Mandela Effect - Am I Just High?


Well-Known Member
10000% agree with that last statement bio. ...but that is honestly not the way to look at the earth if we have hope of healing at least some of the issues ...we are the polluters !
Animal agriculture is decimating this planet and that's solely on us .changing how we live and understanding how wasteful we are and how sustainable we can be is the light .I'm dead sure the warming of this planet on this level is somehow our fault at the very least ...although I also look at it as rebirth..mother earth is showing she is hurting and soon the volcano will overflow so to speak and she really will rebirth ..I always enjoy talking with people who are open minded to not disagree with everything that i/you say.
Off to the FP thread for a morning vape...cheers and love :peace:
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I vehemently disagree that animal agriculture is decimating the planet. I think it's funny what vegans blame shit on, to justify their diets.
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It's not a blame it's a pretty dam clear result of what's going on in the not saying it's the sole decimation of this planet but it's damn high in the list .either way I respect your opinion :)
+++ vibes everyday


Well-Known Member
Respect bro, everyone has different life experiences and reasons for their thinking. I think mass agriculture in general especially grains destroys the environment and especially health. But i've pretty much given up caring when fossil fuels from our own vehicles/trucks/busses cripples the air quality and kills thousands every year. I moved to the country to get away from the zoo and pollution yet still can't go for a simple walk without inhaling disgusting exhaust fumes. I guess offgrid is the next step! :lol:
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@ghost[/USER] i forgot to tag you also when above. The reptilian thing I do actuallt subscibe to. I have never listened much to David Icke, but there is another very interesting man named Simon Parkes who is very frothcoming ablut reprilians and all alien culture and behind scenes historical details abput humanity and the stars and universe etc.[/USER]

Hmm...I'll look into him. To be honest, I neither believe nor disbelieve the reptilian theory. I acknowledge the possibility.

I had a thought though...perhaps the belief in an evil reptilian race amongst us stems from humanities inability to accept the fact that there are humans amongst us that are complete sociopaths and truly terrifying individuals. And they often ascend to high positions of power due to their lack of caring about who they step on and how may people have to suffer and die for them to get there. Admittedly, when you look at people like Cheney or Hillary, they really do seem inhuman, and when you actually really watch them speak and pay attention, it sends a bit of a chill down your spine.
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Well-Known Member
Hmm...I'll look into him. To be honest, I neither believe nor disbelieve the reptilian theory. I acknowledge the possibility.

I had a thought though...perhaps the belief in an evil reptilian race amongst us stems from humanities inability to accept the fact that there are humans amongst us that are complete sociopaths and truly terrifying individuals. And they often ascend to high positions of power due to their lack of caring about who they step on and how may people have to suffer and die for them to get there. Admittedly, when you look at people like Cheney or Hillary, they really do seem inhuman, and when you actually really watch them speak and pay attention, it sends a bit of a chill down your spine.
I used to take this view, at first I dismissed the reptilian theory as being ridiculous nonsense, a few years ago now.
I said exactly that- mankind is perfectly adept at destroying this planet and screwing us all up, we dont need aliens to do that.

But I realised that my mind was just being closed to the possibilities of the greater universe. Just because we have never seen evidnece of something. We have been programmed to specifically beilieve that thre has never been alien contact, despite tons of solid (suppressed and muddled) eveidence of ages of direct contact.

To my more open mind these days, it seems highly likely and perfectlt logical that we have aliens have been amoung us for thoudsands of years. In fact they say with good reason that we were most likely created by aliens. They say that Mars is a place where very dark breeding experiments are conducted. There is life elsewhere on the universe/solar system I have strong belief of that, we just havent been informed about it.

Anyway, that is just what makes good sense to me and my gut and intuiton and philosophical logic, and like I say there is actually tons of evidence albeit not in the mainstrram evr.

Although there has been enormous pressure on the elite to activate "disclosure." That is why they are suddenly changing their tune in the mainstream with SUDDEN. discoveries of previously unknown (yeah right!) habitable planets in our solar system.

The Simon Parkes stuff is very interesting. He definitely appears to be on our side, and is very credible and consisitent. Whatever you believe, it is worth hearing what he has to say about the world stage and political situation. Every connecting consciousness show he gives a global update at the first 10 or 15 minutes. I usually only listen to this part as I am a restless listener generally, I just want the bottom line, poor attention span.

I hope you find it interesting, have a great weekend man!:)
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