Discontinued Zion vaporizer


thoroughly vaped
My apologies @flotntoke the last thing i want to do is aggravate or upset any fc members.
We've got enough of that waiting for our Zion's.
But whatever RBT plans means nothing to me nothong but false promises all the way.
Enjoy your thread wont be back.

No apology to me necessary. Just didn't think that was fair to RBT (even in light of the whole mess). Sorry to see you go. Hope you've held in and not requested refund. If he stays up to date with this schedule - or even close - I'd guess most mid-August '15 orders shouldn't be much longer with others following soon after.

Why the increased optimism from me? Well, I of course love the new schedule above. Hope all waiting on the platform for Zion train with me do, also.

AND..... Texting back and forth with Ryan this morning about final choice for glass (just confirmation and option to change if I like). Think this is a bonus for making that phone call a couple weeks ago as was suggested by @Other Side (thanks again for that and all else!). I'm going for color changing FWIW.

Reason he is confirming is that my Zion should be completed this weekend and on its way to me next week!! This would put me barely inside 2 years, which I can live with based on how things have gone. Believe this will be the first "completed, final" Zion released into the wild (with recent updates based on feedback of May release). He hasn't mentioned working on any others, but am assuming there will be a couple more done at same time based on latest 2017 Plan update (above).

History here is what it is, but this sure feels like the real deal. Not quite as happy as I'll be when she is here in my grubby little hands, but pretty f'n close I think. :brow:

Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do! :clap:



Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
No apology to me necessary. Just didn't think that was fair to RBT (even in light of the whole mess). Sorry to see you go. Hope you've held in and not requested refund. If he stays up to date with this schedule - or even close - I'd guess most mid-August '15 orders shouldn't be much longer with others following soon after.

Why the increased optimism from me? Well, I of course love the new schedule above. Hope all waiting on the platform for Zion train with me do, also.

AND..... Texting back and forth with Ryan this morning about final choice for glass (just confirmation and option to change if I like). Think this is a bonus for making that phone call a couple weeks ago as was suggested by @Other Side (thanks again for that and all else!). I'm going for color changing FWIW.

Reason he is confirming is that my Zion should be completed this weekend and on its way to me next week!! This would put me barely inside 2 years, which I can live with based on how things have gone. Believe this will be the first "completed, final" Zion released into the wild (with recent updates based on feedback of May release). He hasn't mentioned working on any others, but am assuming there will be a couple more done at same time based on latest 2017 Plan update (above).

History here is what it is, but this sure feels like the real deal. Not quite as happy as I'll be when she is here in my grubby little hands, but pretty f'n close I think. :brow:

Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do! :clap:

That's great to hear man!
I'm clapping my effin' hands off for ya till you have received your Zion :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Well, you get the gist:D

Nice pick with the color changing.
And yeah, you'll be the first one with a final final! I'm truly happy for you and also about having taken 3 for the team, issued magnets, battery fitting and diode fix. You're gonna be golden bud!:tup:

Let's crash your 2nd waiting anniversary and make you comatose with Zion vapor instead! :freak:

All I can tell is the man us on Zions with full force! :nod:

Enjoy your day everyone!

EDIT: corrected the number of directed issues to Ryan.. Seems I'm so zionized that I can't even count to 3. Good times!:cool:
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Recovering Idealist
I hope all of those zions find their way to their owners soon and I hope the owners will enjoy it as much as I do. I am loving my zion and I use it as my daily driver about 12-14 times a day. I use a rimmed basket screen in a long black stem. I put a couple of extra screens behind the basket to keep particles out of my mouth/lungs. With the long stem, the vapour never gets too warm and the stem stays pretty cool at the mouthpiece end.

I have the temp at full blast and I draw slowly from the start. I get visible, tasty vapour from the first pull until the last. If I want a higher temp later in the day I might preheat for a second or two before pulling and that is the only time that the taste degrades at all. I get impressively even abv without stirring but I do need to rotate the stem a couple of times. Since my milaana days, I do that out of habit and I think I would do it even if I didn't need to.

August will be two years since I ordered and to be honest, it ended up being pretty much exactly what I had hoped for. As well, two years later and there are maybe 3-4 other devices on the market that, imo, could provide instant convection vapour (and one of them is the milaana).


Chronic vapaholic
@KeroZen - With Zions due to start shipping soon, what are your current suggestions for batteries?

For Zion nothing new: Samsung 30Q or LG HG2. Don't bother getting the Sony VTC6, the extra oomph will be useless in this application and they are considerably pricier as well as degrading faster.

...or build yourself a nice power adapter, if you don't mind being tethered again.


For Zion nothing new: Samsung 30Q or LG HG2. Don't bother getting the Sony VTC6, the extra oomph will be useless in this application and they are considerably pricier as well as degrading faster.

...or build yourself a nice power adapter, if you don't mind being tethered again.

Just curious, what you think about the VTC5? Haven't tried the 30Q in my Mi yet, will order a couple of them.


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Hey folks,
Happy 4th of July everybody!!! :cheers:
Guess who's busy and rockin the holiday?? :buzz:
RBT LIVE on IG :rockon:

What more can you demand?:nod::clap:

@flotntoke So happy to read your lines. Hope you will have it in no time...
We want pics... Needless to ask, you got your batts all charged up for immediate Zioniziation?:brow::tup:

Enjoy the holiday!


thoroughly vaped
Hey folks,
Happy 4th of July everybody!!! :cheers:
Guess who's busy and rockin the holiday?? :buzz:
RBT LIVE on IG :rockon:

What more can you demand?:nod::clap:

@flotntoke So happy to read your lines. Hope you will have it in no time...
We want pics... Needless to ask, you got your batts all charged up for immediate Zioniziation?:brow::tup:

Enjoy the holiday!

OH... I am SOOO ready. Batts ready, I'm ready, cleaned all my 18mm glass and M>M GonGs!! Even on the lookout for a few new strains to run through her.

You guys all know how I like to ramble on! Will be back with reports and pics soon after I get her.

And OH, almost forgot to mention.... Ryan sent me a text last night that was really cool. At end he said he'd love a call from me after I get some runs through her so we can discuss performance of all, and he can get my feedback in personal discussion rather than writing. Is that cool, or what?

Hope everyone is having a great 4th, where ever you call home!


thoroughly vaped
SHE'S HERE!!!! Got to me super-quick. Thanks USPS!

Have only had a chance to run one load through her, and gotta get out of here in a few minutes.

So far? Am impressed! Can't wait to get back home and get more acquainted. More later of course.

EDIT: Just got to sit down for more of a sesh. Still getting feel of it, but loving it! All the legends seem true. Great flavor, effortless wide open hits, amazing buzz. Took the screen out to basket edge up near rim of glass (came more than 2x as deep).

She sure is efficient! One full load of some Purple Kush and about 1/2 of one other is all I can even handle. Just hit the button, sit back, and hit to your heart's content. Really amazing vape... and yes, think I'm starting to get just how amazing.
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thoroughly vaped
@flotntoke : did you get a long stem with your package? That's my favorite, the extra cooling improves taste too (I find that whatever the vape, the cooler the vapor the tastier)

Yes I got one, but haven't even put a screen in yet. I like the stock stem - is much longer than what I usually use on Mi. Will have to try long one tomorrow.

Played with water a little and fun, too. Used a M>M through a pretty small Chinese cake bubb. Very nice, but trying to get a good feel for her native first, and hard to get too much practice in before I'm too gone to keep track! Flavor and airflow of constant vapor is pretty sick. Knocking my socks off!

Past couple hours in low light, with some tasty 1970 Dead clips and Zi. Might be it's just the killer Charlie Murphy dark purple nugs going through Zion, but could swear Jerry's ghost was here a little while ago to share a couple good Zi hits with me.



Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
SHE'S HERE!!!! Got to me super-quick. Thanks USPS!

Have only had a chance to run one load through her, and gotta get out of here in a few minutes.

So far? Am impressed! Can't wait to get back home and get more acquainted. More later of course.

EDIT: Just got to sit down for more of a sesh. Still getting feel of it, but loving it! All the legends seem true. Great flavor, effortless wide open hits, amazing buzz. Took the screen out to basket edge up near rim of glass (came more than 2x as deep).

She sure is efficient! One full load of some Purple Kush and about 1/2 of one other is all I can even handle. Just hit the button, sit back, and hit to your heart's content. Really amazing vape... and yes, think I'm starting to get just how amazing.

Yes I got one, but haven't even put a screen in yet. I like the stock stem - is much longer than what I usually use on Mi. Will have to try long one tomorrow.

Played with water a little and fun, too. Used a M>M through a pretty small Chinese cake bubb. Very nice, but trying to get a good feel for her native first, and hard to get too much practice in before I'm too gone to keep track! Flavor and airflow of constant vapor is pretty sick. Knocking my socks off!

Past couple hours in low light, with some tasty 1970 Dead clips and Zi. Might be it's just the killer Charlie Murphy dark purple nugs going through Zion, but could swear Jerry's ghost was here a little while ago to share a couple good Zi hits with me.


WOOOHOOOO! Zion train's there for you. Making my day man!
It's so good to read this... Keep the lines coming. But for sure, enjoy your honeymoon in privacy first. ;) It might never gonna end. :D

How much do you like to load? What's your fave knob setting for now?
Let's talk some vape gossip :D

Enjoy bro!


aka 420EDC
Accessory Maker
Congrats on receiving your zion! Can't wait for mine to come in September 2015 pre order here. Any necessary steps I need to do to make sure I receive my zion?? Or am I supposed to just wait for an email from RBT?
I believe RBT will contact you personally (not just you, all those who have preordered) to sort out remaining details.
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