thoroughly vaped
My apologies @flotntoke the last thing i want to do is aggravate or upset any fc members.
We've got enough of that waiting for our Zion's.
But whatever RBT plans means nothing to me nothong but false promises all the way.
Enjoy your thread wont be back.
No apology to me necessary. Just didn't think that was fair to RBT (even in light of the whole mess). Sorry to see you go. Hope you've held in and not requested refund. If he stays up to date with this schedule - or even close - I'd guess most mid-August '15 orders shouldn't be much longer with others following soon after.
Why the increased optimism from me? Well, I of course love the new schedule above. Hope all waiting on the platform for Zion train with me do, also.
AND..... Texting back and forth with Ryan this morning about final choice for glass (just confirmation and option to change if I like). Think this is a bonus for making that phone call a couple weeks ago as was suggested by @Other Side (thanks again for that and all else!). I'm going for color changing FWIW.
Reason he is confirming is that my Zion should be completed this weekend and on its way to me next week!! This would put me barely inside 2 years, which I can live with based on how things have gone. Believe this will be the first "completed, final" Zion released into the wild (with recent updates based on feedback of May release). He hasn't mentioned working on any others, but am assuming there will be a couple more done at same time based on latest 2017 Plan update (above).
History here is what it is, but this sure feels like the real deal. Not quite as happy as I'll be when she is here in my grubby little hands, but pretty f'n close I think.

Clap along if you feel like that's what you want to do!