

I am waiting for Ricks input on this. I am not sure that many people leave the flower firmly on the unit as I had it for a full 24 hours.
could their have been some minute hint of oil not visible to the eye, in the port.. that perhaps extended heat dissipated?


Missed all this yesterday. It was a very busy Monday.
I am going in the direction of extra heat possibly baked the heatport screen a bit cleaner. The Aroma flower does close off the heatport tube when in place. When there is no flower in the Zap, heat is dissipated through the top plate and the center heatport tube into the ambient air. I do not think we are seeing a difference in stem pack or pull as you seem to be a pretty precise guy Vitolo. Hotter vaping air could give the illusion of more flow as it will rip through a load quicker IMO. Then of course I must agree there is something magical about the flowers as Zaplady makes them.
Vitolo, I'm working on a (followup) Email to you this AM regarding info you sent yesterday and will cover another issue you may be having.
Do you find the pulls 'fuller' consistently after the flower was on for a day or does that effect seem to fade after a stem or two or less?
I think leaving the flower(or copper cap) on will keep the inner heatport temp slightly hotter.


Rick, I knew you would at the very least let me know this was not my imagination.
Yes. I have had more time to Zap, and have understood better.
It is a combination of two things, and you hit both nails on the head!
*I believe the heat port baked itself cleaner, as you suggest, and also I see a difference once I studied this more.
*After extended time with flower in place... I do get a couple fuller hits, than normal, and it does fade after a stem or two.

Even after those couple of stems of "fuller vapor" fade to normal however, I still feel an easier draw from the heat port being cleaner.
Thanks vaporists for your suggestions, as I "ranted"...
and thanks Rick for verfification. (and verification that the flowers are magical as well!)


MZ Hits the Virtual Metaverse!
AromaZap has just been "Zapped" across cyberspace, and landed in the Virtual World of Second Life.
When I recovered from my coma, I began, and still maintain a dog park and a center for coma survivors in Second Life (You can google my SL name "Vitolo Rossini").
I began creating and scripting objects, like virtual dogs, all created by myself.
I brought my Dog with me.. (my wife has an avatar too!)
I decided I wanted my Zap in the Virtual world with me!


Yeah... I vape with my Zap there in SL too!


Vapor Viking
That there is pure gold! Great work on the digital zap!! And probably a great little bit of free advertising for Aromazap too


Nycdeisel said:
haha Vitolo! you are one funny guy!

"Funny?.. You mean I'm funny like a clown?...."

@psyshaman- Zap deserves the plug. It has added to my health and enjoyment of my herb. I've been vaping for years, and finally have a piece I am proud to display as collectible art!


Myrtle Zap w/ Bloodwood Stem

This Zap's getting a workout! Kushin (pronounced cushion- that's his name) loves modeling his stems!


vapor accessory addict
Very nice contrast between the two wood tones. Makes it really look striking.

You'll have to give Kushin a nice Zapolish massage after all his work. :lol:


You know mom, I dont have a camera. All of my textures are done with the built in cam on the Imac.
"Kushin" has a remarkable iridescent glow and depth that I have not captured properly yet. When I got him, he had been handled alot, but not vaped with. Each time I rub ZaPolish into him, the cloth comes up slightly dirty, and he glows a bit more!

I am almost out of ZaPolish! I must order more immediately... have you guys checked your supply closets to make sure you're stocked up?


sharkvszombie299 said:
ordered my zap as soon as i woke up this morning cause it def couldnt wait till after work :lol::lol:
Welcome to the Zap family! We all are waiting with you, and will be watching for your posts.
I for one want to hear all about it!


Well-Known Member
Nycdeisel said:
WOW :o

I have never seen a log like that!

Said one gastronologist to another. :brow:

But yeah, looks like two different woods morphed together.


vapor accessory addict
Hi Toe and welcome to the forum and to Zapville! :D That is one beautiful Zap you got. It never ceases to amaze me how different they can look. Enjoy!


Toe was one of the last Myrtle orders before we ran out of our best Myrtlewood. He saw my post about being out and contacted me saying any wood would(ahhh, English) do but that he was the kind of guy who liked "Guinea pigs or Ugly Ducklings" so I got back and told him I would check out 'the shelf' of reject blocks I have had for quite awhile. His Zap is from the 40 year plus stored inside Myrtlewood. I had two large slabs, one darker, one lighter with almost 200 Zap blocks between them. The lighter slab had some decent cracking through a very distinct area. Almost every block from that area was culled but saved. Toe's Zap has a decent surface crack down the back that I filled. His willingness to bend got him that Zap.
The marking is not a birthmark but something that happened after the tree was harvested is my guess. Dark splotches through specific areas of the wood. Thing is, this splotch wood is very solid, not porous like most of the Myrtle burl. I do have a few more that will be salvageable but not many as I can only do small me if interested......
Now Vitolo, you are the man with all the virtual creations and good words for all! I don't know what to say except thank you so much Vitolo! We are keeping in touch off this forum and we look forward to giving you a nice seat on the Zapville train. We will have to dust off that top level VIP suite with the view from the Master Flow. We do 'meet' some very interesting people along the way which is part of our daily life treasure.
Thanks for taking the plunge. Your order will be at your door in a week or so. Maybe a day or two either side of that.
We appreciate the added attention here on FC related to log vapes. Our thanks to all who take part in that effort.


Thank you, Rick, and same to LadyZap.
You are as earthy a guy as the wood you shape. I am more than proud to ride that train, thanks for the welcome.
As for that order, I look forward to showing off a second Zap, of a slightly different nature!
Besides making the place smell good, it will make my home more beautiful, and keep me happy as a clam when it is time for medicating! :brow:


Good morning everyone! I received my beautiful dark walnut myrtlezap in the mail yesterday (thanks Rick!) and took it for it's maiden voyage last night. Needless to say, I'm extremely impressed! I love my little mflb, but found it somewhat complicated to use once flying. Not difficult per se, just requiring a degree of concentration to prevent combustion toward the end of my draw.

No longer a problem with my MZ! Now I can relax, put on a movie or some music, and let the magic happen without worrying about combustion. Interestingly, I noticed that the MZ got me just as medicated on the same amount of herb as my mflb, but the abv came out much lighter. This should mean better goodies in the future!

My only minor issue last night was removing the abv from the stem. Attempting to blow it into my abv container turned out to be a disaster! :lol:

What do my new log vape brothers and sisters do to save that wonderful abv?

Also, do you have any advice for use? I found myself taking two or three big draws, blowing the goodies out to stir / crumble and then reloading for another draw or three (until I couldn't see any visible vapor for two consecutive hits). Is this stirring necessary? Any other tips?

Thanks so much, and happy vaping!

P.S. if you haven't gotten a glass tooty yet, get one! I love it! :D
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