Recent content by captainwolf

  1. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I've heard the popping sound since the first week and I hear it when the heater is turned onto a higher setting. I need to look it over for cracks. SM55 what do you recommend we do?
  2. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Thanks guys for the advice. It worked like a charm, no need for the pipe cleaner. SM, I got some ideas for VHW line. I'm sure these have been brought up before, but I'm just going to throw them out there again. What about a wireless VHW? Hakko makes wireless, so why couldn't Vrip attach a...
  3. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Ok, I've got it soaking in some iso, how long should I leave it in? Would you recommend using a pipe cleaner to scrap out the material if the iso doesn't take it all out?
  4. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Guys I ended up blowing material back into my VHW last night. :o I removed the heater cover and rinsed it out with hot water. The material didn't budge. Any recommendations as to how to clean the inside of the heater cover without damaging it? Thanks
  5. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Vriptech doesn't accept paypal through a business account... Has anyone here ordered from them before? Why wouldn't they use pay pal like most other businesses? What protection do you have if you don't use pay pal?
  6. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Anyone find an American company that sells the meteor gauze or something similar to it?
  7. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Monkey can you show the picture of the meteor gauze to Mark at VRIP and see what he thinks?
  8. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Does anyone know of an American company that sells the meteor gauze?
  9. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I'm not sure if you can get the meteor gauze at a local shop, but you can get a typcial glass frit screen there. Supposedly the owner of VRIP said frits won't work with the VCB, thats why he uses a metal screen. The round meteor gauze is a totally different shape than a frit and I was...
  10. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    BTW, the meteor gauze picture is posted on page 3 of this thread.
  11. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Monkey, take a look at the glass screen Acolyte posted. It is a meteor glass gauze. Do you think that would work in the VCB? If so what size? Has the owner of VRIP tried a design like that? He may be able to replace his metal screen and market something similar to that. I know he said...
  12. C

    Space Case

    Is it me or that website seems a little suspect? It doesn't have much info on the case and it doesn't seem well designed (lack of info, very low resolution pics). You would think a company with that kind of a repuation would have a much better website. Any one verified that this is the real...
  13. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    That's a good point about the bowl. Monkey could you try it with a standard bowl and see if it even works without the VCB and let us know? I think I am getting it regardless for efficiency, but some may not order it if the VCB is a $50 must...
  14. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    I have some older pieces and would like to know before I order a VCB. Glass screens are more like a plug that air can pass through the sides. They are very small and they look nothing like a metal screen. If the VCB has a big intake hole then the glass screen won't fit. However, I have heard...
  15. C

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Also, how can you tell if your water pieces are 9.5 mm or 12mm for the VCB? I know there is nothing wrong with stainless steel, but you never really know if the screens are "pure" stainless steel or a composite. So my second question is: is there a way to use the VCB with a glass screen?
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