next generation e-nails?


New Member
first off i wanna say thanks to everyone. i'm a longtime lurker on here and recently got an account to further my e-nail knowledge. all your thoughts and info in the 103 pages of this thread (and many others) have helped me decide on an affordable (to me) e-nail set up. I ended up spending $340 for what i thought was a pretty decent set up.

i ended up getting the gimido 2.5 mini that has the omron lcd. also i tracked down a dnail v1.3 ti base from a glass shop in nj via instagram (lol) and went with the sic halo from dnail. got it running at 665 after programing it with the auto temp program the first time. doesn't really over shoot much at all and goes down to 656 when dabbing.

i've just arrived at flavor town, but i like it. a lot. just had some banana og live resin from moxie. sweet jesus.
anyways, thanks yall.


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Just trying out my new Quartz Liger V2.0 inserts from CCA. I am lucky enough to be a tester for CCA and Josh sent a surprise my way this week. It looks like they have doubled the bottom plate thickness for better heat retention for larger dabs. The sic already does pretty well with this due to the superior thermal properties but this was a good improvement on the quartz. I like to run these quartz inserts quite a bit hotter than the SiC and a little hotter than the thinner ones. I have been hitting the 20mm at 710. The actual dabbing surface of course is MUCH lower. That is really just the coil temp which is effectively the "Oven" temp on the Liger. I still prefer the SiC if I was only going to buy 1 insert for my Liger, BUT since I keep 2 set up this is awesome! I was hitting some Native Roots Blue Slipper shatter out of both and swear it tastes better out of the Quartz, go figure?

Old 16 and 20mm on the outside and new inserts on the inside. The quartz is absolutely top quality and is polished extremely well. My older ones have withstood repeated torch cleanings and abuse!





Well-Known Member
Old 16 and 20mm on the outside and new inserts on the inside. The quartz is absolutely top quality and is polished extremely well. My older ones have withstood repeated torch cleanings and abuse!



Can you post an overhead shot of the inserts next to say a 25 cent coin? Just curious to see the size difference in surface area between the two. Do you see any risk of these getting stuck inside the nail or do they always drop right out?
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Can you post an overhead shot of the inserts next to say a 25 cent coin? Just curious to see the size difference in surface area between the two. Do you see any risk of these getting stuck inside the nail or do they always drop right out?

They always drop right out. His tolerances of the quartz and SiC measurements must be very tight. The inserts drop right in and out weather hot or cold yet fit flush against the walls for good heat transfer. No chance of them getting stuck or cracking. I'll get you a pic tonight for the size with something to compare it to. but the 20mm is a little bigger than your standard banger bucket while the 16mm is a just a little smaller. For the dabs I take they work about the same (Grain of rice or smaller), but for monster dabs the 20mm is the way to go for sure.


Active Member
After a friend got a HighFive enail, I got curious about them and ended up here.

After tons of reading, and the realization I could get an Auber from Amazon with my Christmas gift cards, I got one, and a flat coil from Amazon also.

I've been a big fan of low temp quartz banger dabs.

Ended up reading this whole thread and ordered a SiC Halo. I've been waiting over a month for the Slim bases and carb cap to come in stock but I got sick of waiting so I ordered a knockoff InfiniTi from TAG. I got sick of staring at the Auber and SiC Halo on my shelf.

I still don't have a proper carb cap, as the Dnail one is still out of stock but I check every day. Haha.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome info. I'm always looking for excuses to nerd out about new stuff.

Here's a picture of my dab closet hole. :) The only completely child free area in the house.


Are you inferring that quality quartz stays clear and does not fog up over time? I see the pick of your older cups and they look brand new.... ive tried all sorts of methods to keep my quartz clear and clean. Qtip method works in the beginning, but fogs up eventually with use.
Just trying out my new Quartz Liger V2.0 inserts from CCA. I am lucky enough to be a tester for CCA and Josh sent a surprise my way this week. It looks like they have doubled the bottom plate thickness for better heat retention for larger dabs. The sic already does pretty well with this due to the superior thermal properties but this was a good improvement on the quartz. I like to run these quartz inserts quite a bit hotter than the SiC and a little hotter than the thinner ones. I have been hitting the 20mm at 710. The actual dabbing surface of course is MUCH lower. That is really just the coil temp which is effectively the "Oven" temp on the Liger. I still prefer the SiC if I was only going to buy 1 insert for my Liger, BUT since I keep 2 set up this is awesome! I was hitting some Native Roots Blue Slipper shatter out of both and swear it tastes better out of the Quartz, go figure?

Old 16 and 20mm on the outside and new inserts on the inside. The quartz is absolutely top quality and is polished extremely well. My older ones have withstood repeated torch cleanings and abuse!





Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
After a friend got a HighFive enail, I got curious about them and ended up here.

After tons of reading, and the realization I could get an Auber from Amazon with my Christmas gift cards, I got one, and a flat coil from Amazon also.

I've been a big fan of low temp quartz banger dabs.

Ended up reading this whole thread and ordered a SiC Halo. I've been waiting over a month for the Slim bases and carb cap to come in stock but I got sick of waiting so I ordered a knockoff InfiniTi from TAG. I got sick of staring at the Auber and SiC Halo on my shelf.

I still don't have a proper carb cap, as the Dnail one is still out of stock but I check every day. Haha.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome info. I'm always looking for excuses to nerd out about new stuff.

Here's a picture of my dab closet hole. :) The only completely child free area in the house.

Are you inferring that quality quartz stays clear and does not fog up over time? I see the pick of your older cups and they look brand new.... ive tried all sorts of methods to keep my quartz clear and clean. Qtip method works in the beginning, but fogs up eventually with use.

Yes, I find that higher quality quartz hazes much less than the cheaper stuff. Plus using an enail with the Liger there is no direct heat to the quartz so it just holds up better. I torch clean the shit out of mine until red hot so mine will eventually haze I'm sure from that, but much more slowly than a quartz banger would. If you were to Iso soak them you would never have to replace them and I bet they would never fog. The SiC of course loves to be torch cleaned and looks brand new no matter what abuse I put it through. But that's one of the beauties of SiC.


Well-Known Member
Hazing definitely comes from torching, I don't think it's necessarily a reflection of the quality of the Quartz. Using an enail and not torching cheap Quartz should not fog up.

Edit : just wanted to clarify that thickness probably plays some role in cloudiness, so if something is cheap and thin it might fog sooner, but lots of cheap Quartz is plenty thick
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olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Hi :)

Most quoted enail manufacturers, nails, carb caps and PID in this thread, with comments posted by @rolln_j , @Enchantre , @DieHard , @GSH , @MileHighLife , @PoopMachine , @herbivore21 , @mrbonsai420 , @tepictoton , @BoogerMan , @VoltageKeeper , @Monsoon , @hanfhead ,@KittensTasteYummy :

Most quoted enail manufacturer :

- D-nail (5 pin xlr)
- Auberins (5 pin xlr)
- 710Whip (wire)
- Errlectric
- Gimodo (4-pin mini-XLR/5 pin xlr/5-pin regular)
- DivineTribe
- High5
- Terpz
- SmartDabz
- Greenlightvape (5-pin)

Most quoted nails

- SIC : The SiC HALO™ by D-NAIL (need flat coil)
- Quartz : Quartz HALO - D-NAIL® (need flat coil)
- Pukinbeagle Quartz Jointed Nail and chinese copy
- Pukinbeagle Quartz Banger and chinese copy
- Turtle banger
- Saphire : Sic dish
- Ti : Genesis Nail (size of the quartz insert may not be big enough to do the sized dabs that you want).
Liger here and here.
InfiniTi and chinese copy
Dnail Slim series
- Ceramic : Domeless Ceramic Nail or HI domeless (larger)
- Ti quartz hybrid nail : Liger, quartz Halo,
- Inserts : Sapphire Insert

Most quoted carb cap

- Dnail Universal carb (see here too) - angled and straight hole
- Idab carp
- Storm cell

Most quoted PID

- Omron E5CC PiD (Omiron E5CC heatup time)

Compatible or not ?

- You can use Liger v2 w/ SiC
- High five vapes coils aren't compatible with the d nail and similar pin layout units
- SiC dish is compatible with the universal nail/flat coil that comes with the RDK-200 but you'll need to spend an extra $40 for a base (it's literally just the dish for $100) and you'll want to get a carb cap too if possible.
- The pin layout on the High5 units is different than D-Nails layout so they're not compatible together.
Auber uses the same pin layout as D-Nail and would be compatible with the Lotus and D-Nail coils.
- 720whip DOES fit the INFINITi Nail
- D-Nail "Slim-Series" and third party coils : some people mentioned a possible clearance issue with some third party flat coils which are taller than D-Nail's since the threaded tube isn't tall enough.
- The iDab old version and doesn't fit correctly D-Nail's Slim Series

Hope it can helps ;)
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Well-Known Member
Hi :)

Most quoted enail manufacturers, nails, carb caps and PID in this thread, with comments posted by @rolln_j , @Enchantre , @DieHard , @GSH , @MileHighLife , @PoopMachine , @herbivore21 , @mrbonsai420 , @tepictoton , @BoogerMan , @VoltageKeeper , @Monsoon , @hanfhead ,@KittensTasteYummy :

Compatible or not ?

- SiC dish is compatible with the universal nail/flat coil that comes with the RDK-200 but you'll need to spend an extra $40 for a base (it's literally just the dish for $100) and you'll want to get a carb cap too if possible.

Hope it can helps ;)

Wanted to say a big THANKS for compiling that info. Regarding the SIC dish and the auber nail.. I just wanted to confirm whether the SIC dish fits onto the universal nail itself? I got the impression it did but wanted to be sure.

Also, does anyone sell carb caps compatible with the SIC dish? Can't seem to find it on D-Nails site.


Active Member
Also, does anyone sell carb caps compatible with the SIC dish? Can't seem to find it on D-Nails site.

TAG has a 1" carb cap which they went as far as to say was compatible with 1" nails... Which the SiC Halo is. But I doubt it's a nice fit like D-Nails appears to be.

@olysh the part about the sic being incompatible with the Chinese Infiniti is contradicted on this page by @Nintenjoo who bought the knock off from TAG

I'll elaborate on this. The TAG Infiniti is from China, as is stated on their website. It's definitely fairly roughly manufactured and feels like a cheap knockoff. The large dish changed color exactly like the Dnail retaining screw on the SiC dish, which leads me to believe it's at least actual titanium.

The SiC Halo functions fine on the knockoff infinity, but it doesn't quite fit. The retaining screw fits enough to be quite secure, but the threads do appear to be different, as it only goes down a quarter turn or so.

But because the Infiniti style is so adjustable, you can screw tight the large dish to clamp it on with the coil.

Functionally it's fine, but I will be getting a slim series base and carb cap when Dnail gets their shit together, because I like things to fit and be perfect.

EDIT: Regarding the dish itself, I like it. I'm running it at 627, and using a silicone lid as a ghetto carb cap at the moment. The Amazon coil works great with it and the RDK-200, and it holds temps very well, though I did change a setting per this thread. The one that makes it heat up faster. I believe the 177 code.

It heats up in just a few minutes and holds very steady through the dab (though I don't do huge dabs).

I'm getting around 545* or so with an expensive Fluke brand IR thermometer, with an indicated 627* on the Auber. I do have it configured for a flat coil also.

At that temp, the dab will melt and give off very little vapor until I cap it. Then I can get great milky dabs. I can't wait to have an actual carb cap for it.

I don't do any Q-tipping. I'm not seeing any liquid left over really. Maybe just a tad.

I don't mind being wasteful anyway, as we've got plenty of it in my neck of the woods.

Overall I'm stoked on the Auber and the SiC Halo. Definitely a fun change from my torch and quartz banger.
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olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Here are few tips and advises from this thread.

This list is not exaustive, many useful and interesting posts are missing.


The temperature you use depends mainly on the nail, the coil type (flat or barrel style), and partially on the e-nail unit itself since every unit is different.
I run Quartz anywhere from 550F-650F.
Titanium is usually 625F-700F.
Ceramic is about 625F-675F.
Flat coils can usually be used at lower temps compared to barrel coils in my experience because the flat coil has more direct horizontal contact with the dabbing surface. The barrel coils heat up a large vertical barrel section that is usually attached below the dabbing surface so a higher temp is required to distribute the heat from the barrel section to the dabbing surface.
Post by @BoogerMan

Quartz, SIC, saphire

SIC is superior tasting to standard quartz [...] fine to torch [...]
Now quartz is a tricky one [...]
Saphire provides the absolute best flavor I find [...]
Post by @herbivore21

"Seasonning" nail

I season Titanium and Quartz whether it's a normal domeless nail or e-nail.
I don't season ceramic because the taste with ceramic is phenomenal already IMO and it doesn't seem to make a difference to me. [...]
Post by @BoogerMan
SIC : No seasoning required.
Post by @Likes2vape

Clean nail

Just heat up the nail (I heat my nail to about 500F to warm the residue) and then just wipe the dabbing surface with a Q tip. Works well on ceramic, titanium, and quartz. The Q tip doesn't burn or anything as long as the nail temp isn't too hot.
Post by @BoogerMan
ISO seems to do a better job of cleaning off the carbon and should be used for a thorough cleaning. Depending on how dirty it is, heating it to above 900F for an hour or so and then an ISO wipe when it's cooled down gets it back to looking brand new. Probably the best way to dab on it since it doesn't need seasoning.
Post by @Monsoon
SiC can be cleaned by jacking the heat right up on your coil, or by taking the dish off and torching the crap out of it (butane torch, not propane).
Post by @herbivore21
Sapphire must not be torched, heat cleaning is the best way to clean sapphire
Post by @herbivore21

Flat, 16 or 20 mm coil ?

Just pick an nail and get the coil size that's indicated for it (will be flat, 16mm, or 20mm).
Post by @Monsoon

Replace coil

Double check that it's compatible. Most e-nails use an XLR 5-pin connector but could require either a male or female end and even if it fits the wiring pin-outs may be different.
Post by @Monsoon
Also, pay attention to the wattage of the coil you want to purchase, it should be very close to the one you are using, or you will have to change your PID values.
Post by @jpdnkstr
Some flat coils are thicker than others.
Post by @herbivore21

Enlarge coil size

See here (sorry I lost user name)


It'll keep the heat away from your piece, collect reclaim, and let you easily move the enail between pieces.
Post by @Monsoon
More here by @Frederick McGuire


Well-Known Member
Here are few tips and advises from this thread.

This list is not exaustive, many useful and interesting posts are missing.


The temperature you use depends mainly on the nail, the coil type (flat or barrel style), and partially on the e-nail unit itself since every unit is different.
I run Quartz anywhere from 550F-650F.
Titanium is usually 625F-700F.
Ceramic is about 625F-675F.
Flat coils can usually be used at lower temps compared to barrel coils in my experience because the flat coil has more direct horizontal contact with the dabbing surface. The barrel coils heat up a large vertical barrel section that is usually attached below the dabbing surface so a higher temp is required to distribute the heat from the barrel section to the dabbing surface.
Post by @BoogerMan

Quartz, SIC, saphire

SIC is superior tasting to standard quartz [...] fine to torch [...]
Now quartz is a tricky one [...]
Saphire provides the absolute best flavor I find [...]
Post by @herbivore21

"Seasonning" nail

I season Titanium and Quartz whether it's a normal domeless nail or e-nail.
I don't season ceramic because the taste with ceramic is phenomenal already IMO and it doesn't seem to make a difference to me. [...]
Post by @BoogerMan
SIC : No seasoning required.
Post by @Likes2vape

Clean nail

Just heat up the nail (I heat my nail to about 500F to warm the residue) and then just wipe the dabbing surface with a Q tip. Works well on ceramic, titanium, and quartz. The Q tip doesn't burn or anything as long as the nail temp isn't too hot.
Post by @BoogerMan
ISO seems to do a better job of cleaning off the carbon and should be used for a thorough cleaning. Depending on how dirty it is, heating it to above 900F for an hour or so and then an ISO wipe when it's cooled down gets it back to looking brand new. Probably the best way to dab on it since it doesn't need seasoning.
Post by @Monsoon
SiC can be cleaned by jacking the heat right up on your coil, or by taking the dish off and torching the crap out of it (butane torch, not propane).
Post by @herbivore21
Sapphire must not be torched, heat cleaning is the best way to clean sapphire
Post by @herbivore21

Flat, 16 or 20 mm coil ?

Just pick an nail and get the coil size that's indicated for it (will be flat, 16mm, or 20mm).
Post by @Monsoon

Replace coil

Double check that it's compatible. Most e-nails use an XLR 5-pin connector but could require either a male or female end and even if it fits the wiring pin-outs may be different.
Post by @Monsoon
Also, pay attention to the wattage of the coil you want to purchase, it should be very close to the one you are using, or you will have to change your PID values.
Post by @jpdnkstr
Some flat coils are thicker than others.
Post by @herbivore21

Enlarge coil size

See here (sorry I lost user name)


It'll keep the heat away from your piece, collect reclaim, and let you easily move the enail between pieces.
Post by @Monsoon
More here by @Frederick McGuire
Thanks for putting all of this information together @olysh - I'm sure you've helped a lot of people here looking to get into an enail! A great contribution!

Ok, so I was never going to come back, but I thought I'd just fill in some extra info for the above summary here :)


These do serve all of the above purposes, but they lengthen the airpath, more surface area for reclaim to condense onto but also smoother hit because of longer airpath. I only use a dropdown on a female jointed rig with hand formed GonG joints to avoid expansion of ti bases causing damage to the beautiful hand formed worked GonG. Hand formed worked GonG joints are more prone to damage from an enail base's heat than factory made ground glass joints (for a variety of reasons).


Also the d-nail halos as well as sapphire inserts do not need seasoning, this includes even the quartz halo (does not need seasoning due to capillary channels - aka wik surface - on the floor of the dish). Other quartz still needs seasoning.

Sapphire Halo:

Finally, for anyone who gets the pleasure of trying one, I use my Sapphire halo at 554f :D YMMV depending on voltage/brand of coil/controller, positioning of retaining nut (I now place mine under the heat coil, not above between dish and heater like I used to). The Sapphire halo is hands down the very best dabbing device on the market IME and IMO. Unfortunately, it is prohibitively expensive and difficult to manufacture in enough volume to meet demand. Don't wait for them to become available to you unless you are a d-nail beta tester, there are no plans for these to be retailed AFAIK.

Sapphire Inserts:

Sapphire insert temps vary greatly depending on what kind of coil/dish they are used with.

I have used the v1 sapphire insert with the v1 flat ti dish recently and found that for small-mid sized dabs, this is very close to the flavor of a sapphire halo (much bigger sapphire dabbing surface than the infiniti inserts)! However those of you who do large dabs will want to pass on that one because the sapphire is still too small to keep your big dab all vaporizing on the sapphire and not spilling onto the ti.

Now back to my hiatus from this thread, happy dabbing to each of you!
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olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Thanks, you did (with others) most of the work ;)

I ve read whole thread to know more about enails and copied helpful posts. Then I ve used FC search engine to confirm some point or find best formulation.

I don't know how to build such script, it would be very useful; possibility to select "most liked posts" in FC search engine too.
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Well-Known Member
Debating ordering this carb cap from TAG as it should fit my quartz dish better than the flower bowl I am using now. Wish I could find this cap on DHGate as it is most certainly Chinese, but might bite the bullet as it also comes with a ballpoint dabber which a lot of people seem to enjoy. Can anyone confirm if ballpoints are the hotness dabber wise?

Or I might just wait for this cap to become available as singles as it should be cheaper and I also like the a clear cap.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to build such script, it would be very useful; possibility to select "most liked posts" in FC search engine too.
It should be doable but you would have to download the entire thread and then parse it with the script. I can't code but I don't think it would be too hard for someone who did.

Maybe it would be worth asking the mods for a Best Of thread for here. A polished resource article based on your compilation would be good too if someone wants to put it together so we have a nice condensed version in one place.


Sapphire Powered Dabstronaut.
Thanks for putting all of this information together @olysh - I'm sure you've helped a lot of people here looking to get into an enail! A great contribution!

Ok, so I was never going to come back, but I thought I'd just fill in some extra info for the above summary here :)


These do serve all of the above purposes, but they lengthen the airpath, more surface area for reclaim to condense onto but also smoother hit because of longer airpath. I only use a dropdown on a female jointed rig with hand formed GonG joints to avoid expansion of ti bases causing damage to the beautiful hand formed worked GonG. Hand formed worked GonG joints are more prone to damage from an enail base's heat than factory made ground glass joints (for a variety of reasons).


Also the d-nail halos as well as sapphire inserts do not need seasoning, this includes even the quartz halo (does not need seasoning due to capillary channels - aka wik surface - on the floor of the dish). Other quartz still needs seasoning.

Sapphire Halo:

Finally, for anyone who gets the pleasure of trying one, I use my Sapphire halo at 554f :D YMMV depending on voltage/brand of coil/controller, positioning of retaining nut (I now place mine under the heat coil, not above between dish and heater like I used to). The Sapphire halo is hands down the very best dabbing device on the market IME and IMO. Unfortunately, it is prohibitively expensive and difficult to manufacture in enough volume to meet demand. Don't wait for them to become available to you unless you are a d-nail beta tester, there are no plans for these to be retailed AFAIK.

Sapphire Inserts:

Sapphire insert temps vary greatly depending on what kind of coil/dish they are used with.

I have used the v1 sapphire insert with the v1 flat ti dish recently and found that for small-mid sized dabs, this is very close to the flavor of a sapphire halo (much bigger sapphire dabbing surface than the infiniti inserts)! However those of you who do large dabs will want to pass on that one because the sapphire is still too small to keep your big dab all vaporizing on the sapphire and not spilling onto the ti.

Now back to my hiatus from this thread, happy dabbing to each of you!

Good to see you back in this thread @herbivore21.
I still have you to thank for turning me on to the SiCness!



Well-Known Member
Please someone confirm if this fits the SiC Halo well!

I don't want to use a silicone container lid longer than I have to...
Please do not use silicone as a carb man, that is extremely risky behavior. No polymer should be exposed to nail temps. Oil slicks are not rated for nail temps and heat rises!

It is better to jack the temp up and not carb at all than carb with silicone. Please be safe! :peace:


Active Member
Please do not use silicone as a carb man, that is extremely risky behavior. No polymer should be exposed to nail temps. Oil slicks are not rated for nail temps and heat rises!

It is better to jack the temp up and not carb at all than carb with silicone. Please be safe! :peace:

:( alright. I'll stop.

Dag nabbit I need something. I don't want to go back to my banger now that I have a SiC Dish...

I try not to cover it for more than I need to, then I remove it. But it's probably still getting too hot for moments here and there.

Thanks for the concern. :)


Well-Known Member
:( alright. I'll stop.

Dag nabbit I need something. I don't want to go back to my banger now that I have a SiC Dish...

I try not to cover it for more than I need to, then I remove it. But it's probably still getting too hot for moments here and there.

Thanks for the concern. :)
No worries brother, always good to be looking out for one another around here until regulation catches up with the vape market and we can get better info on safety for this stuff :)

Definitely no safe amount of time to use silicone to cover a hot nail, especially an enail.

I do recall that some here (apologies, I can't seem to remember who just now) have used the small slim series nut instead of the retaining lug to hold the halo in place and this allows for the use of flat carb caps (which should allow you to use other carbs in the meantime til D-nail have their carbs back in stock) :)

This would allow you to use any flat piece of glass to carb, a microscope slide would be fantastic, but it occurs to me that not many of you will have these sitting about the house now that I mention it lol, maybe the bottom of a shot glass could be used effectively with this setup though :)
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