I'll gladly confirm all earlier reports..... ZION IS A FUCKING BEAST!!! It can be a heavy hitter, a light hitter, or anywhere in between with pretty sensitive heat adjustment. The design/layout is as cool as expected, and I'd say even a little cooler. Wood working is gorgeous, and I'd give fit and finish 8.5 of 10 stars (more on that below). My color changing glass hasn't shifted color much, but the purple/lavender color is starting to shift and is beautiful new. I've been using 2 HG2's and getting way more hits than I expected (2 batts seems to give more than double what 1 batt does in Mi). I had 2 brand new ones waiting for her, and just charged them last night for the second time. How many loads? Not sure (haven't been counting), and think this is different for different users with different techniques material, load sizes, etc. Took a few loads to really dial it in (and changed a little with new strain in the mix), but think mark on my dial is around 4, 4:15, maybe even 4:20

, o' clock looking at it with "open" side down. Replace 4's with 1's if looking at it with trigger button up.
Am finding best hits when I hold button for 3-5 seconds before heating. From there you can hold button down through load, or hold while hitting and release for a minute or less while digesting your hit. It doesn't loose much temp over that minute, so she's still giving vapor well nearly as soon as you hit button for following hits. Of course no need to feather button at all. She stays right at temp you've set (whatever that may be). This is great, but can be a little dangerous while coming from Mi or MVT. It's easy to lose track and take WAY too big of a hit. Have adjusted, but many coughs in first few sessions!
Design: she's a little big for out and about IMO, but had a larger bag that came with a BT speaker that she fits well in. Have taken her to visit a few friends, but won't be an out & about vape. Probably great for camping, but decided to leave her home while tailgating for a game because of how it would look in plain view.
The lid is easy to pull open from magnet and drops right back into place easily when you put it back on. Not only is the stash (with cork/thumbscrew) cool as shit! - it's very functional. I haven't loaded it to full capacity, but it will hold many loads easily. Stir stick is right there, too. Nice touch, but I've got to find a way to hold it in. It's pretty loose in there, and will slide out easily with just a tilt of Zi. Looking for a rubber/silicone handle (sleeve?) for it that may work to tighten things up, but no luck yet in trying to scavenge from stuff I have around the house. Maybe a dab of rubber cement down in there that I can work a hole of right diameter into? Don't know, but am sure I'll figure something out.
Stem sitting there ready to go is also cooll as shit!!! Have preloaded stem a few times and put it back into its hole for transport/storage. No spillage at all, and is quite a great feeling to pop the cap and have it loaded and right there ready to go. Also, have been stirring with stirrer after a few hits, then after a couple more stir and dump into the cavity in lid where GonG rides for a good load flip. Just suck it back up into stem for a couple more hits. Genius! And, very practical.
How does she hit? Like a dream! Flavor is awesome & vapor is awesome and easy to adjust to your liking. The dial is lovely and seems pretty sensitive. It has good tension, and the smallest of tweaks are perceivable. Nudge it this way or that for tweaking heat, and is very responsive. Can't even begin to explain how well and constant she hits. I'm really good with my Mi. I'm to the point where I can ride the button with feathering and think I get the most that can be had out of her. Even with that, it's hard to compare to Zi. Once you get your dial set, it just hits so fucking perfectly every god damned time! Many know I am nano fanboy #1, and have been looking for a cordless I enjoy as much. Zi is definitely it! IMO MVT is closest for out and about (enjoy the refined heater a bit more than Mi), but Zi is light years beyond that.
Have tried it with long stem, which provides cooler vapor. But, like the regular stem better because it fits into unit and is cool enough for me. I'm used to much shorter stems on Mi & MVT, so all good here. Have run a few loads through water, and she shines here. But, seem to like hitting it more native for time being.
Being cordless, she is usually hanging out next to my computer or traveling around the house or out on the porch with me. This is fun, but see myself vaping a bit more because of it. I can reach computer from vape station with nano or WoodScents, but usually don't. Have to take cords out to full length and stretch across where they aren't practical to leave. So, usually just vape in regular spot. Zi goes everywhere with me, and is sometimes a little too convenient sitting at my desk! Also, have a nice chill spot at far end of backyard where dog and I hang out regularly - usually after dinner. Often get my first few hits of the evening in out there with whatever portable is choice of the day. It's a nice routine for me and for him. Zi can also be dangerous out there - especially with large stash in lid. Was stuck in an Adirondack chair out there for more than an hour the other night, and still have the skeeter bites I wasn't noticing while stoned.
Mine has this odd wind-tunnel sound when hitting because so much air is moving through it while hitting. It's not too loud (don't even usually hear it with tunes or TV on), but it is such a cool fucking sound! I've turned down whatever other noise in room just to hear it. It goes very well with the power you have in your hand.
Fit and finish is pretty good. 2 quibbles..... seam of lid to body isn't perfect. Body is a little high on one side in front, and small gap across front is a little thicker on one side. No big deal for handmade, and no problem for me - but thought worth mentioning. I'll probably smooth out the high spot soon when I give her a light sanding and put my preferred finish on her (bee's wax and walnut oil these days). A bit more annoying is "wobble" of battery cover. It doesn't sit fully flush on body, and "see-saws" just a bit. Seems like this is caused by magnets (half way down either side of door and its place on body). Think magnets being just a little bit more recessed (mm or 2) would eliminate problem. No big deal really, and may try to fix sometime in future. Will definitely fix if magnets come unglued as others have encountered in past, but think Ryan has fixed this issue. Mine seem stuck on very well. I kind of like toggling it back and forth while I'm hitting anyway. Beats the Hell out of a fidget spinner!
I think that's all I wanted to report other than below.
TLDR/Short version:
Amazing vape that has been kicking my ass!! Power and consistency are spot on. Great layout and function make it practical and fun to use. Battery drain is better than expected, and while you may have to hold button a bit longer to get to temp, she seems to stay pretty consistent until batts down to 3.6V each - time to charge anyway IMO.
The good:
- Dynamite fucking hitter!
- Great flavor (best of any portable I've used)
- Beautiful, sensitive adjustment knob
- Get to temp quickly (3-4 seconds), hold button and go as long as you like
- Holds temp well between hits. 1-2 second button hold and she is right back where she was on previous hit
- Lid with stash and stem/stir tool under it is practical and too fucking cool!
- Hits very well on water piece and can white-wall whatever you put her on
- More I'm forgetting I'm sure
The bad:
- Maybe a little too good? Tending to vape a little more since I have her too close at hand
- Time it took to get here - but am totally over that now that I have her
The ugly? Not too bad, but a couple quibbles that I think I'll work out on my own
- Stir tool is loose in its hole. Slips out a bit too easily if not careful
- Finish of lid to body could be a little tighter, but no big and adds to "handmade"-ness
- Battery door a bit wobbly/"see-sawing". Seems magnets that hold it should be recessed another mm or 2