I ° The Magician
Ok, gotta ask how you're using it. Do you pack it down and it holds like a standard screen folded over? Does it just sit inside as a spacer like you called it? Love the idea....
Ok, I dont think you can use it instead of the very fine screen that sits at the bottom of the heating chamber, because the fine steel screen looks like a better option of having debris not go inside the unit itself, if thats what you mean.
I Dont know how well this will work for others, but for less than 20 bucks these two items have made my life alot easier.
The way I use it is that I fill it up my flowers and put the cermaic screen right over it and give it a slight tap inside. It works great for microdosing! As the ceramic screen moves freely through the chamber. I also think that the ceramic properties to retain a bit of heat makes vapor production optimal.
I have also taken off the cooling chamber screen as I dont feel it has a need anymore and very little(like micro) to no debris pass through the cooling unit.
Now, the thing you have to watch out for is that sometimes the ceramic screen gets stuck inside the chamber because it takes a weird angle and you just cant tap the unit to get it loose. I just this tool, its also made from VaporBrothers, and poke the tip in one of the ceramic screen holes and it comes right out. I have included links.

Also taking the O-rings off with this Steel Pick is a breeze.
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