Have Arizer Solo, considering getting a vape with higher capacity, but which?


Well-Known Member
I have the Arizer Solo which I absolutely love, but I miss the super capacity of my Volcano. I remember one quarter load or so of the Volcano would be enough for 2-4 days of vaping before I replaced the herb! Needless to say, with the Solo it's the reverse where I do 2-4 loads per day.

The volcano had the advantage that I could get really medicated easily, whereas with the Solo if I want a really strong effect or am with friends I need 2 or more loads.

I had gotten an Arizer Extreme Q but ended up not liking it much, I preferred my Volcano over the EQ.

If I were to get a plug in model that has a higher capacity than the Arizer Solo, should I get a Volcano again or are there better options now?


mod note: The General section is not to be used for vape specific topics. Thread moved to Ask FC.


Ate the Kumo Kumo no mi
Silver Surfer Vape. A friend of mine has it and I love it. Gives you massive, rich, vapor clouds. If your looking for another bag fill though you could buy the herbalaire or a zephyr ion both of which I hear are pretty good and I plan to buy the herbalaire myself. There are some good log vapes too such as the underdog vaporizer. Those are some alternatives I thought off on the top of my head real quick. Nothing wrong with buying another Volcano if you don't mind spending that type of money again. Volcano is a sick ass vape

Edit: Herbalaire also can be used with a whip. So if you enjoy hitting a whip or vaporbonging off one it has that option as well. Though from the thread here at FC you should replace the whip they give you with another one as it restricts the airflow a bit much.


420 Gamer
Have you considered a log vape? I heard that they are very efficient with herb. You also receive like a couple of tubes in which you could pack like different bowls in each tube and interchange them/use them one by one. If your testing different strains ect. It also is compatible with 14.5 mm gong for waterpipe. If your interested look at aromazap or underdog. HI and OCD are options if your willing to wait a while. Oh and woodeez also offer less pricey alternative.


Well-Known Member
You seem to like the volcano's efficiency, which isn't necessarily related to its high capacity.

A log vape really can't be beat in the efficiency department, but traditionally has had some of the smallest capacities around. Some newer designs have much larger herb capacities though, and are still super-efficient (UD, HI, and i'm pretty sure the ocd/epicvape has bigger capacities than the traditional log vape stems of the rockzap/PD/WDZ)



I've got a chance to see the Zephyr iOn at work and although i did find its look appealing i'm not sure that's the ultimate extraction machine... Considering it's discontinued and still expensive, if i were to shop around for a vaporizer again i just might choose a HappyVappy Vary instead. This later version is digital and won't do bags, contrary to my HerbalAire, but no stirring is required, as with my HerbalAire... I'm thinking perhaps those two have got more in common than just their average shapes, actually. Anyway, please take note my present comment is only meant to offer an alterive to the Zephyr iOn. Without the Zephyr iOn in mind my reply could have differed significantly.

Now, since you already own an Arizer Solo and there's been mention of the HerbalAire then i must urge you to take a look at the HerbalAire dedicated thread. I happen to use mine with the crucible inserted over an Arizer Solo glass stem and this configuration suits me quite well when i feel for direct inhalation:

It's also possible to connect a water toy as i've been able to verify, a while ago...



Out to lunch
aab1 said:
If I were to get a plug in model that has a higher capacity than the Arizer Solo, should I get a Volcano again or are there better options now?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone cite the #1 priority for a vape as bowl size. My problem with loading up a big bowl to avoid more frequent reloading is that it compromises taste. You end up vaping ABV multiple times in order to get it all vaped. And it's a high price for large bowl capacity at $539. That said, the 'cano does have a big bowl. Can't think of one that's larger. Personally, I'd go with an SSV and a fatty wand for more capacity, but then I have different priorities and am not a 'cano fan, due to the lack of direct draw and the price.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say bowl size was my #1 priority, I just want a vape with a larger capacity but of course my priority is still quality and effeciency.

I have a friend of a friend selling his model without parts so I can get a good deal on it and order the parts.


here for the chicks
SSV with a fatty wand is a good choice if you like bigger bowls. The Plenty comes to mind first though, since you're a Cano fan. The Verdamper may be another one to look at perhaps.

Although, if you really liked that Cano so much I'd just get another one of those I guess.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Theres also the LSV.
It has a Long version of its WPA (which I haven't seen in person, But based on pictures it looks pretty damn big), or a fatty chamber for use with the transfer wand.
Frederick McGuire,
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