
taste buds
Hey folks. I have a hugh hope that the vapcap will be able to help me manage my allergy symptoms more easily and be of far more use than a great vaporizer.

I started using quality essential oils to deal with excessive, abnormal lung congestion in 2009, and it changed my life. It was the first time I was able to make an impact and actually clear the mucus from my respiratory system.

I basically put 2 or 3 drops of peppermint oil onto my palm, rubbed my hands together, cupped both hands over my mouth and nose, and inhaled deeply. Then aftr a while I would repeat with rosemary or eucalyptus oil.
It brought massive relief every time. It still took a bit of energy and time, but no preparation or setup required, and could be done any place or time. I just neede to wash the oil off my hands afterwards.

I also began using the oils at the same time to do steam inhalations, by dropping them onto boiled water and inha,ing deeply with a towel over my head. This method is far more effective than the palm inhalation, but it is very cumbersome and takes more time and energy, and set up, preparation and clean up is a bind.

It also takes me away from anything else I am doing, like a time out. For example,I cant continue to watch a movie, relax to music, or browse FC while I do the steam.

So I only used to do the steam at certain times, like in the morning after heavy vaporizing. Then for the rest of the day, after meals etc when mucus is especially bad, I could just inhale oils from my hands for relief. It was so much more convenient, quick and easy than the whole steam inhalation routine.

However, in 2013 I developed major problems with my hands, thumbs, wrists and forearams due to infections in my nervois system and resulting injuries- tendonitis, repetitive strain knjury, and mild structural deformity.

Ever since those problems developed, I had to re-train the way i do everything with my hands to minimaise aggravation. For a few years I couldnt type at all. I can manage to better now, but am just very careful, which is why I make so many typos!

I had to completely stop juggling, which I used to love. And importantly, I could no longer do the essential oil inhalation from my hands. Just cupping my hands in that position massively flared up the problems in my hands, right up my arms. It was really crippling.

So I had to adapt. The only way, ever since, that I have managed to cope with the excessive mucus, is to do steam inhalations every time I need the essential oil inhalation, like after every meal, and every time I vaporize, when I could have just inhaled oils from my hands before the injuries.

The steam is way more efective and the ultimate method to clear the lungs of congestion. But it takes at least 40 minutes with preparation and clean up, and is thoroughly unenjoyable and exhausting, not to mention incredibly painful. I just dread it, every time I eat food now, or vaporize, I know as soon as I am finished, I must tear myself away from where I am, go and set it up in another room, boil kettle, perform, and clear up.

Then I am free to do what I want, except the film I was watching is nearly over for example.
If I could just find another effective way of managing the symptoms with essential oils it would change my life. If I could inhale from my hands again, I could relax in one place and leisurely deal with it.

I have tried everything I can think of, like different vessels to inhale oils from etc. I do use an essential oil diffuser which I inhale directly from. It pumps oils i to the air. I dont use it plugged in, just filled with oils, I just inhale from the nozzle. It does help a lot, but not enough. Not a patch on the steam. And not even close to the palm inhalation method.

So here is my hope: I am wondering if I can use the vapcap to somehow inhale essential oils for relief?

I'm thinking maybe stuff the bowl with hemp fibre, and drop 3 drops of peppermint oil into it, then heat the cap very gently. Or something like that. I feel it may work. I did actually try the "smoke bubble" vaporizer once, cheap off of ebay, which is similar to the original Eagle Bill glass pipe, but in the shape of a lightbulb where you hold the flame undrneath to heat the herb. Conduction purely.

But I think I held the flame too close and burned the essential oils, it tasted wrong and caused big irritation. I still have it so I could try it again but keep the flame much lower. Just a case of "once bitten, twice shy".

But I seriously wonder if the vapcap would work hee as I suggest with the hemp fiber. The steam is so much more effective than palm inhalations for a few reasons. The steam itself helps a lot, it also carries the oils into the lungs, but essentially, it is the heating of the oils that is a big factor too.

I also wondered about the pyrovap. I dont actually know how it works yet. I dont expect to use it for cannabis oils any time forseeable, and I certianly wont ever contemplate e-juice.
I need to be able to use small amounts of essential oil effectively each time, like 2 or 3 drop doses of each.

I will certainly ask George himself about this, but I just wondered if anybody here has any thoughts on this first? A very big thank you to all who have read this.
I'm not sure how safe it is to vape the essential oils, but it might be effective.

I received some dried peppermint from Vaposhop with my Grasshopper and vaped that, it was a nice experience. It will cause the chamber of whatever you use to vape it to smell and taste like peppermint so I vaped it in my glass E-Nano stem so I could clean it afterwards.

I think dried peppermint would work great in the VapCap. I would recommend the original glass model just for clean-up purposes. You could always try it in the Ti tip and if you can't clean up the smell you could just get a separate tip for plain flowers.

If you have to do this therapy every time you vape, the residual smell and taste may not even be an issue. It's certainly worth trying some high quality organic peppermint mixed with your cannabis, it could be much more convenient. It's even possible there may be some synergistic effects so it may be more effective as well.

You might want to check out this thread: The Ethnobotanical Thread


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how safe it is to vape the essential oils, but it might be effective.

I received some dried peppermint from Vaposhop with my Grasshopper and vaped that, it was a nice experience. It will cause the chamber of whatever you use to vape it to smell and taste like peppermint so I vaped it in my glass E-Nano stem so I could clean it afterwards.

I think dried peppermint would work great in the VapCap. I would recommend the original glass model just for clean-up purposes. You could always try it in the Ti tip and if you can't clean up the smell you could just get a separate tip for plain flowers.

If you have to do this therapy every time you vape, the residual smell and taste may not even be an issue. It's certainly worth trying some high quality organic peppermint mixed with your cannabis, it could be much more convenient. It's even possible there may be some synergistic effects so it may be more effective as well.

You might want to check out this thread: The Ethnobotanical Thread
Thanks that is some good food for thought. I am thinking, if the oils will work, it will be such a huge benefit lifestyle wise,that I will just get an extra OG for the essential oils alone. It would certainly leave a strong aroma and I wouldnt plan on vaping weed and oils interchangeably without cleaning in between, so a separate OG would be worth it for the doors it could open to me.

I would aim to heat it only very gently, just enough to activate the oils into the air a bit and not to burn. I am not sure if vaping peppermint leaves would work though, I believe it would still be very irritating. I will definitely keep it in mind, but I have developed a good intuition regarding how things will affect me. I could even try using the vapcap with essential oils on hemp finer, without heating it at all. That may work.

What really helps with vaping though, is to drop a few drops of peppermint essential oil into the water. It keeps my respiratory tract more open and really refreshes the buzz as well. Some people domt like the peppermint flavour in there, but it makes such a big difference to me tolerating the session that I will always add it in after a while if nobody objects.

You can get a good nebulizer on eBay for not a lot of $. I personally only use essential oils externally, no matter what brand. I know some of them say you can take them internally, but there have been some serious side effects reported. They are really powerful.

Yes you are dead right. A lot of people confidently advocate using essential oils internally, but many very strongly warn against it. Personally, I cant take them internally at all, not even 1 drop. It just messes me up, puts all my organs out, especially digestive system, as I am so sensitive. Others would not notice an effect at all, but that doesnt mean it isnt a bad idea.

However, inhalation is keepimg me alive and sane (just about) and I just could not live without the oils this way.

@Alexis , I know this isn't VC related, but have you looked into edibles? No lung impact, plus easier to hold than any vape would be.

Thankyou for your valuable and valid input. I do also use edibles. But it stilll causes a big respiratory reaction. Practically all medicinal herbs do this, and is very often a heallng, or die off reaction, and at other times due to my immune and nervous system just not behaving properly, in a very "dysregulated" state.

I have been making cannabis infused coconut oil for over a year, with abv and fresh bud. I decarvoxylate fresh bud in the oven first. It is a great way to ingest weed, ypu really dont need a lot if made and extracted right (with sunflower lecithin added). And no need to bother making cakes, just take it by the spoon. Coconut oil doesnt need to be digested and the actives just get released directly into the system whether you take it with or without food, on an empty or full stomach. It is simply the most amazing remedy for digestive and stomach problems I have ever known.

And it tastes delicious. Spread on a bit of baked potatot or sweet potato for instance. You could win Masterchef with the stuff I swear

However, although the edibles are much more tolerable for me chest wise, they are far more debilitating physically and muscularly, and not good for my chronic fatigue condition. It is like a sort of muscular paralysis with a lot of tension. I also recently had a viral infection in my heart for 2 months. I had to stop the edibles completely beacause it was causing serious heart troubles- rapid, pounding heart beat, irregular as well. I stopped them but the virus was still making me feel very ill with my heart very dodgy.

I started vaporizing, and from that day, the heart symptoms virtually disappeared. Vaping really did something to save me from heart trouble or worse at the time, until I could eventually clear the virus with homeopathy and an electricity treatment.

Now that my heart is clear and feeling good, the edibles are no problem for it. I can eat a ton of it and my neart still feels normal and healthy, whereas a tiny bit sent it into overdrive previously while the infection was in there.
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Well-Known Member
So my vapcap s finally arrived this week and I decided to try and clean the device. I ended up breaking the screen on my first try :doh:. Is emailing them the only way to get a replacement one? I can't seem to find any under accessories or parts.
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taste buds
What really helps with vaping though, is to drop a few drops of peppermint essential oil into the water.
That's why I was thinking it might be good to vape peppermint leaves mixed with cannabis. The heated water vapor from the cannabis might act as a vehicle for the peppermint oils once they are released. This might result in a synergistic effect better than using them on their own.

I'm sure you know what's best for you, just throwing some ideas out there.


Well-Known Member
That's why I was thinking it might be good to vape peppermint leaves mixed with cannabis. The heated water vapor from the cannabis might act as a vehicle for the peppermint oils once they are released. This might result in a synergistic effect better than using them on their own.

I'm sure you know what's best for you, just throwing some ideas out there.
It is a very worthwhile consideration I will probably try it quite soon to see what happens. I do still like to keep the cannabis flavours separate, I would probably try the peppermint leaves on their own first to assess how it affects me. If it goes well, I would expect to make a habit of it, and could vape a bowl each time after the weed possibly. I do appreciate the suggestion, sometimes we need a push towards a particular option when we are kind of sitting on the fence and unsure how to proceed.

I have only one day left of hoemopathy now. 30 days I never enjoy, focusing on the end when things are much improved and the world becomes a much better place. The medicine gets harder as the weeks go on as it takes so much energy to deal with the die off reactions and extra mucus, and is a binding routine.

Tnis time I have been eagrly looking forward to trying the vapcaps. But can you belive it, I now have flu!!
I just have rotten luck. I had it bad in February, and twice the previous winter (2014/15).

All 3 times it lasted exactly 6 weeks, totally wiped out and drained, then just magjcally up and left.
Without this unfortunate acquisition, I have made so much progress reducing infections this time, I could really have enjoyed my vapor for the first time this year. So the goalposts have just moved from 1 day, to at least 6 weeks probably. By then I am due to see the homeopath again in November for the next course which will last up to christmas.

So I can only hope that by christmas I can at last relax and have a break from illness the first time this year, which has been one of miserable luck for me.
I will have to try my caps, I will go insane otherwise. But with flu tolerating vapor will be difficult. Still at least tnis conserves my weed supply, so rationing will not be necassary at all when the usual storm of winter illnesses has passed, which could be April/May.

I have "IAS" in a bad way, (infection acquisition syndrome), but I hope to change that to VAS eventually, just have to be strong and keep going like Frodo!


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
VapCap First Impressions

The gang over at DynaVap were holding my order awaiting Leopard Wood for my DynaStash ER. I asked if they'd split the order and ship the VapCap. They did! +50 points
Got my VapCap S today and as others have stated, a day before expected. +10 points.
Green envelope packed perfectly. Nothing broken, torn, ripped, bent, misplaced, etc.... +10 points.
Dry run: With their triple torch, click somewhere between 3-5 seconds. +5 points (all working!)
Torch: @george, nice torch. Love the triple flame. Covers the whole side of the cap while turning for even heating! +25 points

First Micro-Dose Run: .005g of same batch of herbs as I've used with my "other" vapes, so effects are not impacted by a "new" strain. Three (3) cycles cached it. Probably 2, but did one additional cycle to be sure. I am more medicated from the VapCap than I would be from the same strain in my other portables. +900 points...

Do the math and it's easy to see that with the VapCap, DynaVap is batting 1000!


(Further testing will enjoyably done! Looking forward to posting more about this awesome device!) :nod:


Well-Known Member
Hearing about all these arrivals I cannot wait till mine arrives!! Never have I been more excited about receiving a vaporizer! :love:
After months of back and forth with myself on it, and based on reports from others on here about the smell or lackthereof with the dynastashes, I finally ordered a paduak stash. I am dying waiting for it to ship out :rip:

Edit: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right after posting this I got my shipment email!
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Paperback Writer

Im a Rastaman not a Dreadlock
After months of back and forth with myself on it, and based on reports from others on here about the smell or lackthereof with the dynastashes, I finally ordered a paduak stash. I am dying waiting for it to ship out :rip:

Edit: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh right after posting this I got my shipment email!

Duuuuude!!! As soon as i saw your post i went to check my email hoping for the same luck but nothing yet!! :) I ordered the same dynastash paduak, they look fantastic! Also have my Ti woody on order as well, enjoy yours bud :leaf::rockon:


Well-Known Member
Duuuuude!!! As soon as i saw your post i went to check my email hoping for the same luck but nothing yet!! :) I ordered the same dynastash paduak, they look fantastic! Also have my Ti woody on order as well, enjoy yours bud :leaf::rockon:
I'm looking forward to it. I got a custom matching wood tool with it, like with the stashERs, but I asked them to make it flat and wide like a screwdriver so I could adjust my lighters with it. With that, I will have a perfect little portable home for my vap


Herb gardener...
@phattpiggie made me this tube to contain my vapcap when paired with his longer stem. Which I much prefer....


It's made from timber taken from a millhouse that is mentioned In the doomsday book. This dates it more than 1000 years old...

The worms have been busy over the many years...

I am going to carbon date a piece to be accurate...

Anyway thanks again phattpiggie, a well polished turd, you did well with tricky material..
I will be more selective on my next piece...


Well-Known Member
That's why I was thinking it might be good to vape peppermint leaves mixed with cannabis. The heated water vapor from the cannabis might act as a vehicle for the peppermint oils once they are released. This might result in a synergistic effect better than using them on their own.
Can confirm that combinations of mj and damiana, and mj and wormwood in the Vapcap are quite nice. Damiana tastes lovely, slightly sleepy effect. Wormwood has a stronger taste, but seems to help get us heavily medicated. Not using either all the time, but will use them again for sure.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
@herbalist33 you picked a nice day to be out and about glad you're still enjoying the sleeve.

You're welcome @kellya86 and thanks for sending me the wood to try out in the first place. As we said it would be rare to find timber of this age without worms. It was really nice to see the grain appear when the finish was applied.

Herbalist33 and @Vapor_Eyes a couple of sleeves that didn't make it.
Left unknown scrap of two tone wood, middle is a piece of Thuya burr and last another piece of Scottish yew. All practice and helping sort out the tooling for the future.


Active Member
My triple torch uses three times as much fuel as my single one, but it only heats the VC twice as fast (3 seconds vs. 6). So I'm sticking with the single torch.

This is primarily why I'm not eager to get a double or triple. I actually ordered the one you linked based on a post from Squiby. I have a decent single torch already that's suitable for taking outside, and this one will be for home use.


Authorized Buyer
This is primarily why I'm not eager to get a double or triple. I actually ordered the one you linked based on a post from Squiby. I have a decent single torch already that's suitable for taking outside, and this one will be for home use.

The single torch is worth it, because of the butane savings. Also, I feel it can get more precise heating. The triple torch just blasts the whole VC. I like to turn it more deliberately, like roasting meat on a spit. I heard about that torch through the venerable @OF on the vapman thread.
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taste buds
Herbalist33 and @Vapor_Eyes a couple of sleeves that didn't make it.
Left unknown scrap of two tone wood, middle is a piece of Thuya burr and last another piece of Scottish yew. All practice and helping sort out the tooling for the future.

Those are all beautiful examples, it's a shame they didn't make it. The one on the left especially is catching my eye.


Well-Known Member
I don't yet have mine (it's in the mail right now) but this little torch has done very well for me with other vapes (like VGs and MV, a personal favorite). I've recommended them many times on FC, few if any problems. At under three bucks each I suggest getting a few (even though I've never had a problem with them except an otherwise useless safety breaking). Since they come from China and posts can be slow I suggest ordering from both links below (the units are the same):

Two and a half bucks shipped right now. 'Such a deal'.

The single torch is worth it, because of the butane savings. Also, I feel it can get more precise heating. The triple torch just blasts the whole VC. I like to turn it more deliberately, like roasting meat on a spit. I heard about that torch through the venerable @OF on the vapman thread.

This torch you are referring to, is it the same one OF recommends on page 93? (In quote above).
I'm still not fluent at operating this site at all so I added the quote from OF in this reply, but it has come out at the top.
I came across this reading from the beginning, I already ordered one as it was only £2 shipped to UK from China, I have George's triple and quad to share between my mum and I, but she will certainly not want to use the quad herself, I decided to pick it up since the omnivap Ti top may require a little extra heating.
But this cheap jet 1300 one seemed like a good idea for a backup/alternative to compare to the quad/triple.
Of you are speaking of a different torch, could you tell me which one please?


Authorized Buyer
This torch you are referring to, is it the same one OF recommends on page 93? (In quote above).
I'm still not fluent at operating this site at all so I added the quote from OF in this reply, but it has come out at the top.
I came across this reading from the beginning, I already ordered one as it was only £2 shipped to UK from China, I have George's triple and quad to share between my mum and I, but she will certainly not want to use the quad herself, I decided to pick it up since the omnivap Ti top may require a little extra heating.
But this cheap jet 1300 one seemed like a good idea for a backup/alternative to compare to the quad/triple.
Of you are speaking of a different torch, could you tell me which one please?

Yes, that's the one. The tank is transparent, so there's never guessing about how filled it is. I ditched the lame and smelly rubber stand. I think OF even took off the chain too.


Well-Known Member
The single torch is worth it, because of the butane savings. Also, I feel it can get more precise heating. The triple torch just blasts the whole VC. I like to turn it more deliberately, like roasting meat on a spit. I heard about that torch through the venerable @OF on the vapman thread.
I don't know, guys. Maybe its just me but the price of butane seems to be the least cost for me to worry about.

I have a single flame Blazer pocket torch that I used to use for cigars many years ago when I still smoked them. I have George's in-line triple and the two-by-two quad flame torch.

I still like the quad the best, but we each have our preferences.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm thinking about oicking up a few caps to play with, but I kinda have trouble understanding the configurations.

I figure I'll spring for an omnivap si ce it seems to be the latest and greatest, but I also want something a little different that would be complimentary. I was thinking either the vapcap or the vapcap 2. Which is recommended? I like the spiral reclaim effect I've seen in some pictures in the glass caps.
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