master. There is NO technique to hitting it. You can draw fast, or draw hard, and you won't accidentally combust unless you overheat it. The draw is very natural for a smoker, and the vapor density is very close to that of smoke, so it is satisfying for smokers as well.

"So I hear theres a cool down click, how does that work? Once you've heated it up, do you take a hit until you heat the cool down click? do you take multiple hits from one heat cycle? If you take one hit and finish before the cool down click how long generally until you hear it? Your not supposed to heat it again until the cool down click? also one more thing, I may have read that there is two clicks when heating it up? is that true? if so how does it work? If not the process is just heat till click and then hit correct? I've also seen talk of heating past the click a second or 2, how do you feel about that?"

I hit it until there is a cooldown click. Some people take multiple hits. I generally hear the cooldown click before I exhale the hit, but I hold my hits in a long time. There are generally two clicks, one right after the other. It helps to prepare you to stop heating so that you can get the most heating while still respecting the click.

""does the cap ever break? does it fall of easily?"
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Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot about cleaning. Damn is it ez. Found a new way no one mentioned to get that glorious gooey goodness out. But I just hold the condenser with pliers, remove orings, and use the torch to heat it slightly til the reclaim drips out. Sometimes I do have to blow in it very slowly to help it out. I usually drip it on wax paper, and man this thing produces a bunch of usable reclaim. I lose a bit through over heating and whatever sticks to the wall but it's free so 'eff it. The only thing that sucks is the reclaim never stops moving, it's always in motion with water weight, so I can't keep but so much or it becomes a hassle. I've never had to clean the metal screens just change the hemp fiber here and there. Then just take a q-tip to the TI tip and wipe clean. If not stick it in ISO without orings. Couldn't be anymore simple, so much easier than any other vapes I own or had.

Oh and did I mention, go Tar Heels! Hell ya great game and I'm not even usually a basketball type of person. Gotta show team pride. My family bleeds Carolina blue and white!
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
You probably can't ride a motorcycle while using the VC but you can't use a water tool either but that's no reason not to get one. Just another vaporizer tool in your arsenal. Variety is fun. This vaporizer looks like it will be a great addition to the collection.


taste buds
No, do not buy whip it!

It is made for others application

I have 6 cans at home and I am unable to use to fill any torch without leaking it everywhere (red plastic tip too fat, doesn't work with any of my lighters)
There should be some tip adapters on the cap or inside of it. I haven't used Whip It brand specifically but most brands have these adapters, and the Whip It website itself says there should be 5 adapters per can.


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot about cleaning. Damn is it ez. Found a new way no one mentioned to get that glorious gooey goodness out. But I just hold the condenser with pliers, remove orings, and use the torch to heat it slightly til the reclaim drips out. Sometimes I do have to blow in it very slowly to help it drip out. I usually drip it on wax paper, and man this thing produces a bunch of usable reclaim. I lose a bit through over heating and whatever sticks to the wall but it's free so 'eff it. The only thing that sucks is the reclaim never stops moving, it's always in motion with water weight, so I can't keep but so much or it becomes a hassle. I've never had to clean the metal screens just change the hemp fiber here and there. Then just take a q-tip to the TI tip and wipe clean. If not stick it in ISO without orings. Couldn't be anymore simple, so much easier than any other vapes I own or had.

You can also use hemp fiber and push it through a warm condenser and then just load it in the bowl after.
That would be nice, is Whip it! a good brand?

Whip it is very high quality butane. It's very clean and and burns very consistently. The cans do have quite a bit of pressure behind them. Whip-it premium has kept my xikar torches running like clockwork for a few years now.


Well-Known Member
There should be some tip adapters on the cap or inside of it. I haven't used Whip It brand specifically but most brands have these adapters, and the Whip It website itself says there should be 5 adapters per can.
^^ They do indeed, I'm looking at one now. There's specifically one that makes it smaller. I've never had any issues with the standard fill tip in any of my torches though.


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
There should be some tip adapters on the cap or inside of it. I haven't used Whip It brand specifically but most brands have these adapters, and the Whip It website itself says there should be 5 adapters per can.
Yes I know and tryied all the adapters, none fits standard torches.
@Quint this is surprising, maybe I had a batch with fatter tip (?) dunno.. For sure, while I am used to refill butane, whip it is the only brand I got problems using it and finally I left it asides ordering another brand (I still can fill but have a lot of leaking butane each time)


Well-Known Member
New place, with some very lamw roomies so best I could do was in my room haha anyways.
Haven't added a screen yet which was a must for me with my previous VC but other than that she's a goer and George is the MASTER!

Edit to add I dare not even try and understand the craftmenship but got my extra VC screen (assumed they seat where they come factory and was gonna dome something) turns out it sits in square and sturdy above the existing screen basically cutting my bowl in half... Magic.
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If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
Without adapter I get butane all over (doesn't seal my torches)

I forgot I am actually able to fill a big tabletop torch (that has a wider hole to reach filling tip) all the small portable torches have a tip hole too narrow.

The thinner reducer isn't deep enough to reach torche's filling tip.

Yet again maybe was a batch or the volume of the can (bigger volume than standard cans)...

To say everything, I am no butane noob and "whip it" is the only brand I found problem with and my torches are all cheap ones from Asia (honest brand most of them) singles or multiples flames..the one that works is a dremel versaflame (big one)


unbearably light in the being....
Do you guys like using a torch?
- as opposed to sitting there, staring at it? YES

Do you feel like you get to the point where using a torch is really thoughtless and easy? Can you heat a VapCap while riding a bike? Can you heat a VapCap while hiking a mountain?Can you heat a VapCap while walking a dog? Can you heat a VapCap while walking a tiger? Can you heat it in bed? Can you heat it on a skilift?
- easy enough to master, but all part of this nutritious learning curve....

You get the idea. With my ESV thats one of my favorite things is that all you have to do to get a hit is take a breath. it's dead simple in that regard.
- you might BE ABLE TO - but that won't make it safe or smart

I think I know the answer but you don't have to stir right? and you get dark even ABV?
- YMMV...as always

How quick is it to load one if these? how about unloading?
- as fast as you could want...maybe faster
- packed too tight == doing it wrong

Uh cleaning, how often to you have to do a full take a part and clean. and is that process pretty easy and quick?
- in 75 days I've cleaned mine twice...and not because I really felt it really needed it

Do you consider the price and effort needed to supply butane? or is it cheap enough to where it just isn't really something you think about? I think someone say that a can lasts them like 2 months and they cost like 10 or 15 dollars. Does that sound about right?
- my current can has lasted me at least SIX months, the last two under heavy vapcap service
- more expensive to keep buying lighters @ the drug store....

Is the Dynastash Sweet?
- don't have one, but they sure are pretty (some of 'em)

What's your biggest negative about the VapCap, if you have one?
- mastering the dance

guess to be fair
- nothing 'fair' about making stuff up

What's your biggest positive about the vapcap?
- works more effectively than ANY OTHER vape I've tried.

How does the VapCap sit within the rotation of other vapes you use?
- ALL VapCap, ALL the time (I *do* have another...somewhere)

What is something you wish to see in the future of VapCap technology?
- ongoing invention, innovation, and refinement....

Has this vaporizer changed your outlook on vaporizer's as a whole? if you how?
- Yes: it works - as in, WORKS. Works WELL. Handy, effective, efficient; pleasant and pleasing

There's a technique for heating it, how's that to learn? But as for hiting the thing, can I hand it to a friend and tell them to suck and have them get a satisfying hits. Again with my ESV the technique is in the breath so many people I hand it to don't great hits.
- There's techniques for EVERYTHING: if you work out a tech that does that FOR YOU, then yes
- You'll still have to think about what you're doing, so not 'brainlock-proof'

So I hear theres a cool down click, how does that work? Once you've heated it up, do you take a hit until you heat the cool down click? do you take multiple hits from one heat cycle? If you take one hit and finish before the cool down click how long generally until you hear it? Your not supposed to heat it again until the cool down click? also one more thing, I may have read that there is two clicks when heating it up? is that true? if so how does it work? If not the process is just heat till click and then hit correct? I've also seen talk of heating past the click a second or 2, how do you feel about that?
- time for you to start reading: you've reached the point of laziness

does the cap ever break? does it fall of easily?
- ...and you're out of questions

Wow thats a lot.
- Yep...

Thanks for listening.
- sure...now: ACT!


Well-Known Member
20 bucks a year? You must not vape very much, or else butane is muuuch cheaper where you live, I spend more like 10 dollars every month or two on butane

Butane here costs like $5 a can. If I bleed my torch properly I hardly have to waste any butane. When I first got the vapcap I probably used 3x as much butane, since I didn't know how to bleed the torch, and whenever it would stop working I'd completely refill the tank.

I vape 4-8 vapcaps a day, averaging around half a gram a day.


Well-Known Member
I have been using the triple flame Dynavap sells and I really like it. Still on the same can of butane since last Dec! I did turn my flame down as low as it can go and still light reliably every time though, so maybe that's why my butane is lasting. I found the default output to be a too high, heated the cap a little fast/hot for my liking.


Vapour RebeL
Butane here costs like $5 a can. If I bleed my torch properly I hardly have to waste any butane. When I first got the vapcap I probably used 3x as much butane, since I didn't know how to bleed the torch, and whenever it would stop working I'd completely refill the tank.

I vape 4-8 vapcaps a day, averaging around half a gram a day.

Sorry to ask.. but what's the "torch bleeding" man? :suspicious:


For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
I bought a 325ml can of butane over two years ago when I got my first vape (the VG). Cost like 10 bucks or so. It's just now running low, I'll probably only get one or two more refills out of it. I'd say I'm a fairly heavy user, and my butane vapes get moderate use within my rotation. So I'd say the cost of butane is negligible. Just my :2c:

@voodoo_vape, in order to ensure your torch lighter keeps working properly, it's a good idea to "bleed" any excess air from the tank before refilling. This is done by holding the lighter upside down and depressing the filler tip. It's best to do this when the lighter is empty of course, otherwise you may spray butane everywhere.

Not bleeding the air from the tank before refilling can cause air bubbles to make the lighter not function properly.


Edit: nice video @almost there. You snuck in right before I hit the post button haha :)
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