I agree,
@MonkeyTime - I don't think the tiny liquid pads were designed to be removable, nor to be used as small load dry herb spacers in the capsules. I believe they were intended to be placed in capsule and left there, to be used for concentrates. Either clean it as a unit in iso, or dispose.
@TheMadDabber post about using vaborbrothers ceramic screen.
Don't think that one would fit in capsule, though. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Used glass honeycomb screens and glass flowers as spacers in Ascent. Difficult with Ascent loading and unloading on the go. But easier with capsules, pre-loading and unloading at home over tray.
A bit less than half capsule, 0.06g, with 3 honeycomb glass screens on top as spacer.
190C, five draws. Noticeably denser than without spacer.
My best guesses why:
- small loads in capsules shift/clump allowing air to bypass
- shifted clumps get sucked to capsule lid, further removed from incoming hot air (mm's matter)
Notice how I refrained from using one of the "C" heating

(I enjoy a nearly full capsule myself without any spacers)