i need a new vap

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Staff member
A bit of advice: Check out some of the model-specific threads to see what interests you, and then you might see what type of vaporizer you're best suited for. Then come back here and ask for advice regarding some specific vapes vis vis your personal needs or desires.

To ask "what's better than this box vape?" is kinda like walking into a hardware store and asking "I need a new tool" without specifying more specific requirements.



Vapor concierge
I take it you are new to vaping. If so, play with your current vape more if you haven't already. Maybe the temp needs to be turned down or something. You may indeed have a piece of shit, but it oughta work better than that.


Well-Known Member
OP, vaporizers like that heat up big time over time, so you have to turn the dial down over time or you will combust when you hit & cough.

As far as getting a new one, it all depends on your price range, cant help you without knowin that.


Out to lunch
stickstones said:
Maybe the temp needs to be turned down or something.
I had that thought as well. Also, vapor, no matter the vape being used, can cause coughing. Although it would be a good idea to upgrade to one of the models that get reviews here, you may find yourself in the same situation with a better vape. It's always a good idea to find the vapor range for your unit, by starting low, see where you start to get vapor, then find the high end, where the vapor is harsh and your remains are very dark brown. There's a learning curve for most all direct draw vapes, so you may want to play around with your cheapie and see if your results change any.


Well-Known Member
so would i still cough with a da buddha vaporiser? ive been thinking if getting one of them my cheap hong kong one i can see green bits coming up the pipe why is that??
Jesus Christ.

As a rule of thumb, avoid no-name made in China vaporizers. Box vaporizers in general are not a favorite for multiple reasons, including uncertain health qualifications with many of them. Consider any of the vapes in my or anyone else's signatures on this forum. A real DBV or Extreme Q is a good choice for a solid at home vape, consider a MFLB if portability is a requirement.
Some people find vapor to be even more irritating than smoke, know that going in. I'm a water vaporist 90% of the time, and this eliminates the issue for me.


Active Member
moodster80 said:
so would i still cough with a da buddha vaporiser? ive been thinking if getting one of them my cheap hong kong one i can see green bits coming up the pipe why is that??
Dood green bits sound really bad. Stop using it a nd throw it in the bin and buy a DaBudha or SilverSurfer and be a happy man like me :lol:


Well-Known Member
You can never use a china vape that cheap without TOTAL peace of mind that you arent inhaling any toxic fumes when it heats up.


Well-Known Member
i ordered the da buddha in black got it this morning will update later if i think its better thanks everyone


Senior Marijuanist
moodster80 said:
i ordered the da buddha in black got it this morning will update later if i think its better thanks everyone

You made an excellent choice! :D

You might want to consider using a water bong with your DBV if it is still an issue for you. I found that I don't get as much that 'expectorant' effect when I do. My :2c:


Out to lunch
moodster80 said:
i ordered the da buddha in black got it this morning will update later if i think its better thanks everyone
It's certainly better than your self admitted "piece of crap". There's no doubt about that. It's arguably the best whip vape on the market for the $. Whether it's the answer to your issues or not, is another story. ;)


Well-Known Member
oh yes people the da buddha works sweet i had 6 big hits from it then 6 more and no coughing at all smooth as silk just got to play with the settings now and last night was the most stoned i have been for ages thanks everyone for your input the fleabay one has been binned :D
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