So I am discontent with USB control over my Vape. Bluetooth or WiFi control would be so much more convenient. Don't get me wrong I love the functionality, which is actually what makes this mod possible. Before continuing, however, let me stress that this is a work in progress. Do not try to do this mod, especially at this phase. Now for a generic disclaimer:
Doing so will void your warranty. I am not responsible for any bricked vaporizers, house fires, or zombie armageddons which occur as a result of anyone attempting to do this mod. No support of any kind will be provided.
With that said, I am going to closely document each step.
I'm going to be using the
Particle Photon (preordered, should arrive in August) to control my ZephyrIon over WiFi. I will be using the existing USB header for the serial connection between the Ion's mainboard and the Photon module.
Firstly, the USB to Serial chip on the mainboard of the Zephyr Ion must be bypassed since the Photon be communicating directly with the ATmega MCU.
To do this the CH340 USB-to-Serial chip must be removed from the mainboard. I used an SMD IC removal kit to do this and even with a nice soldering iron, practice, and a steady hand, I still managed to strip off some pads (fortunately non-essential ones).
I used the pinout diagram of the CH340 (shown above) to come up with a wiring scheme (shown below).
I've already made one of the 2 connections. Unfortunately the tip to my soldering iron broke so I'm waiting for the new one to arrive before I can make the other one. I'm using thin gauge enameled copper wire to make the connections and plan to seal it with a high temperature tolerant epoxy resin.
More to come..