"Mass" on left lung...


I can see clearly now the smoke is gone...
That is what I heard upon receiving my last results of a MRI from a car wreck I was in, in January. WOW, can you say blindsided!! The MRI was for my back and neck, Dr. just happened to see it and sent me off to a Pulmanologist(I think thats right) for more tests. This Dr. seems really cool(even mentioned cannabis), and sent me for a CT scan to see if this mass has grown or shrunk(its now been about 30 days from 1st detection). Well yesterdays scan, says it hasn't shrunk, and they did a needle biopsy of my left lung, results due this Friday. Good news is the Dr. says nothing else looks cancerous nearby and I'm having like zero symptoms.(And my 3rd child has been confirmed by wifes pee stick-Scared yea!!)
If biopsy results are bad, my Dr. wants to cut out this "mass" near the very bottom of my lung. From what he says, its at the bottom and nearest the outside towards ribs, I think. I would love to not have to be cut open AT ALL. No surgeries in my 40ish years, and I'm only missing a couple moles and all my wisdom teeth! **I am not in a MMJ state** I am maybe a little early thinking for "treatment" as there is yet to be a complete "diagnosis", until biopsy results are in, but has anyone personally had success with Rick Simpson oil, 90gms in 90 days?

Feels a little bit better to have typed that out I think. Thanks for reading, hate to have it be a "downer" of a topic. If anyone wants to PM, instead of a public response please feel free.

Scared and stoned in FL:(

I will keep you in my prayers. I'm in FL too, so if you wanna call or something feel free.

Also, My sisterinlaw was diagnosed with lung cancer and a 6 month prognoses 5 years ago. She is still a pain in my ass. Keep your head up!! :)

Edit : Whoops, didn't read the whole thread. :uhoh: Glad everything is ok. :clap:
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