Do the Omnivap and the 14mm VonGs fit in all of the current Dynastashes available?
Or if anyone knows the max length for each of them that would help out a lot!
Thanks guys.
The Omni fits every Dynastash, with the VonG I had nearly the same questions, here is what @Squiby perfectly stated about the sizes:
Yes. All BODIES are interchangeable with any other BODY. BODIES are 45mm in length.
The condenser length determines the overall length of a Vapcap. The Vapcaps with a regular condenser can accommodate a body/mp configuration of 62mm. These Vapcaps are 3.5 inches in overall length and fit into a regular Dynastash/ER.
The models are:
Ti Woody S. Has a 45mm straight body and 17mm mp equalling 62mm.
Ti VonG S. Has a 45mm VonG body and 17mm mp equalling 62mm.
Omnivap. Has a 45mm titanium or carbon fiber body and 17mm mp equalling 62mm.
There are bodies and there are stems. bodies are short - 45mm and stems are longer - 62mm.
The VonGs that will fit into a regular Dynastash are the:
14mm wide Ti VonG S which has a 45mm x 14mm VonG BODY and wood mp.
14mm wide Ti VonG which has a 62mm x 14mm VonG STEM and no mp.
A regular Dynastash will accommodate any Vapcap with a regular condenser and a maximum girth of 14mm.
Guess that should clear things up for you.

I just made my order and can't wait to get my fingers on a Ti Carbon S and a VonG 14mm Short Body. Will celebrate this today with some primera hash and acapulco gold through my Omni. Like @Joaon I love to take the time heating it up slowly in comfy candle light.