The Official FC Pets & Animals thread




Well-Known Member
How cool is THIS ??? It's one thing to be traveling this fast on a piece of man made machinery like a car or a bike, but how 'bout going this fast on the back of a living thing? While this is considered one of the most dangerous sports in the world it looks like sooooooooooooo much fun, eh?

And yeah, I'm aware of all the issues in regards to horse racing but it doesn't take away in any way the pure exhilaration of being taken on a ride by a thoroughbred.



Baked & Fried
LOL awesome^^

"This room here is a craps-shoot.. Either you get the petting of your life, and I mean 2 hands, like you don't even know what's going on; or they just lie there and don't do anything for hours, it's weird.."

"Just to be clear it's my spot.. It's perfect in there.. It's like sleeping surrounded by underwear.. Well I mean, that's exactly what it is.." :lol:

"There's nothing like it, being engulfed in 360 degrees of foot smell."

"Enjoy it while you can."

"Wet food.. It is so special that they keep it in little armored metaled casings, that no claw can penitrate.."

"You might see a little tiny red dot...... It is real, and it can be caught.. I did it once...... but when I lifted my paws it was gone.."

In an abstract way, it's kind of like welcoming new FC members ;)
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