O I'm sure it's not yours! For you will have to pay.... One million dollarsHurry up, Damnit...
Since @KeroZen is getting MY beta to testI expect him to do a bang up job.
Hmmm... I must have something in my eye.
i love the cloud production of the Dabuddha but i am really sensitive to the heat from the direct draw of vapes so i am hoping for a 'upgrade' from a dabuddha. i lack the engineering know-how so can you please simplify why the zion tech will make faster & cooler vapor? why would the temp of vapor be different when it exits?
many many thanks to @MrPeanut for the continued testing that makes these refinements possible... And these free range eggs are awesome man thanks.
Well if they don't, I personally think there may definitely be a few FC folk who over the coming months will end up seriously kicking themselves for not grabbing an oar & jumping on board!Ladies and gentleman... We will be opening the 100 unit wait list to the general public on Monday. That is, provided the last 20 units don't get snapped up here in the next couple of days.
The knob we're focused on right now has a big ol' hunk of brass and a set screw. It gets the job done robustly, and has a nice heavy ham radio tuning knob feel to it.
Think of it this way. The knob it comes with will be easy to remove and you can mod away! I'll even design you a custom one if you want!
Yes yes yes! Again I say "your wood our Zion."Well if they don't, I personally think there may definitely be a few FC folk who over the coming months will end up seriously kicking themselves for not grabbing an oar & jumping on board!
I'm certainly up for an adventure aboard the good ship Zion.
How about using some exotic woods for knobs . . . or am I just delerious from spending too much time over in Snappo's & Ed's threads drooling over sexy crazy looking blanks & what they lovingly become . . .
Definitely maybe.
Mmmmmmm wooooooooooood
Have a great weekend all.
The wait list has been open to the public but all FC members are welcome as they are our favoritesOnly 18 left
Wood units will be complete in 2 or three days to ship to @stickstones and @pakalolo
To be added to the official wait list please complete the form at:
User Name: FuckCombustion
Password: First100
Coupon Code: SecondWave
The price will be $149 for the unit and $189 with batteries and a charger.
No confirmation was seen
I too am very excited. It's a portable log vape, what everyone wanted. And only for $150 (without batteries). I won't even feel the guilt of this vas purchase.Don't worry, I don't think confirmation emails have been sent at all. I didn't get one either but I'm definitely onboard - at least I think that's the case, although I'm sure @RastaBuddhaTao can say for sure?
Welcome to the party @tepictoton
There's a very good feeling with this one.