The Dani by Battery-free Ganz


Well-Known Member
Ok perfect! Thanks! :) I will for sure try it with the BBT but i doubt I'll want to keep using it as it plows through butane WAY too fast lol was one of the reasons I slowed down on concentrates, everything having to do with them was getting expensive lol

Speaking of 'trates, how does the Dani do with them? Same idea as others, sandwich between herb? Haven't seen a dosing capsule for it yet, but tbh the dosing capsules for the DV didnt do much for me anyway lol just made the bowl smaller and was harder to take a hit lol

I'll probably hunt down a cheapo trip or quad torch lighter once the Dani arrives, but was hoping to have something already in my arsenal lol meh, another excuse to buy something i guess hahaha
I vote ronxs if you vape at home a lot. Only problem with ronxs is it has no safety so it’s difficult to travel with. Yes you can turn the butane all the way down and it won’t spark but the press of the ignition is so light that in your bag it can easily be pressed and let out all the fuel or like in m case shoving it into your pocket it can ignite. Got a nice little singe on my shirt when I was in a hurry one time. It can be had between $12.99-17.99 on Amazon. If it’s $17 today leave the page open and look tomorrow as the price changes often

I really like my blazer Firefox as my travel version since it has a saftey. If I got this first i might not have the ronxs but what I’ve found is Id rather take two lighter out and about than one and a can of butane
Edit:$37.99 on Amazon or $35.99 at simrell or sneakypete if/when in stock

Tripple flames work good. I feel heat on my hands when I use them cuz you’re so close to the flame tho. No biggie it’s just warm. The real issue with triple and quads is you only get 3-5 heating cycles on the tiny fuel tanks

I have some smaller a bigger torches like single flame dyna or ones for bangers. I don’t like them with the Dani


Well-Known Member
I vote ronxs if you vape at home a lot. Only problem with ronxs is it has no safety so it’s difficult to travel with. Yes you can turn the butane all the way down and it won’t spark but the press of the ignition is so light that in your bag it can easily be pressed and let out all the fuel or like in m case shoving it into your pocket it can ignite. Got a nice little singe on my shirt when I was in a hurry one time. It can be had between $12.99-17.99 on Amazon. If it’s $17 today leave the page open and look tomorrow as the price changes often

I really like my blazer Firefox as my travel version since it has a saftey. If I got this first i might not have the ronxs but what I’ve found is Id rather take two lighter out and about than one and a can of butane
Edit:$37.99 on Amazon or $35.99 at simrell or sneakypete if/when in stock

Tripple flames work good. I feel heat on my hands when I use them cuz you’re so close to the flame tho. No biggie it’s just warm. The real issue with triple and quads is you only get 3-5 heating cycles on the tiny fuel tanks

I have some smaller a bigger torches like single flame dyna or ones for bangers. I don’t like them with the Dani
OK, So as I already have the Blazer BBT, I should be fine for the month. I'll just be sure to pick up a cpl extra cans of butane. Next month, when I haven't just bought a new to me vape, I can pick up a travel torch (trip or quad torch lighter) or get something like the Firefox. I do LOVE my Blazer BBT, so I'll probably get a Firefox. I rarely bring my vapes out with me anyway so a portable lighter isnt as important as a torch that works well and wont plow through quite so much butane as my BBT lol

Thanks so much for the help and info. It seems the Dani is going to be exactly what I need. I LOVE my Dyna's, but have found it takes 2-3 heavily torched bowls to feel anything these days and that's a little over kill lol I vape for management of chronic pain, depression and other mood disorders, anxiety including, so sometimes it'd be nice to have the effects but to not have to throw as much time and effort into it. I'm getting more and more excited by the day, can't wait to get my paws on my Dani :)


Well-Known Member
Lol im gone 2 days . So much to catch up on
I have a quick question regarding torches for the Dani V3... i hear that ppl prefer triple and quads for the Dani, but i dont have one yet. I do have a TON of single flame torches, small flame to the large Blazer Big Buddy Turbo... am I going to have to get a new torch? I'm not too thrilled about the idea of using my BBT as it PLOWS through butane, but can work in a pinch. Would it be better to seek out a multi flame small torch lighter for my Dani? It's to arrive on the 12th so I have some time :)
I only have the v3 ti and the fusion no other the Dani is evolving to better out needs/wants ... the Dani V3 works well with any torch and size triple and quads are probably liked due to compact size to heat output I prefer single for control if I want more heat I go with a bigger single flame torch or ad OXY lol ....
But my smooth Ti v3 with gen2 og non IH cap can be used with the smallest torch lighter to infernal gates bigger is liked more because of less time .. not sure gas per hit mileage is triple and quads use a lot of butane as well

sorry for the editing my network is acting up
But other than adding OXY that I use to melt what they are made of if you heat hit at click NO WAY OF COMBUSTION...
As far as any other tips will have to see it to determine what exactly you have if the cap stick to a magnet real good it's probably IH Pic or asking you mate witch v3 it is and stem can't offer much help .....

Hay what is this copper trick on stems ...
And witch tread is this we talking running MUTS with using v3 pats in the fusion tread I keep looking track myself and consider the Dani FUSION is still a Dani model still belongs in the Dani tread ...but I keep getting them mix up myself
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Well-Known Member
Lol im gone 2 days . So much to catch up on

I only have the v3 ti and the fusion no other the Dani is evolving to better out needs/wants ... the Dani V3 works well with any torch and size triple and quads are probably liked due to compact size to heat output I prefer single for control if I want more heat I go with a bigger single flame torch or ad OXY lol ....
But my smooth Ti v3 with gen2 og non IH cap can be used with the smallest torch lighter to infernal gates bigger is liked more because of less time .. not sure gas per hit mileage is triple and quads use a lot of butane as well

sorry for the editing my network is acting up
But other than adding OXY that I use to melt what they are made of if you heat hit at click NO WAY OF COMBUSTION...
As far as any other tips will have to see it to determine what exactly you have if the cap stick to a magnet real good it's probably IH Pic or asking you mate witch v3 it is and stem can't offer much help .....

Hay what is this copper trick on stems ...
And witch tread is this we talking running MUTS with using v3 pats in the fusion tread I keep looking track myself and consider the Dani FUSION is still a Dani model still belongs in the Dani tread ...but I keep getting them mix up myself
The copper trick is just wrapping some copper wire around the metal just before the wooden stem. It absorbs the heat before it makes it down to the wood. The wood was getting very warm, but with the added copper, the wood doesn't get as hot.



Well-Known Member
@tokenknifeguy thanks nice tip I think I got a peace of aluminum that will fit perfectly.. mine is still in great condition except a spot the size of a pen were I nicked it with a torch .. but I do try my best to take care of it now my metal stem has been ran over by a f350 sitting on 50 inches tires at the shop and is still fine lol


Well-Known Member
Lol im gone 2 days . So much to catch up on

I only have the v3 ti and the fusion no other the Dani is evolving to better out needs/wants ... the Dani V3 works well with any torch and size triple and quads are probably liked due to compact size to heat output I prefer single for control if I want more heat I go with a bigger single flame torch or ad OXY lol ....
But my smooth Ti v3 with gen2 og non IH cap can be used with the smallest torch lighter to infernal gates bigger is liked more because of less time .. not sure gas per hit mileage is triple and quads use a lot of butane as well

sorry for the editing my network is acting up
But other than adding OXY that I use to melt what they are made of if you heat hit at click NO WAY OF COMBUSTION...
As far as any other tips will have to see it to determine what exactly you have if the cap stick to a magnet real good it's probably IH Pic or asking you mate witch v3 it is and stem can't offer much help .....

Hay what is this copper trick on stems ...
And witch tread is this we talking running MUTS with using v3 pats in the fusion tread I keep looking track myself and consider the Dani FUSION is still a Dani model still belongs in the Dani tread ...but I keep getting them mix up myself
How does using propane with the Dani work? I've never tried propane for vapes, always figured it'd burn hotter than the butane torches lol might have to try it out sometime lol looks a lil better for refilling lol that's one of the things i hate most about these little torch lighters, they run out of fuel QUICK! :) will keep that in mind later on when I find my propane torch in the shed lol


Well-Known Member
How does using propane with the Dani work? I've never tried propane for vapes, always figured it'd burn hotter than the butane torches lol might have to try it out sometime lol looks a lil better for refilling lol that's one of the things i hate most about these little torch lighters, they run out of fuel QUICK! :) will keep that in mind later on when I find my propane torch in the shed lol
It can be a good alternative for in home and from what I can see you was at the point of running the 1 of the largest butane torch out there. So not just for this vape but for others ....
As with both if you are using 1 with a flame lock that stays lit . They need to be Secured In a safe area for the flame so no accidents happened.
2nd Is. That? Just like. Butane propane torches come in Many shapes and sizes in flame styles.
I will give some references when I get home as I was thinking of trying a technique on my fusion wear I take 1 of my bigger propane torches but cut the flame down to where it's like a Benson burner instead of a torch flame!

But in that picture I just stuck it there till it click pull and hit . I will include b4 and after of my runs as well .


Well-Known Member
Well, I picked up the Ronx torch off Amazon Canada, was rly decently priced $25 with taxes shipped to my door :) It got here yesterday and IMMEDIATELY I pulled out the Dani and tried it... Definitely works MUCH better with the stronger torch lol but still makes me choke out like a lil B**** lol I have a bong, but also have a hard time with having to pull strong while inhaling, so i may wanna skip that :( I found out when getting used to my Dyna through water, if I packed it too hard and took too many tokes, it felt like i took punches to the lungs. i assume fatigue, but still not fun feeling lol but I haven't actually tried the Dani through water yet. I did try ONE toke through my dry bong and it was worse than the over packed Dyna, so i think i'll continue native. Any tips on getting just a bit more cooling while still taking those big thick hits that hit much harder?

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance. It's not been as easy getting used to the Dani as it was with the Dyna (my most used vape. have a Xmax V3 Pro and a Arizer Air 2 that I never really use lol especially the Air 2)

In Response to @Necra The Big Buddy is definitely frickin strong lol I bought it for dabs and have barely used it as I went to cold starts and it was TOO OP for that lol I dont already have propane torch setups, nor a garage at home or anything to tinker in (I have an office and tha'ts where I do any of my tinkering lol though who wouldn't love their garage packed with tools and goodies to work and play with :):) ) I love to see how others use their devices, give me ideas on what to do to alter my hits to get what I want out of them :) been fun shooting the breeze with ya!

OH! Has anyone tried a mesh screen in the Dani? does it work better than the CCD like screen? I find the CCD makes the pull very VERY restricted, and I have mild asthma so the harder pulling is a little, well uh, harder for me to inhale very restrictive vapes. I also vape ecigs and had to stay away from super tight MTL styles for similar reasons.

Edited: Made mistakes, added to convo.
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Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
Bro most of the questions you keep asking have already been answered in this thread
Sour Dream,


Well-Known Member
ok well i did and didnt come back with much other than my own question. seached Danivape mesh screen, Dani Vape mesh screen, and Danivape Mesh Screen... nothing brought me to where i needed to go, hence WHY I asked rather than "just search" like you mentioned. i do try to search FIRST but sometimes come up emtpy... but ok, I'll move on
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Well-Known Member
I think you don't really need a big torch with a huge flame for the dani. It's not a dab rig. I find a big single flame works great, like this:

Gibot Butane Torch, Double Fire Kitchen Torch Lighter

Even a small pocket dual flame works great. Really any heat source is nice, though just takes longer.

Not sure about the screen thing. It should work fine, and however much better it works in a dyna is going to translate to the dani. Just a bigger aperature. Personally, I don't recommend water with vapes because I think the splashing makes the vapor thinner (am I wrong here?). A good piece should cool the vapor on it's own through thermal mass.

I really love the Grav Upline Bubbler (without water). Nice restriction works well with the dani, and the chunky glass rings sap all the heat out of the vapor. Best part is it doesn't spill vapor out, so I can take lots of smaller puffs of pure vapor over a period of time since the dani doesn't cool down fast. It's like a sippy cup of vapor that I can clear anytime I want.

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Well-Known Member
I think you don't really need a big torch with a huge flame for the dani. It's not a dab rig. I find a big single flame works great, like this:

Gibot Butane Torch, Double Fire Kitchen Torch Lighter

Even a small pocket dual flame works great. Really any heat source is nice, though just takes longer.

Not sure about the screen thing. It should work fine, and however much better it works in a dyna is going to translate to the dani. Just a bigger aperature. Personally, I don't recommend water with vapes because I think the splashing makes the vapor thinner (am I wrong here?). A good piece should cool the vapor on it's own through thermal mass.

I really love the Grav Upline Bubbler (without water). Nice restriction works well with the dani, and the chunky glass rings sap all the heat out of the vapor. Best part is it doesn't spill vapor out, so I can take lots of smaller puffs of pure vapor over a period of time since the dani doesn't cool down fast. It's like a sippy cup of vapor that I can clear anytime I want.

Thank you SO so much! I will definitely look into grabbing that bubbler, though it will have to wait until next month as I have already used my "playing" money for the month lol

I got the Ronx Dual because I read that it was recomended (read it here near the beginning of the thread) and I was having a hard time getting my standard torch lighters for my Dynas to work well with it. I'm glad I got it though, it's a VERY nice and solid torch! My Bug Buddy Turbo was always too overkill for me, even when I was doing traditional dabs lol but once I went cold starts, it's sat on a shelf lol and it plowed through butane WAY too quick to be effective, and I had to hold the Dani pretty much completely out of the flame while it was turned on low (and it's "low" is like every other torch turned all the way up hahaha) to get decent vapour. But no matter what I've done, I get hit MUCH harder from even just one cap from my Dyna's than I do with this Dani. I want to love it! And I'm definitely going to keep it so that I can just play with it and try to get to know her a bit better, but it's disconcerting when I either choke SO bad that i can barely breathe or get like no vapour to the whispiest of hits lol I'm just confused as I keep hearing all these RAVE reviews on them and that they hit harder than a dyna, and that has NOT been my experience with it as to date at all :( Hoping that someone here had the same issues and found a way around it, cuz I couldn't find anything anywhere when searching and I have kids here this weekend so reading through a whole thread to find a cpl answers is just not in the cards atm lol I'll prolly just use my Dynas this weekend till the kids go home, safer for everyone that way. especially for me lol

Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
ok well i did and didnt come back with much other than my own question. seached Danivape mesh screen, Dani Vape mesh screen, and Danivape Mesh Screen... nothing brought me to where i needed to go, hence WHY I asked rather than "just search" like you mentioned. i do try to search FIRST but sometimes come up emtpy... but ok, I'll move on



Well-Known Member
Thank you SO so much! I will definitely look into grabbing that bubbler, though it will have to wait until next month as I have already used my "playing" money for the month lol

I got the Ronx Dual because I read that it was recomended (read it here near the beginning of the thread) and I was having a hard time getting my standard torch lighters for my Dynas to work well with it. I'm glad I got it though, it's a VERY nice and solid torch! My Bug Buddy Turbo was always too overkill for me, even when I was doing traditional dabs lol but once I went cold starts, it's sat on a shelf lol and it plowed through butane WAY too quick to be effective, and I had to hold the Dani pretty much completely out of the flame while it was turned on low (and it's "low" is like every other torch turned all the way up hahaha) to get decent vapour. But no matter what I've done, I get hit MUCH harder from even just one cap from my Dyna's than I do with this Dani. I want to love it! And I'm definitely going to keep it so that I can just play with it and try to get to know her a bit better, but it's disconcerting when I either choke SO bad that i can barely breathe or get like no vapour to the whispiest of hits lol I'm just confused as I keep hearing all these RAVE reviews on them and that they hit harder than a dyna, and that has NOT been my experience with it as to date at all :( Hoping that someone here had the same issues and found a way around it, cuz I couldn't find anything anywhere when searching and I have kids here this weekend so reading through a whole thread to find a cpl answers is just not in the cards atm lol I'll prolly just use my Dynas this weekend till the kids go home, safer for everyone that way. especially for me lol

I'd wait for a sale on that bubbler, or check used groups. You can usually get them used for under $100 USD. The torch I linked is the same as the ronx, just it's been renamed since I bought it. Great torch, easy operation, and very precise/effective with the dani. I never use the dual torch mode, though.
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Cognitive Dissonance D 5
Well, I picked up the Ronx torch off Amazon Canada, was rly decently priced $25 with taxes shipped to my door :) It got here yesterday and IMMEDIATELY I pulled out the Dani and tried it... Definitely works MUCH better with the stronger torch lol but still makes me choke out like a lil B**** lol I have a bong, but also have a hard time with having to pull strong while inhaling, so i may wanna skip that :( I found out when getting used to my Dyna through water, if I packed it too hard and took too many tokes, it felt like i took punches to the lungs. i assume fatigue, but still not fun feeling lol but I haven't actually tried the Dani through water yet. I did try ONE toke through my dry bong and it was worse than the over packed Dyna, so i think i'll continue native. Any tips on getting just a bit more cooling while still taking those big thick hits that hit much harder?

Added twelve, 6mm quarts balls/beads to the stems of two of my metal Dani units that cools the native hit down noticeably. To do the mod, you'll need a 3/8 inch screen ( the same size that can be used in the bowl for better air flow ) on the mouth piece end of the stem to partition the balls away from blocking the air path.

For cooling, quartz balls/beads IMO work as efficiently as ruby or Zirc. The latter work better for heat retention. The addition of drilled holes in the quartz beads provide additional diffusion and cooling of the vapor. They clean thoroughly with a soak in iso and a string of quartz beads can be had for $10 or less. I use them in my J-hooks and other glass ware. Here's a link to Canada Amazon where I purchased them.

I prefer the snow quarts beads because it's less likely they are glass counterfeits. Buy them from a reputable seller and avoid other types of stones as they can contain different elements/compounds you don't want in your lungs.

Note: the Dani V2 has a smaller stem diameter and can only holds ten, 6mm balls. Also, the balls eliminate that annoying stem rattle of the native spiral intercooler. :)


Well-Known Member
This is why people on here encourage newer users to search, otherwise the threads become nothing but repeat questions
In all fairness I believe just about every modification has been covered lol . Hell mine has been bord stroked ported polish even forced air induction.. I agree searching should be done first but often don't have luck with them my self hay at least it's in the right tread though

Thank you SO so much! I will definitely look into grabbing that bubbler, though it will have to wait until next month as I have already used my "playing" money for the month lol

I got the Ronx Dual because I read that it was recomended (read it here near the beginning of the thread) and I was having a hard time getting my standard torch lighters for my Dynas to work well with it. I'm glad I got it though, it's a VERY nice and solid torch! My Bug Buddy Turbo was always too overkill for me, even when I was doing traditional dabs lol but once I went cold starts, it's sat on a shelf lol and it plowed through butane WAY too quick to be effective, and I had to hold the Dani pretty much completely out of the flame while it was turned on low (and it's "low" is like every other torch turned all the way up hahaha) to get decent vapour. But no matter what I've done, I get hit MUCH harder from even just one cap from my Dyna's than I do with this Dani. I want to love it! And I'm definitely going to keep it so that I can just play with it and try to get to know her a bit better, but it's disconcerting when I either choke SO bad that i can barely breathe or get like no vapour to the whispiest of hits lol I'm just confused as I keep hearing all these RAVE reviews on them and that they hit harder than a dyna, and that has NOT been my experience with it as to date at all :( Hoping that someone here had the same issues and found a way around it, cuz I couldn't find anything anywhere when searching and I have kids here this weekend so reading through a whole thread to find a cpl answers is just not in the cards atm lol I'll prolly just use my Dynas this weekend till the kids go home, safer for everyone that way. especially for me lol
I'm not sure exactly with models you have to offer more help BTW I don't normally run my torch that high . As for the ccd I run mine kicked sideways with on 1 side touching the bottom of the bowl for better flow dropping some info that might help you with your curve try to find consistent spot on the cap for torch



ps you might try a coarser grind ???? Not sure I normally don't grind

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Well I shouldn’t have but I’ve been intrigued by the Dani for a while. I’ve found that for the most part I prefer vapes where I apply heat first, then draw, not draw while actively heating. And Dynavaps just aren’t doing it for me anymore. I noticed some of the accessories I’ve placed orders on recently are Dani compatible and I’m going to an out of town conference at the end of the month and wanted a hard hitting vape that has no glass to break. So I’ve got a woody SS v3 and an additional Ti bowl coming from Wesley, should be here next week. I chose the v3 over the Fusion partially because of price and partially because of the multiple comments from users here who said they got consistently heavier hits from the v3.


Well-Known Member
comments from users here who said they got consistently heavier hits from the v3.

I’m on that train. Which one hits harder isn’t an arguable topic. Wether that’s what’s best for you or not is. I prefer the harder slap.

Can’t wait for some feedback.

I have no issues with the fusion. I like it too.

Edit u get the IH cap or regular one?

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
I’m on that train. Which one hits harder isn’t an arguable topic. Wether that’s what’s best for you or not is. I prefer the harder slap.

Can’t wait for some feedback.

I have no issues with the fusion. I like it too.

Edit u get the IH cap or regular one?
Regular cap. The only IH I have is old and awful and I really prefer applying a flame whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
Nice got both v3 tips I'm jealous lol
I feel the same way about heating and also don't like feeling rushed just to get a hit .
My biggest issue with the fusion was not the heating as much as I was having to put less in it than my Dynavaps or it would clog so badly I couldn't even draw it ...
But for some reason it magically got better last time I went to take it apart and clean it and some of the parts accidentally fell in a box with drilbits and diegrinder tips !!!
Well I shouldn’t have but I’ve been intrigued by the Dani for a while. I’ve found that for the most part I prefer vapes where I apply heat first, then draw, not draw while actively heating. And Dynavaps just aren’t doing it for me anymore. I noticed some of the accessories I’ve placed orders on recently are Dani compatible and I’m going to an out of town conference at the end of the month and wanted a hard hitting vape that has no glass to break. So I’ve got a woody SS v3 and an additional Ti bowl coming from Wesley, should be here next week. I chose the v3 over the Fusion partially because of price and partially because of the multiple comments from users here who said they got consistently heavier hits from the v3.

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
In the Fusion thread Vu did mention they have plans to create additional bowls for the Fusion, so I have no problem waiting to see what iterations come down the pipeline. In the meantime I think the v3 will serve me better.


Well-Known Member
In the Fusion thread Vu did mention they have plans to create additional bowls for the Fusion, so I have no problem waiting to see what iterations come down the pipeline. In the meantime I think the v3 will serve me better.
Yea that's the main reason for not selling mine yet like over half the people who bought 1 has is when they was pre-sale it was mintchend other than that I have not heard anything about it since ?????. And understand the Castle set things back but sadly probably fixing to let mine go to help with getting a desktop vape . Or worst have to let my v3 go and be stuck with it because
... well let's face it even you didn't want the fusion.

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
Yea that's the main reason for not selling mine yet like over half the people who bought 1 has is when they was pre-sale it was mintchend other than that I have not heard anything about it since ?????. And understand the Castle set things back but sadly probably fixing to let mine go to help with getting a desktop vape . Or worst have to let my v3 go and be stuck with it because
... well let's face it even you didn't want the fusion.
I'm sure if you chose to sell it now you'd get a buyer. The adjustable airflow is really the killer feature of it at this time. And some people do want smaller bowls anyway. It does seem like the Fusion is going to be the new development platform for BFG going forward. I would be surprised if the base Dani got a v4 or beyond. Although who knows, the base Dani could be the M to the Fusion's Omni. I do think BFG would benefit by keeping the lower cost model on the market and continue to improve on it.
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