Got to bid adieu guys............


Well-Known Member
FC has been a great place to spend my time in. I've learned so much from you guys, and hopefully, I was able to give, at least, a small fraction of that back in contributing whatever I was able to contribute.

I've always considered this place like family away from family, if ya know what I mean. Gonna miss ya, but considering some of the things that has been going on here lately, I think I need to take a break and stay away for awhile, for the last thing that I want to do is to be a disruption here and if you read the latest Aromed threads, I think that that will become very evident. I just can't keep quiet with some of the crap that's goin' on and my outbursts here is not really fair to the rest of you, it kinda is what it is. ya all, except for a very select few.



To those whom I have extended a hand to in their effort to get a PD sent to them outside of the US, please email me as I still want to help in any way that I can.

And to vtac and the rest of the mods, while I don't agree with some of your recent decisions here as of late, it doesn't diminish one iota, the respect that I have you guys.

Take care..........


Well-Known Member
bye bye


Maaan, I didn't even capitalise..

I know the rules say don't blame the green but I think I must of drifted off.

Should have added that, since I joined this site, you and Beezleb's posts have have been some of the best I have read. Him for his polite way of providing lots of excellent help and advise and you for your tenacity and also providing lots of good advise and always being willing to help. Your polar opposites, Fuck Combustions very own Yin and Yang.

That's how I see it anyway.

I wouldn't cut all ties completely.


Lost in Thought
I think you are full of shit Ler. Sit back, vape a stem and at least lurk man.
No really, I hope this is one of your 'white knuckle paranoia im gonna quit everything' highs right now talking.

While we may be 'family' round here, we cant take it *too* seriously. And remember - opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink (except for mine)

I must admit, you did initially come off as a specific vape nuthugger but once you get passed that initially you are more of an objective view nuthugger.
I can live with that :)

Either way your decisions take you - take care bud.


f**k that shit, man. what's the point of being a pro-mj vaper when you carrying so much angst, dude? DON'T LET THE WEED DOWN, dude.... stay away for short while if u want and then come back, ok?

p/s- thks for your offer. i will try my DBV first and then seriously consider the PD. wish i had thought about it earlier.


Well-Known Member
damn man, and I just showed up here.... :(

ok so your getting into minor scraps on certain topics here, no reason to leave. Hope to see you around here again, lwien, I dont believe your time here is up :)


Nycdeisel said:
damn man, and I just showed up here.... :(

ok so your getting into minor scraps on certain topics here, no reason to leave. Hope to see you around here again, lwien, I dont believe your time here is up :)

100% agree. take a break and cool down but return with a clear mind and a better handle on letting things go.

my 2 cents: we all have our combustion limits and learning where they are and knowing how to manage yourself before you get there is important. so, fuck life and herb.


Combustion Fucker
I appreciate your posts, but yeah if the forum is getting you worked up at all, could be time to take a step back. there will always be someone wrong on the internet, can't let it keep you up nights.


Well-Known Member
No opinion but this. It is about the vapor and not us. At least that is my view.


Well-Known Member
Yea man, just remember its the fuckin internet. Can't let anything get to you on here.

I don't let people in real life get to me or give a fuck what they think, so there's no question i'd wouldn't let some random degenerates on the internet get to me. I certainly never lose sleep over anything I see on here (internet). Just stay on point and be true to what your are and thats it, don't waste your time with childish antics.

That's not to say you still can't have a little fun on here every now and then :brow:


Many others, like lwein and myself for that matter, have invested much in FC. Internet forums can be addictive and I believe Iwien is trying to tell us -- for the time being at least -- that when it comes to FC he has crossed that line. I take him to be intelligent and the fist sign of intelligence is recognizing you have a problem.

Great, nothing wrong with that! He'll be back when he's good and ready. I'll miss him until then.


Well-Known Member
I'd set the under/over at a week and hope anyone taking the under wins if that makes sense.


Herbal Alchemist
That's a shame. Sorry to hear, but maybe you can come back after a break. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, it was nice talking/arguing with you. I have no clue what even happened, I just lurk once in a while now.

Where ever you go I am sure people will value your input.


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
That is a real bummer, but hopefully your sentiments will be heard, absorbed, and you will trickle back as I have done, despite me not being as involved as before (and after your sentence is over...assuming the 'banned' identification under your name is accurate).

I am certain that it is quite hard to appease everyone (from those who view this site as a valuable resource to those who view it as more of a social hang out place).

I had once suggested that a FC "library" section be made. It would be sorta like the wiki, but where posts (or partial posts) would be added when new information was presented (crediting the OP for their contribution). This would allow people to chat (and bicker) more freely, while appeasing those who view this site as more of a valuable resource (plus it would allow the mods to leave inappropriate posts so all could see how people respond to members who act that way, instead of deleting them and making threads and rule enforcement protocol more unclear). One could always read the whole thread if they suspect that the librarian of that particular library thread is biased, inappropriate, or inaccurate (and report the librarian to the mods if necessary). I know that I would volunteer to be the librarian for a thread. You, lwein?


Um, wow, it's going to be a bit quieter around here without you, Lwien. Despite, or perhaps in part because of, your frequently somewhat cantankerous ways ;), I've valued your considerable input here, and enjoyed your enthusiasm for our subject matter, and the community that we've built.

I'm still not entirely sure about the reason for your departure (is that 'banned' yours or the mods'?), and I do hope you can make a return at some point. Though yeah, if things were getting a bit heated for you (har har), then maybe a breather is in order. It's just a web forum - no need to take it too seriously (hey I got a 3-day ban myself last year, when I made a joke flame without a winkie).

PS It took me a while to realise that your name began with a lower-case 'L' and not an upper-case 'I', but I worked it out eventually by copying and pasting it into the post-writing field and comparing the letters. Heh.


Technical Skeptical
only you can decide iwein, i've made the same decision as you for a different site, and they still send me facebook invites.

they know i hate the way their mods run the show, and they continue to act as if my situation is the same as anyone else who has been banned.

but i know they're up to no good, and they won't see me around even when my ban is lifted.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could take a break from the interwebz altogether for a while, but i cannot because it is my bread and butter.

good luck bro.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
charliedontsurf said:
Admins need to vape a load and relax, clearly.

I strongly disagree with this. The people who should have vaped a load and chilled were lwien and Hazydayz.

lwien wrote a suicide note here. He knew what he did was out of line, but he did it anyway. Clearly he felt so strongly about his fight with Hazydayz he felt it was worth getting banned. If you had seen the thread (deleted now I think) you'd have seen he engaged in a serious personal attack. That's strictly against the rules, so he was banned and rightly so.

I've seen scenarios like this play out on virtually every forum I've watched or participated in. Many of them have a strict rule: No discussing the boards on the boards. FC doesn't have exactly that rule, but it does have this:

Public discussions of staff decisions are not permitted on the site. If you have any concerns or queries relating to a staff decision please take it up in private with a staff member.

We are therefore on thin ice here and even though I have posted in defense of the moderators, I would not be surprised to get a red line. Regardless, this is my last word on the subject.

Edited to correct spelling
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