"Mass" on left lung...


Downward spiral
That is what I heard upon receiving my last results of a MRI from a car wreck I was in, in January. WOW, can you say blindsided!! The MRI was for my back and neck, Dr. just happened to see it and sent me off to a Pulmanologist(I think thats right) for more tests. This Dr. seems really cool(even mentioned cannabis), and sent me for a CT scan to see if this mass has grown or shrunk(its now been about 30 days from 1st detection). Well yesterdays scan, says it hasn't shrunk, and they did a needle biopsy of my left lung, results due this Friday. Good news is the Dr. says nothing else looks cancerous nearby and I'm having like zero symptoms.(And my 3rd child has been confirmed by wifes pee stick-Scared yea!!)
If biopsy results are bad, my Dr. wants to cut out this "mass" near the very bottom of my lung. From what he says, its at the bottom and nearest the outside towards ribs, I think. I would love to not have to be cut open AT ALL. No surgeries in my 40ish years, and I'm only missing a couple moles and all my wisdom teeth! **I am not in a MMJ state** I am maybe a little early thinking for "treatment" as there is yet to be a complete "diagnosis", until biopsy results are in, but has anyone personally had success with Rick Simpson oil, 90gms in 90 days?

Feels a little bit better to have typed that out I think. Thanks for reading, hate to have it be a "downer" of a topic. If anyone wants to PM, instead of a public response please feel free.

Scared and stoned in FL:(


Well-Known Member
If they have to cut then ,DO IT, but lets hope that friday
brings wonderful news. Yes indeed, we are all rooting for ya.


Micro-Climate Mastermind
Well first off congrats on #3. I am really sorry about the situation your in though. While I haven't used Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) personally for cancer (I used it for pain), my father has. He had full blown stage 2 prostate cancer, his physician knew he was trying Cannabis oil and as initial results came in very positive. He encouraged continued treatment. After 3 months the cancer was gone and his physician couldn't see any more signs that cancer had even been there. Gotta split my 3 kids are yelling and screaming but if I can help in any way at all, just holler. Good luck


Vapor Sloth
Not getting spun out on stuff like this is hard, hang in there Surfer :) I just had my second full brain/c-spine MRI. Both my brother and sister have MS, and I also have an autoimmune disease, so when I started getting the same seizures they experience, well I started doing my own math. Turns out, I don't have MS, but a nasty seizure scar of some kind, so I'm going in for a sleep deprivation EEG.

When your biopsy results come back negative the only surgery you might wish to consider, some time soon, may be a vasectomy ;)


Downward spiral
Thank you all for taking a moment to read and respond so kindly. I am trying to remain positive, while at the same time trying to learn what to options are out there should they be required.

@T-dub...Thanks, I needed that!!:lol:

Will update my news on Friday.


Oil Painter
There are multiple alternative treatment routes which have yielded excellent results. I would suggest not rushing into any treatment (well, I would start the RSO) until you've consulted at least two different doctors about the results (should the results be not as good as we hope), and given yourself a little bit of time to learn more about it, etc.

You mention a car wreck. I'm betting that sucker is a hemotoma from that.... basically, a bruise.


Trapped in the Astral Planes Back from the dead
Sorry to hear that your initial results were poor. I hope the test results on Friday bring you much needed good news Surfer. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. :tup:


Good call on the biopsy. Hope all goes well. I'm with you, at least in "spirit" and in the same metaphorical room. Under the knife again tomorrow. Sudden shit health crisis yesterday. Wish I could shoulder some of your burden, mate.

Did they give it a name? Is it a bleb perhaps?



I'm honestly more concerned about S420S, I've been in this rodeo a few times now, I know what to expect, but it doesnt make it suck any less. I'll get a little vacation and be back into things by the middle of the month hopefully. Good thoughts to you Silver. Luung surgery sucks, cancer sucks more.

fingers crossed


Downward spiral
Thanks everybody for the kind thoughts, prayers, etc. They seem to have worked. My biopsy results came back negative!! I am so happy and relieved, but a part of me feels "bad" because I know that I dodged a bullet but that many other people haven't. Just makes me feel really, really lucky. My results were originally suppossed to come Friday, but after I gave the office my cell phone number to contact me(cause I had to go out), they called 10 minutes before closing on my home phone number, so I missed them Friday. So mad. Got the call late yesterday that tests were negative, so happy(And such a medical noob) that I forgot to ask what the "mass" in my lung is. Duh. So thinking it is either old scar tissue or something from my car accident, will call tomorrow to find out. Spent the nite dabbing till I was incoherent, I was so happy.

Again thanks to all for the kind words and sympathetic messages, you folks(who I don't even know in person), really made me feel better in a very scary time.


Vapor Sloth
I know I took a gamble with you using some "gallows humor" and a personal liberty since we aren't really acquainted, and I apologize, but as a disabled person I realize that sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Good morale is important. Congrats on the good news, now go find that urology clinic :tup:


Downward spiral
I know I took a gamble with you using some "gallows humor" and a personal liberty since we aren't really acquainted, and I apologize, but as a disabled person I realize that sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Good morale is important. Congrats on the good news, now go find that urology clinic :tup:
No apologies necessary at all, T.
Perfect timing and actually needed to hear something funny at that time, which that was!
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