is anyone know how to open Xmax v2 pro like photo below without destory it???because i put my flowermate v5s screen for test before but i cannot get it out without open the xmax v2, sorry for my bad english and thank you.
For 2 dollars and quick USPS shipping its a great steal.
How much does this nipple protrude? If it works I wouldn't be too concerned.Longtime lurker, first time poster. Saw this and bit the bullet. Got the package today. Ordered 2 units, received 6. It's packaged in 3's. Thing is, it has a nipple on top so it doesn't exactly fit like a glove. It's OJ Simpson sized. Tried it with it not entirely screwed to the end and it works! Is this advisable?
Hi guys, I got this vape about a week ago. While it was working fine until now, it started blinking red after I turn it on, even though it's fully charged. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Sorry if this has been brought up before, but after a bit of research I'm still stuck. I'd appreciate any and all help! Thanks
EDIT: Well apparently it just fixed itself after I made this post, but I don't know why. I hadn't used it for hours previously.
But also, has anyone had any experience vaping DMT powder? Possibly through the wax chamber? Thanks
How much does this nipple protrude? If it works I wouldn't be too concerned.
Use it at lower temp....I use mine at 374 first session, 392 second session and 410 for the last one.
I only use the higher setting for a flowers/concentrates mix with water flitration (and sometimes concentrates only with the cup..never worked really well for me...).
IMO it produces massive clouds at 392...the same you got at max but you need to take a longer draw (that it's not possible at max...).
Not sure cause mine is a Storm (rebranded) but I thought the max t° is 428°F (the max I use for flowers in a conduction vape is 415(410-420), in convection world it's another story, you can go hotter!)
And , to be honnest, I bet there is a bit of combustion after 3 sessions at was your abv (brownish or black?) and did you enjoy the taste after the first session?
I think you can get more pleasure (a combo of effects, clouds & taste) using lower t°, When I got it I was impressed how it produces a thick vapor at 374!
But, all in all, enjoy your vape as you want my friend, if you like it hot, turn it to the max! (and be ready to cough as hell!)
Well, another one bites the dust. Haven't done well with my last 2 vape purchases. First the ESV which has spent more time in a drawer and in transit for repair than it's had draws. Hasn't worked properly since day one.
Now my Xmax. I was really liking this vape for it's portability and fast heat up.
I've got 2 fully charged batteries that I alternate but now I'm experiencing the vape just shutting down during a session.
If I'm lucky, I'll go through a session and it will time out normally. But this is rare and most likely a thing of the past.
Now it will be heating up, to whatever I set it to, and then something like 10 or more red blinks in succession and it shuts off. I've ISO swabbed out the chamber and blown some compressed air where I could but it only helped the first time.
I suspect the blinking and shutdown are related to a fault in the unit and this is a self-protecting feature to prevent further damage or possible injury?
I've got 2 fully charged batteries that I alternate but now I'm experiencing the vape just shutting down during a session.
If I'm lucky, I'll go through a session and it will time out normally. But this is rare and most likely a thing of the past.
Now it will be heating up, to whatever I set it to, and then something like 10 or more red blinks in succession and it shuts off.
Any tips on micro dosing with this vape? I'm just getting back into MJ after a 15 year hiatus. During that time, I took two tokes and they blew me out of my mind. Back when I was smoking more regularly I still had a very low tolerance.
I read earlier in the thread that this is a session vape and its best to just use a very small amount. But I've also read that this affects the vapor quality, and with other capes people insert screens or spacers to make sure the weed is properly tamped down. Does anyone have experience with this on this vape?
I ask because I can get this for $60 or I can get a used Firefly for $110. I think the Firefly would be better for me, but I'm concerned about the reliability and battery issues, especially since obviously MJ is not a big part of my life. Don't want to have to deal with it.
Thanks, Exactly what I was looking for.
I'd never heard of the Triihouse Lily, and I like the price. Don't know if I want to deal with butane, especially out and about. But 95% of the time if be at home. I'll have to do some research on that.
Too many people have reported issues with their Firefly, so yeah I think I'll pass on that.
I got mine yesterday. So, you have to inhale all, rather than like the firefly, else you lose. And I seem to prefer the ff for quality so far, but its s good vaporizer. Also what is a burn off. Is it too late now as I had one session. One other issue thus vape givesviff a weed odor, even after brushing. What do you do about this. I keep it at work vand dint want people smelling it.Yeah dude, many many solid options, plenty of great info here, welcome to the community!
I got mine yesterday. So, you have to inhale all, rather than like the firefly, else you lose. And I seem to prefer the ff for quality so far, but its s good vaporizer. Also what is a burn off. Is it too late now as I had one session. One other issue thus vape givesviff a weed odor, even after brushing. What do you do about this. I keep it at work vand dint want people smelling it.
I got mine yesterday. So, you have to inhale all, rather than like the firefly, else you lose. And I seem to prefer the ff for quality so far, but its s good vaporizer. Also what is a burn off. Is it too late now as I had one session. One other issue thus vape givesviff a weed odor, even after brushing. What do you do about this. I keep it at work vand dint want people smelling it.