Discontinued Vapir NO2


New Member
they ask and they shall receive:





*note, you can see where ive scraped off parts of this residue using the wooden stir stick that came with the NO2...brass looks strange in these pics almost like it rusted or something but im not sure if its just the lighting/camera quality, it is definitely much less shiny where the residue was removed.

so i mean seriously, WTF is this shit and where did it come from? why is it only around the top part of the chamber?? there was NO residue on the upper lip like what was shown in the previous picture in this thread where someone took apart their NO2...although in the pics it has a strange red/pink tint around that lip.
notice there is no residue on the screen for some reason....and again, i am not some lazy ass who was just repeatedly stuffing buds into the chamber and not cleaning it....i was being very anal with this thing just ask vitolo.

i dunno, i really just dont know what to think here fellas....i will not be using the device until I know what caused this. i just endorsed it to a bunch of my friends and family members telling them how wonderful this thing was and now i feel like a fucking fool.

this sucks


New Member
does it occur where the bottom edge of the stem that holds the herb is?

not sure what your talking about

screens screens screens how many people have even considered the screens as a possible answer to this riddle?

so far this is my theory. replace top screen which is coated in some residue left over from manufacturers process maybe even from some stupid process that is shaping these screens into the top hat shape, heat unit, residue drips down and reacts to the brass/THC resin/etc and forms a layer which then burns each time the heating elements heats up


Well-Known Member
lol i have to ask you....after reading this thread from start to finish and having zero issues with your first NO2, why would you suddenly feel the urge to "burn off" a new unit???

Well I guess it wasn't as much burning anything off as it was getting ready to use it for the first time. I plugged it in and hit the heating button and it IMMEDIATELY started with the smell and smoke.

I think you may be right about the screens. When I changed the screens for the first time and went to heat it up to use, it was giving off the white smoke/vapor like the other one did but there was not a burning rubber smell. That did eventually stop, though, as the screen got more broken in. Also, my chamber is also starting to brown. That can't be just residue from the buds? It's comes off if with the bamboo stick for me. I was going to try and clean it with rubbing alcohol to see if that restored it to it's original luster.

Also, my kit looks exactly like the pics above except that mine has the serial number printed on the front part of the box where it appears you have a sticker.


New Member
yup same here i forgot to take a pic of my box but ya its exactly like that too.

also whatever it is, its "burning off" as i use the unit, i gave in and packed it up with a nug of some different herb to make sure i wasnt smoking a contaminated bud or something lol and its definitely getting less and less noticeable; albeit its still a repulsive odor of some kind, not rubbery really id definitely compare it more to a burning hair smell.


GUYS ITS COMING FROM THE SCREEN! as i just said, i gave in and tried out a few chambers of different material and stuff to see if it wasnt just some bud containing a bunch of dog hair or something weird(which happens we all know it)....anyways i put my nose up and sniffed lightly and repeatedly like a fucking K9 unit or something lol and quickly determined the unpleasant, burnt hair-metallic type smell is COMING FROM THE TOP SCREEN AREA 100% i can smell it.

could this seriously fucking be the cause of all our misery?? i doubt it but im telling u guys these screens STINK just sitting by themselves unused i think maybe someone else should try heating up some new screens without a flame, outside of their no2 of course, to see for sure!


Noob Saibot
Burning hair smell = burning oil smell (I think). Maybe its some type of lubricant or oil?


New Member
gonna call up vapir

so they think its most likely residue built up inside the bottom chamber/screen area and suggested i remove and clean with qtip/alcohol

will report back


New Member
whatever this build up or residue is, its not coming out with rubbing alcohol and qtip so VAPIR said to send it in or contact the vendor. if you have an NO2 that tastes fine and works fine i recommend NOT changing the screens or anything but maybe that was the problem...ive only had it for 2 weeks its not like ive been vaping a lb through this thing.

cool beans just in time for xmas!

well luckily i went through a legit vendor, www.vapeworld.com and they are providing me with some great customer service

so im gonna be blunt about this, i do not believe the NO2 is safe to use, the more im looking at this stuff the more im sure its not plant material or normal resin and im not even sure it came from the screen either way its not coming out and i refuse to continue using it. also all three or four times ive used the NO2 after noticing the smell/taste issue, i got a ringing sensation in my ears and no its not the sound of the NO2 battery or whatever....NOT good. now im effin concerned

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Yeah regardless of if you can clean it off or not i would discontinue use immediately
SF Giant,


New Member
100% what i smelled is coming from the screen as i followed the instructions from VAPIR and removed old screen cleaned out the chamber as best as i could with qtip and rubbing alcohol....i ran the unit WITHOUT HERB and WITHOUT the bottom or top screen in there and smelled nothing really that unpleasant although i did smell some residue/alcohol type smell burn off quite quickly but that was from my own cleaning.....

HOWEVER after installing NEW BRAND NEW NO2 replacement screens the odor came back in full force....as soon as they begin heating up you can smell something vaporizing and its extremely unpleasant....burnt hair is the best description and yet it smells very much like some left over oil/machine lubricant something to that degree.

so this is really really funny in my opinon, because if i'm right about this, then basically VAPIR is producing a decent product but is getting screwed over by the people producing their screens....anyone with a pack of replacement screens, open up the little box and SMELL it....clean ur NO2 and place a new one in and heat it up without the top on....you will get the ODOR


with some more thought, this is really starting to make sense to me....i told you guys that prior to this sudden odor/smell issue i had done nothing but clean out my tubing and top piece and replaced the top screen....i had already replaced the top screen once before but because i didnt clean out the tubing and top part of the amber resin, the taste and odor was being masked by some potent vapor resin.....

this time i tasted it immediately and tbecause there was already a layer of residue on the brass, as soon as whatever residual chemicals on the screen were heated it produced the noxious vapor! it quickly caked up ontop of the residue and formed the nasty look blaack layer of resin because i told you guys I had actually left my NO2 on and sitting without drawing any vapor for like 10 mins out of the 20mins that it stays on before shutting off...all the while it was still pumping out the vapors(partially because the taste/odor issue was so alarming) and since i wasnt inhaling them it caked up as the NASTY residue on the inside of my chamber....very alarming!


I have 2 boxes of 3 replacement screens
I also have 4 boxes of 10 replacement screens
I ALSO have 6 boxes of 24 replacement screens

All from Vapir.
I just spent 12 minutes dumping out almost 190 screens, with my wife and 2 other patients with me.
Not one of the screens have an odor.... according to 4 of us.
We just put a new screen top AND bottom into 3 NO2 units, and turned them on...
No smell.


New Member
thanks vit-

my screens DEFINITELY smell. id say its smells like greasy metal, if that makes sense...or say kinda like what your hands smell like after you have handled a bunch of metal or coins.

did u see the pictures of the sudden slick black coating that appeared inside my chamber??

so u do not get a burnt hair odor at all when u place the new screens inside a unit?? if you follow the instructions and heat up your chamber before filling it with herb, the second u twist off the top it will blast you in the nose.

i just tried it again with a new screen and voila burnt hair, noxious fumes but now my unit has the smell in it and i cant get it out completely, and everytime i test a new screen in it im making it worse lol

wtf my 3 screens inside my NO2 box do not have this same smell atleast nothing as strong they do not smell like dirty coins they have a tinge of a WD40 type smell(kinda sweet smell)


Well, it took me an hour to put away all, of those screens. Not one smelled unusual.
Not one new screen here in our units smelled
I surely don't know what to make of your unit's images.
I have never seen any thing that looks like your unit, even on units with hard use.
(I have one gal vapes hourly, and the NO2 is her only vape)
I will have to claim inability to advise you based on lack of experience!
In spite of the fact that I have 3 units in front of me (each a year old), and have dealt with a couple dozen NO2s from patients at our pain center, I can not say I have ever seen anything like what I see in those pictures.

WAIT Edit;
you said smells like greasy metal like coins been handled.
You are handling the screens.
do you use hair gel?
did you eat recently (with hands)...
Is there anything on your hands??
why are you not washing the screens in Iso first if you are seeing some repeating pattern?


New Member
Vitolo said:
I surely don't know what to make of your unit's images.
I have never seen any thing that looks like your unit, even on units with hard use.

I will have to claim inability to advise you based on lack of experience!

WAIT Edit;
you said smells like greasy metal like coins been handled.
You are handling the screens.
do you use hair gel?
did you eat recently (with hands)...
Is there anything on your hands??
why are you not washing the screens in Iso first if you are seeing some repeating pattern?


WHATEVER the odor/smell is and the slick black layer is, it cannot be good or healthy to be vaping....period....its noxious and creates instant ringing in the ears after vaping....im a complete idiot for inhaling through this vaporizer after noticing the smell, period.
the reason(s) i continued to try it was because I want so badly for my NO2 to not have this problem....i seriously was so impressed with my NO2 until this happened and if its truly caused by the screens its a damn shame because the NO2 is a good unit.

As far as the screens, no im not handling them or applying random hair products to my screens lol.

im only grabbing one corner of them to sit the thing in place, then use the stick that came with NO2 to push it into place....besides you dont even have to take em out of the little white box they come inside to smell the odor; you can smell it clearly from the outside of the box.

also, the three screens that came inside my NO2s box do not have the same odor; albeit they do smell a tad bit like WD40.

and finally,
why are you not washing the screens in Iso first if you are seeing some repeating pattern?

not sure what the point of this question is....clearly if i had known the screens would create this problem i would not have used them. my unit is tainted now and i will not continue to inhale through something that produced a noxious odor and left a black-lacquer like residue inside my unit....so in the name of all the disgruntled NO2 owners, I was trying to figure out what happened here and I want to make sure that its not some stupid ass problem like a batch of dirty screens!

i will not be using the NO2, but i HIGHLY RECOMMEND ANYONE WITH AN NO2 TO THOROUGHLY CLEAN BRAND NEW SCREENS before they get heated for the first time....this might not even be the cause of the problem but it cant hurt to eliminate one variable. the smell does eventually dissipate or get masked by the vapor resin but if the screens did cause it then its easily preventable.
luckily i went through vapeworld.com who have awesome customer service....
Hey all, I'm a first time poster but a long-time reader. Just thought i'd throw some love to one of my favorite vaporizers the NO2. I've owned one since March and its never let me down. I clean it meticulously quite often but only thing I've needed to replace was the screen. Those pic's by ktx49 look like some kind of chemical corrosion, I don't see how mine could ever look like that unless its come into contact with something its not supposed to


New Member
interesting, i also really enjoy my NO2 and am torn on what i should do.

i want to know what would cause that nasty residue since everyones telling me its definitely NOT normal resin thats been burned or something BUT if its coming from the screens or something than i can prevent it and ill probably go with another NO2
It depends on when you bought it from vapeworld but i'm pretty sure they should cover any defects if its within a year. If not try the manufacturer.. Where'd you buy the screens from?


I feel very badly here.
I consider myself to be knowledgeable, and in particular about this vaporizer.
19 members of our pain group have owned one for over a year, and a half dozen have gotten them in the past months.
I provide all 25 NO2 units with any parts they need as a community service. I get my parts and screens from exactly where you did.
Your issue seems most unique indeed.

Unless.... there is some detail left out.
some weird fact.......
You have a mischevous girlfriend....
evil roomate....
you sleepwalk....

I had a friend that was pretty wasted once that rolled a big blunt (two paper giant size!) out of brown sugar..
and suddenly snapped awake when molten sugar from the "splib" he just rolled dripped on his crotch!


Well-Known Member
You don't use that little brush while the unit is hot, do you? I hate the brush. The bristles seem to come out easily and that makes me nervous about how vigorously I should clean it.

al bundy

I got my No2 used and you could tell the previous owner uses the brush while hot.
Bowl had a little black stuff on it.
I used 91% iso and it cleaned most of it off.
No smell no fumes though...
al bundy,


New Member
ya i think u were the one who warned me before i even got my NO2 something about the included brush bristles being a lot shorter than it should lol....but unfortunately that is not the case here, im not willing to completely rule out something like that though and as ive said repeatedly MY UNIT DID NOT SMELL OR TASTE BAD OUT OF THE BOX.

also when on the phone with VAPIR they said something about maybe the temperature sensor being "off" and to try running the unit at a much lower starting temperature and walking it up instead of using using it on a preset temp since maybe its running too hot or something....ive only had it for a few weeks seems unlikely but what do you guys think?

VAPIR mostly suggested that it was normal buildup though even though i know better. i wish I had taken some pictures before i scraped most of the residual layer off the top portion of the chamber, as it gave you better perspective on the thickness of this stuff and what might have happened.....

vapeworld.com is amazing, i'm so glad I came here before purchasing and went through someone legit like these guys....saving me alot of headaches and they actually care, i highly recommend them to anyone.

hey bundy, when you get a chance, can u please smell your additional screens?? the ones already formed into the top hat shape.


Noob Saibot
ktx49 said:
VAPIR mostly suggested that it was normal buildup

Let me guess...it was also normal that it smelled like burned oil? And the screens smelling - that's normal too? I feel bad for you, but hopefully you can get a replacement. I think you understand what I meant about inhaling toxic stuff - it just doesn't feel right ignoring something like that.

I returned my NO2 yesterday, it's making it's way back to the shady seller who is most likely selling old or faulty units. The thing is too big, and too expensive, for me to consider portable (compared to MFLB and stealthvape). If I had money coming out my ears I would get a new NO2, but I think my next investment will be a new log (nonportable), while I wait 1 more month for the stealthvape!


New Member
na they(VAPIR) arent like that, please hold judgement on their customer service until you've dealt with them yourself....they have been very helpful and friendly both times ive talked with them.
also, if it is the screens we need more than me and that 1 other poster to verify it....either way i did understand what your getting at.....

i also decided to return my unit....after some deliberation im going to turn the page on the NO2 for the time being.
i know people like vitolo and many others have had great success, as did I before the strange problem(s) appeared, and I perfectly understand those who will choose to go the NO2 route.
one thing, you guys have every right to come to the conclusion that its some fault of mine or some external variable outside of the screens and unit, and that is fine. i do not believe this to be caused by anything I could have avoided myself...
i'm just very confident in how meticulous I was with my cleaning and upkeep and if its NOT the screens, then what the heck is it???

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