Discontinued Zion vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Been through this...how do u know the temperature? Therefore the temp is unregulated. U can adjust the wattage manually therefore the power ( not temp) is user regulated

Especially since most testers are using a water attachment u can not even guage the temp manually.

Would be wise for me not to debate this any further as I have been warned by staff. Apologies and am happy to move on from this point iv no objection to this style of vaping

Dude, are you arguing just for the sake of arguing? Yes, this is a regulated device. Just because it doesn't show a readout of temperature (which on most devices is completely inaccurate), doesn't mean it's not regulated. Nor does it mean that it will combust. If you want a digital readout of temperature, look elsewhere. This device regulates voltage, and the temperature hits a max point given that voltage and then levels off.


well-worn member
There are a couple of unregulated prototypes around from this crew (ion/single-battery unregulated, lion/dual-battery unregulated/triangle of death), however the zion is not one of them. There's already threads for these, and they should be released to beta testers after the zion is in production.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Has it come to this!? I stand by my right to question the level of combustion produced in an unregulated convection heater

In this thread, you are free to question the combustion characteristics of the Zion, but not of heaters in general. Start another thread in General Discussion if that's the point you want to discuss.

Why did they let a 5yo kid do the design using minecraft?

Our basic rule is Be Nice. This is not nice, it's insulting to the designer. You can criticize but you have to do it with respect. Further insults will earn you a warning point.


Chronic vapaholic
Hm well to be clear there is some truth in the unregulated part. Power output is regulated (as well as voltage) but it's an open loop design with no feedback to regulate the temperature.

But, the way it is designed, it it very straightforward (and with practice you will do it very organically without even noticing) to keep it at a steady or slowly climbing temperature. If you don't touch the power knob and if you are able to keep drawing at the same speed and duration (while progressively giving less preheating to counter the heat buildup) you will stay in a given (and relatively narrow) temperature range.

In practice...well it's hard to explain. I really wish you all will be able to test it for yourself soon! But keep in mind my first vape was the Ascent and I selected it because I wanted precise digital temperature control. And while I love the quasi-chirurgical aspect where you can extract and deplete entirely a given temperature level, then increase 5°C and deplete the next level and so on...

...I suprisingly don't miss that at all with the Zion and I end up doing the same in a way more natural and seamless way. There's no timeout, no set point to increment, I just adjust preheat and draw times and eventually raise the power a bit there and there (but I can also do entire sessions without touching the power knob)


Well-Known Member
Well, this thread has certainly gotten interesting to read, to say the least. As far as the actual temperature, you could perhaps ask for some test measurement of the temperature of the heated air after some specified amount of heatup time on a specified percent of the voltage. You could potentially do calculations yourself knowing that the power dissipated is proportional to V^2 and that the temperature should thus be proportional to V^2 and inversely proportional to your draw rate. The thing is that the exact temperature of the Zion depends on several factors, so it's hard to give specific temperatures without specifying the voltage/preheat/draw rate. From what I understand though, it generally sits in a relatively narrow band of temperatures, and combustion shouldn't be a concern unless you're really pushing it on the higher power end.


Well-Known Member
Say for example one was using this on 60% and keeping the button held down for entire draws, how hard would it be to combust? For example with the hammer even once I reach vaping temps I usually hold the button down for well over a minute or two while hitting it and only combust off drawing really slow.
Get her as hot as possible and rip as quick as you can, in an attempt to get as much engery from the heater while not allowing combustion... Is my current school of thought. However after reading RBT post in can convection produce clouds, less heat and slower draw might be fun for a bit... Will play with it on the hammer while awaiting something with a zion heater.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Say for example one was using this on 60% and keeping the button held down for entire draws, how hard would it be to combust?

At 60%, impossible for anything resembling a normal draw, and probably impossible no matter how long you drew.

I'm not sure what the fuss is about combustion. As all of the beta testers will testify, accidental combustion with the Zion just won't happen.

HD Springer

Well-Known Member
Some people need others to decide and regulate all of their life for them. The Zion is very capable of regulating power which in turn regulates the temps. It will keep said user from experiencing the dredded combustion. However you can crank this beautiful little vape up and get full on power. If a newbee is incapable of knowing what exactly is taking place then anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
The Zion would definitely be more "regulated" than the Vapman I love so much! It takes a bit of practice and concentration to not combust. Eek! :ko: Zion is gunna be a different beast entirely! Oh, no stirring the Vapman either. ;)

I can wait for the Zion - but I'm looking forward to trying it! Vapman has me more than covered until then!! :luv:


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
@VegNVape Awesome! What temps do you run through with lavender? Or is it all low temp? There's a Lavender Ranch not too far from us. We had some Lavender Tincture that made the most delightful purple margaritas!
Hey Killick - I am indeed running the Zion at fairly low temps for the lavender, so as not to destroy the flavour, but still high enough to create some light yet satisfying clouds. I'm dialing it in at around 50-60% power and the taste is delicious.

Grind and load for around half a dozen soothingly tasty purple hits :tup:

I happily seem to be able to extract all of the available flavour from the lavender without the need to stir, or dump & reload. And when I have tried stirring etc. the benefits have not been particularly noticeable so I have deemed the practice unnecessary as far as lavender is concerned.

I am less frivolous, however, with certain other herbs from which I will squeeze every last remaining drop of goodness by any means - all depending on the herb's price & availability of course.

Purple margaritas sound very tasty thank you killick . . . shall we say 3'o'clock in the conservatory?




Increase the Peace
Company Rep
Hey @cybrguy :)

I find that it can be quite hard to get clouds going with many herbs, but lavender does provide some satisfaction in this area & I like the the strong and creamy aromatic flavour. You definitely know you're hitting it which I really like. In food & drink I often like bold & sometimes strange flavours & these tastes follow through into my vapor . . .

Neal's Yard stocks a great selection of organic herbs which I find useful.

But for more info in an F.C. styleee you could always have a goosey gander at this thread . . .

I've got some lemon balm here to throw in the good Johnny Zion too when I feel the urge . . .

I really love the fact that no matter what I load into the Zion, all it ever takes is either a swap or clean of the stem and screen to get things back to 100% neutral.

Most of my other vapes are a pain if I want to use different herbs in them because of the whole performance involved with cleaning them afterwards. And some vapes I own I would never use a variation of herbs in because they would probably be tainted forever.

YeahMeLoveMeSomeZion! :nod:

And it's just gonna get better!!! :tup:


I love it here!



Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
With regards to scorching, I kind of assume the heater and airflow issues involve avoiding uneven cooking.

My whole understanding of what is supposed to make the Zion stand out is the fact that it will be designed around power and simplicity. Not just wattage, but a goal of efficiency that effects vapor quality. Reading about all the heater testing that has been going on and airflow issues tells me that there is a very specific goal with regards to vapor quality: that "Zion Quality Vapor."

Other than a water tool, any modding could negatively affect the air flow. Is this accurate?

Is your pic Carl as link? That is amazing :clap:

Edric al-Fali

Well-Known Member
Is your pic Carl as link? That is amazing :clap:
Yes it is.

I really love the fact that no matter what I load into the Zion, all it ever takes is either a swap or clean of the stem and screen to get things back to 100% neutral.

I would actualy keep the stink in there for flavoring of other herbs.


Zion, stealing faces since 2015
Lucky for me (some of you know) I am local and a friend of RBT. Because of this I get to spend a lot of time in the lab testing (only in the name of science I swear). Testing sessions as of late have been running from 6 or 7 pm when he gets home from work until 1-2am . I am happy to say I went to the lab last night at 8:30 and was home chillin' with Althea by 11:30. RBT had no need of my certificate of inhalationology. I got the hint and left him to it. I think all of his hard work and the extra time he has taken to make sure the vapor quality is up to snuff is going to please all of you and make him rich lol.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Lucky for me (some of you know) I am local and a friend of RBT. Because of this I get to spend a lot of time in the lab testing (only in the name of science I swear). Testing sessions as of late have been running from 6 or 7 pm when he gets home from work until 1-2am . I am happy to say I went to the lab last night at 8:30 and was home chillin' with Althea by 11:30. RBT had no need of my certificate of inhalationology. I got the hint and left him to it. I think all of his hard work and the extra time he has taken to make sure the vapor quality is up to snuff is going to please all of you and make him rich lol.

Fantastic little update, thanks MrP!


formally cwheezy
Lucky for me (some of you know) I am local and a friend of RBT. Because of this I get to spend a lot of time in the lab testing (only in the name of science I swear). Testing sessions as of late have been running from 6 or 7 pm when he gets home from work until 1-2am . I am happy to say I went to the lab last night at 8:30 and was home chillin' with Althea by 11:30. RBT had no need of my certificate of inhalationology. I got the hint and left him to it. I think all of his hard work and the extra time he has taken to make sure the vapor quality is up to snuff is going to please all of you and make him rich lol.


This must be RBT right now ;)


Increase the Peace
Company Rep
So what I'm hearing is that you could be making 'V&V's Special Blend' of aromatics and meds - the calming effect of something/Lavender mix. And the fun of exploring with an easy to clean vape makes it more funner!

It's all about the funner :)
Yes killick, I think you may be on to something there bud! The fact that the Zion itself remains pure & untainted no matter what you put through it, really does open up a whole new world of possibilities with regards to various other herbs & substances - & the potential benefits that they may provide.

So, to come up with my signature botanical blend . . . . Hmmmmm . . . I feel there is much experimentation to be done here, as always, in the name of vapor-science! :science:

And yes dude, no matter what, it'll definitely ALWAYS be about the funner. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. 'The more funner, the better', I always say! :D

Oooh now, is that a station I can see approaching in the distance?! . . . . :cool:



Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
So, to come up with my signature botanical blend . . . . Hmmmmm . . . I feel there is much experimentation to be done here, as always, in the name of vapor-science! :science:
I'd apply for thyme and sage. Both nice flavors! I find sage will give more visible vapor.
Lavender is lovely to vape...
Am surely willing to test some other botanicals, too, as soon as the Zion train is at my station! :D

Have a great weekend everyone.

One love. :peace:


I'm not sure what the fuss is about combustion.

Does no one see the irony in this statement from a member of staff at a website called fuckcombustion.com. I fear we may have stumbled upon some kind of paradox here.:doh:

To be clear and this is a direct quote from u r video
'iv set it on 87% to avoid combusting my material'.
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