Discontinued Zion vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Changes we know is they are tuned like DieHard's, but cleaner starting precisely at 0% with fill doal useable for temp stepping, with an additional 15% over drive. Additionally there's the stir stick multi tool and stash spot, though HD's unit had those too. The battery door is also smaller since wood covers the electronic components for production units, along with indents for fingers to open easier. Plus overall smoother fit and polish, and more uniformity unit to unit.

Add to that a battery reversal protection chip and a little bit more fire button protrusion. There might be one additional surprise too, though I have to check with the head honcho to be sure, more later on that. Maybe.

your pal,


Little-Known Member
Do we have to name our zions....? Because I'm just going to call mine zion
Yeah, I'm not really into or very good at naming... hopefully somebody comes up with a cool model name for the single-battery unit.

Speaking of which, I want it to take over at home for my nano and free me from that damn cord. So far it sounds like the only disadvantage is having to keep batteries charged, whereas my nano is just always ready to go. Has anyone found any other reasons (aside from sentimental) to stick with a log?? I often load just enough to finish off in 2-4 hits... how well does the Zion handle that?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
From what I've read you should be able to get your Zion to hit in any way you want with a little practice. You can adjust load size to your preference.
With the versatility comes mobility. Taking a corded unit from room to room sounds like to much of a ball ache. Not so with the Zion. I am sure one or two of the Beta team will let you know how the Zion handles whatever you want to throw at it.


Well-Known Member
I honestly can't remember how the naming thing started but the cult does what the cult does. Of course naming is entirely optional. We really don't care what you call it or don't call it.

I often load just enough to finish off in 2-4 hits... how well does the Zion handle that?
The screen can be configured to hold as little or as much as you'd like and the Zion handles it the same either way.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thinking maybe Zoey Zion atm. Leaning towards thinking of the Zion as female personally.

Always with the Z! ;)

I think our very own @1_gr8_underdog named his beta Zoey, but its been a while since we've heard from him here...

Yeah when it comes down to it, Zion itself is a pretty stellar name if I do say so myself


Well-Known Member
I had no naming intentions, but when "Bosco" was brought to mind, my future Zion had a name :) "Hey, go grab Bosco", or "hang on, lemmie pack Bosco before we leave" sounds perfect to me. Anyway, back to the wait. Serenity Now! Serenity Now!
(Serenity now, insanity later :mental:)


Well-Known Member
Hard to say about timetables etc, but I'm sure plans are in place (and would be beyond shocked if there was any significant issue with the beta team's units given our previous ones). The line isn't insanely long, so I think by them time and update went out with order place, you might already have your Zion (focus is entirely on building the dang things for now lol)

I can tell you that there are very many Zion bodies made now, enough to cover all the pre orders and then some, most of them just wooden shells though, waiting for magic guts

Sweet so it sounds like if any changes are made to the new beta units that it will be more fine tuning of the heater than anything else since it sounds like the bodies are already made. I hope it doesn't get detuned to run cooler. Glad to know the line isn't insanely long.

If a certain thread is going to stop all the questions about production times, shipping and blah blah blah then please go ahead and put one up.

I personally feel it would be a real shame to spoil one of the best "feelgood" threads on this forum with all the "where am I in line" "How long" "When is this happening" "When is that happening" type questions. Just let the guys get on with the production and you will get your Zions.

I'm excited as the rest but be patient its only the 2nd of the month ;)

Don't mean to be a thread killer with all the questions but without having a Zion in my hand I don't have much to say in the thread so I just read.

I was actually hoping shipping might start in late September as hinted at by @RastaBuddhaTao a couple of times in this thread (I know wishful thinking on both of our parts) and had thought all beta testing was complete when I placed my order.

Just would like to know what the time table is looking like, mainly how long is the beta testing going to last for and when will production units start to ship assuming the beta units pass the mustard. With the GHL fiasco going on I'm a little gun shy.


Well-Known Member
Add to that a battery reversal protection chip and a little bit more fire button protrusion. There might be one additional surprise too, though I have to check with the head honcho to be sure, more later on that. Maybe.

your pal,
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Sweet so it sounds like if any changes are made to the new beta units that it will be more fine tuning of the heater than anything else since it sounds like the bodies are already made. I hope it doesn't get detuned to run cooler. Glad to know the line isn't insanely long.

Don't mean to be a thread killer with all the questions but without having a Zion in my hand I don't have much to say in the thread so I just read.

I was actually hoping shipping might start in late September as hinted at by @RastaBuddhaTao a couple of times in this thread (I know wishful thinking on both of our parts) and had thought all beta testing was complete when I placed my order.

Just would like to know what the time table is looking like, mainly how long is the beta testing going to last for and when will production units start to ship assuming the beta units pass the mustard. With the GHL fiasco going on I'm a little gun shy.

Just to be clear, it has indeed already been beta tested (and beyond approved), whereas production units are the fine tuning. We testers are early pre orders as well, so it should simply be a matter of :tup: and then full speed ahead. There can be many unforseen little hinderances, I'm sure we will all know more soon enough, remember everything here is still relatively new all around. It's especially tough without a Zion to keep company and i sympethisize, having tasted the glory its even tougher, but it will be so well worth the wait imo... ok I'm not making it any easier!
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Well-Known Member
I understand not wanting to make this into a "has it shipped yet?" thread but there is very little to talk about since very few beta Zion's are out in the wild. I think everyone is just antsy to get their hands on one and just itching for information, even if it's letting us know how close they are to sending out the first batch to the beta testers. Just my opinion at least.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been covered but i flicked through the first 100 pages, read the rest and didn't find mention.

ATM you have to be a U.S. customer to order a Zion and I think i want one but am not in U.S. Are sales gonna be opened up to internationals after innitial runs are proven reliable enough to reduce expensive international returns?



Putin is a War Criminal
Zion is not like other vapes and @RastaBuddhaTao is not like other vape companies/developers. I'm sure RBT spent serious time working on his patented heater technology and how he was going to apply it. He and @thekarmawhore (I assume) created the 2 X 4 shape and did basic testing with the help of some friends. And then he came to FC for some expert advice and open beta development. With @pakalolo, @stickstones , and @KeroZen they refined the design and usability and aesthetic and then brought in the Zion 10, the first preorderers of the Zion to beta test it some more. Some more suggestions and improvements and adjustments of temperature ranges and techniques, always keeping in mind flexibility and personal tastes in how users might want to use their Zions with stems and screen types and glass and all.
I can tell you it is extremely unlikely that this last beta pass would bring up anything to worry about. To be honest, if need be I would be perfectly happy using Venus my current beta even with her imperfections and slight misalignments without any of the improvements we know are in the production model because she just works fantastically as she is. But that isn't whats in store because RBT is making sure that your Zion is as close to perfect as he canmake it THE FIRST TIME and as close to his promised date as this near perfection will allow. And I am confident that that is whats gonna happen.

There is something else that I have to say about RBT and this process. I know they had some great help from @MrPeanut and some other folks before they came to FC and thru FC the public, but this whole process of public involvement and cooperative development ONLY STARTED IN JANUARY OF THIS YEAR. That is when this thread began. And while they may be other investors, as far as I know the first preorder was likely me and that was in June. And Ellie (my first beta) arrived days later. So there is no comparing Zion to ANY other vapes, especially any that may have caused a disturbance in the force. Trust me when I tell you that you have nothing but Love and Buzz headed your way, and while there may be a SHORT WAIT, it will be so worth it it will quickly disappear in memory...

Venus, baby, lets talk...


Full Steam Ahead
Zion is not like other vapes and @RastaBuddhaTao is not like other vape companies/developers. I'm sure RBT spent serious time working on his patented heater technology and how he was going to apply it. He and @thekarmawhore (I assume) created the 2 X 4 shape and did basic testing with the help of some friends. And then he came to FC for some expert advice and open beta development. With @pakalolo, @stickstones , and @KeroZen they refined the design and usability and aesthetic and then brought in the Zion 10, the first preorderers of the Zion to beta test it some more. Some more suggestions and improvements and adjustments of temperature ranges and techniques, always keeping in mind flexibility and personal tastes in how users might want to use their Zions with stems and screen types and glass and all.
I can tell you it is extremely unlikely that this last beta pass would bring up anything to worry about. To be honest, if need be I would be perfectly happy using Venus my current beta even with her imperfections and slight misalignments without any of the improvements we know are in the production model because she just works fantastically as she is. But that isn't whats in store because RBT is making sure that your Zion is as close to perfect as he canmake it THE FIRST TIME and as close to his promised date as this near perfection will allow. And I am confident that that is whats gonna happen.

There is something else that I have to say about RBT and this process. I know they had some great help from @MrPeanut and some other folks before they came to FC and thru FC the public, but this whole process of public involvement and cooperative development ONLY STARTED IN JANUARY OF THIS YEAR. That is when this thread began. And while they may be other investors, as far as I know the first preorder was likely me and that was in June. And Ellie (my first beta) arrived days later. So there is no comparing Zion to ANY other vapes, especially any that may have caused a disturbance in the force. Trust me when I tell you that you have nothing but Love and Buzz headed your way, and while there may be a SHORT WAIT, it will be so worth it it will quickly disappear in memory...

Venus, baby, lets talk...

I have zero worries about this stellar product because of the confidence shown here by the FC community, I also have a tremendous amount of patience for the same reason. You are not going to hear me say that too often.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I understand not wanting to make this into a "has it shipped yet?" thread but there is very little to talk about since very few beta Zion's are out in the wild. I think everyone is just antsy to get their hands on one and just itching for information, even if it's letting us know how close they are to sending out the first batch to the beta testers. Just my opinion at least.

Yeah just important to remember, for now, there's no much they, its mostly just him, you know as much as anyone else, and he is working hard to get it all going, multitasking like crazy staying up all night I'm sure. It's tough to wait on a pre order, but take any anxiety (amd excitement too) you might have an multiply by 10 and then it might be close what RBT is feeling right now... I'm sure he will share when he can, only when truly necessary. That's why we're here, to pick up the slack in the meantime here.

@TheRobbo its not about returns, but customs and CE certification etc. The manual unit's can still be sent abroad as gifts since they're only betas, some early Zion pre orders are international so they made the cut but it could be tricky getting it to them, so that's why it's limited for now, hopefully that part will be sorted out before the end of the year, but it is certainly a priority for full scale production.

@cybrguy that was beautifully put buddy


JoJo Woodworks
Accessory Maker
[USER=18435 said:
@cybrguy[/USER] that was beautifully put buddy


Anyone buying new glass just for your Zion? I haven't bought that much lately and I'm going on a bit of spree. Trying a new hydrotube design just for the hell of it http://m.dhgate.com/product/new-2015-glass-water-bongs-nectar-collector/216594318.html#s2-38-1

This http://m.dhgate.com/product/2015-new-arrival-clear-nectar-collector-glass/254772709.html#s1-5-1
(The first pic is great)
And some other bigger piece I haven't decided on yet. Open to suggestions.


Putin is a War Criminal
That D020 was my vaping starter piece, and I still use it. It is a little small for my taste, but it works just fine. And here is Venus mounting it with a claisen...

Venus is light enough to stay stable even off center like this, tho switching the Zion and the plug would make more sense. I did it this way to get it further from my face.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Had a bimble around the other threads on FC and came across this one by @mvapes
Scratched Glass Works
As everyone is buying new toys I thought I would give the guy a plug. Glass isn't my thing but I can see the appeal and it can be nicely customized in appearance. You could match the glass design in with your wooden body design.
After speaking briefly with him it got me thinking. Dejafukinvue. It's not just glass that lends itself to sandblasting.
I missed the organic point altogether the other day. This Amnesia Haze is living up to it's name.
When the time comes that the single 18650 arrives on the scene I may have to go full on organic
A morel UrS18650

I reckon using sandblasting you could get pretty close.
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