Search results for query: Percs and their

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  1. J

    Question about Diffusers/Percs

    Hey guys, been a while since I posted here. Got some great tips a while back and have been vaping happily for years with my Arizer Q Extreme....anyways, I had it hooked up to a no frills GonG bong using a nice downstem I got custom made. Well, it's all busted now, so I'm in the market for new...
  2. Dr. Plutonious

    How do the fancier percs compare to the more traditional ones?

    I'm familiar with showerhead and tree percs, but at some point I want to get a nicer perc. I'm interested in the M&M Tech crystal ice perc and the Mobius Stereo perc specifically. How do these percs vary from more standard showerhead/ circ percs and tree percs?
  3. rotax

    Percs and their effects on drag/resistance

    Hope this is the place for a 'question' topic. I don't have much experience with different percs and was wondering if someone could explain the differences? Less on the design and appearance side, more on the actual effect it plays on the vapor? I haven't used or been around bongs or high[er]...
  4. tdavie

    Comparison of different types of percs?

    It's only been since April this year that I hit a bong with a perc. I'd like to know more about them and expand my 'having tested' list. I've tried; -Bell -Dome -Mushroom(?) -Tree -Inline -Disc diffused Am aware of; -Swiss -Helix/Double Helix (?) -Waffle -Showerhead There's gotta be others...
  5. biojuggernaut

    Best Water Pipe Percs

    What are your guys favorite percs? Disk, inline, dome, showerhead etc.? :ninja: Since everyone on FC seems to be less stoned then the rest of the world when it comes to reliable information which one provides the best filtration, cooling, and pull speed? What scientific information concludes...
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