It's recommended not to fill it full, so, when 3/4 filled with tight pack, the load is 0.15gr (empty dosing caps without top lid is 0.98gr, when filled as mentioned it's 1.13gr.What's the capacity of the dosing cap?
Hi, US Xmax Starry 4 availability may happen sooner than expected, we thought Mid-May but it seems a few North America retailer already received their shipment... Price is 99$ (US).This looks great. What’s the price and when will US retailers begin to stock them?
Hi, I want to confirm you we fixed all the kinks encountered with the previous version, body T° is now 4/5°C less due to the improved insulation, sensor error wasn't a Starry issue (it probably happened a few times but it was an error we seen more with the V3Pro), as well the cracked ceramic bowls are due to too strong scraping, please remenber despite ceramic seems sturdier than glass it may be broken even with a tooth pic, so be gentle, that's allI really wanted to get a starry 3.0 but didn't like the issues that plagued it such as requiring a silicone sleeve, temp sensor error (overtime), cracked ceramic bowl (troublesome), and device heating the battery bay, even my XLUX ROFFU when used at hotter temps back to back, sure the battery gets warm naturally from usage, but I touched the inside of battery bay and it wasn't bad.
Conduction vapes toast your herb more darker which is good if you are trying to squeeze out all the cannabinoid resin out of your herb to get the most bang for your buck, people hate on conduction but to be honest the best medicinal benefit I got was from CONDUCTION styled vapes.
Now moving on from all this, I do look forward to seeing more reviews of the STARRY 4.0 it does seem promising even the other review doesn't seem bias and was neutral even said FLOWER in the STARRY 4.0 the body of the starry doesn't get uncomfortably hot
However STARRY 4.0 isn't a dedicated WAX vape, I can see it being used for HASHISH though since HASHISH can still be vaped below WAX's recommended vape temps. Hashish is just extracted TRICHOMES using organic methods of extraction (cold ice water and bubble bags).

Reviews will come, I believe reviewers just got one week testing... Stay tuned!
Yes we decided to release the Starry 4 as a Dry herb vaporizer with the idea the dosing caps will improve a lot the taste profil by keeping the chamber clean, the use of wax may defeats the purpose above... Although the high T° range and the chamber's shape are both ideals for pressed resin vaping, why? Haschich need high T° for full cannabinoids extraction, as well, cause its density you may take advantage of stirring and the large chamber helps for stirring! For hasch I suggest to mix it with flowers for tiny amounts OR to wrap it in hemp fibers, insert the ball in a dosing caps and enjoy spicy resin hits (it's my fav to enjoy the full&true taste of the hasch. You can use the optionnal wax pad too, but like its name said, it's best designed for concentrates like wax, shatter, rosin,... or the Oil Pod with cotton in the bottom which is designed to vape SMALL amount of runny concentrates like Distillate.
Already in stock?! It's amazing cause they expected our shipment not before mid-May!In stock at VPM @ $139CDN, I think I can wait till the price is better, don’t really use my Starry anymore. Will probably get one at some point, need to see some reviews whether it changed much.
It's released (available for wholesale at Topgreen/Xmax), but there is always a small delay between our release (for retailers) and the public release (for customers), sorry for trhe confusion. I'll ask to the FC Staff to move the thread out of the "Upcoming&Unreleased..." section.Wait, what? How is it already for sale?
This thread is still in the "unreleased vapes" section and the OP hasn't said anything about a release date for the Starry 4.
Thank you for the detailled review, it's interesting! What do you mean by "Bottom of chamber prone to crumbs under the screen"? Are you afraid the chamber crumbs? Or do you means a few crumbs of bud can be stuck in the bottom of chamber below the mesh screen?From there overall review of the STARRY 4.0:
XMAX Starry 4.0 Pros
- Excellent build quality for the price
- Included high-quality stainless steel dosing capsule
- Good airflow and clouds
- High maximum temperature
- Lots of features for a budget vape
XMAX Starry 4.0 Cons
- Bottom of chamber prone to crumbs under the screen
- Taste isn’t the best at higher temperatures
- Overpacking leads to clogging of the mouthpiece filter and restricted airflow
- The Starry’s body will get hot after back-to-back sessions
About overpacking, yes it's mentionned in the user guide to fill the chamber/dosing caps not fully, it looks like some room is needed to build vapour. The hot body is now 4/5°C cooler than previous Starry's version, although a silicone sleeve will be released in June.
Hi my friend, the Starry 4 ceramic WPA will be released in June (with silicone sleeve and dosing caps five-pack), it's great to know the Starry 4 is already available in Australia, Europe (France) and North America (Canada)... and probably more I'm forgotten!They are talked about quite often by Canadian people as a good supplier of vapes as some US companies will not post there...they have many happy customers from FC.
Looks like the Starry 4.0 is available for sale in Australia,
And most of the usual Aussie sellers say it is due this month.![]()
Wick and Wire Co Australia – Opening Soon
The gays/gals at XMAX sent me a unit to try and I will say the latest version fixes most of the cons the V3 had...looking forward to them releasing a ceramic WPA similar to the last version as I have heard great things about it.
Any idea on a release date for a ceramic WPA @XMAXVAPORIZER ? (I work for XVAPE, not XMAX so I have no clue...about a lot of things).
Yes, I was surprised while looking at the @LeftBased pictures cause his dosing caps bottom got twice less holes... now, thanks to you, I understand better... I'll ask to the team what happened with your device... I suppose your review device was sent before the dosing caps production or we sent different dosing caps models in order to test them out...? I'll keep you advised asap!The Dosing Capsule we received with our Starry 4 doesn't look like this one. See below.
Regarding the ceramic filter, this part needs to be kept as clean as possible. If you allow the Dosing Capsule to cool in the device and remove the Mouthpiece Assembly, it will pull the cap off the Dosing Capsule along with it should resin not be cleaned from the ceramic filter.
About the dosing caps to be glued to the top lid... Yes, prefer to remove the dosing caps right after the session when still hot/warm, it's normal there is a reclaim layer on the ceramic filter, you can wipe it clean when still hot or warm too.
Feel free to ask whatever you want about the Starry 4. I like the new timer settings, the Starry 3.0 offered the choice of a 5mn session or a 10mn session, for me 5mn wasn't long enough and 10 was too long... Now, I use the 6mn timer which is perfect for me (but you can choose 4, 6 or 9mn), have fun!