@stickstones and
@pakalolo will have full disclosure in this thread. In keeping with the theme of full transparency will allow the entire FC community to discuss the issues that may arise greatly enhancing the feedback and accelerating improvements.
I do have a small confession to make and that is a have been enjoying MrP's 2x4 since I put the volt meter on it. It allows me to se how stable the voltage is and how repeatable it is. One eye opening thing is that the voltage slowly decays at high power right near the end of the battery life... Have to ask my electrical engineer about that... I don't know it it's is the diode at the start of cutout or what? I think I will buy some more and also outfit the batteries. I have been monitoring the batteries with a volt meter as recommended by
@pakalolo and they seem to track really close with minimum voltage spread.
But now I have new potentiometers and fixed resistors to work on better dialing in the temperature range for better temperature accuracy so....
Fuck combustion Mr. Peanut. I'll take a ride up to the farm tonight and drop off your unit
Zion 2x4 unit two users will be supplying me and update this weekend just for you
. They took it on a field trip to meet some of their friends so I'm am interested in hearing how it went
Work on the Zion-12 is going well. Already learned a ton on manufacturing that tricky little cap. Progress is slow but taking time to learn along the way is the value in prototyping no?
Now, if we only had a faster way
@thekarmawhore ????