bought this a few weeks ago as a replacement/upgrade to my Storm Vaporizer Pen. very satisfied.
the taste is nice - i'm lucky to get good stuff. i'm not a big taste person in general, but it's noticeable and nice.
portability - fantastic. even changing battery on the fly - much easier and less conspicuous than what i was previously using.
i live in a lovely small town here so take my baby or dog out for long walks - 3x 10 minute sessions going from 195 to 200 to 205 (celsius). mind you, i find the high to be a "just to take the edge off" kinda vibe - don't really get battered from it. i don't think one chamber gets much past 3x 10mins, but i might be wrong (it's happened before). and reloading on the fly would be a bit more fiddly.
i'm glad for the tips here like taking out the little screen in the mouthpiece (seems redundant) and putting a screen over the chamber (between the herb and the mouthpiece).
pretty easy to clean, though i'm not very fussy - the chamber could already probably do with a bit more of a scrub, my fat fingers struggle to get in properly. but otherwise i just wrap all the bits in vapefiend's helpful iso wipes for a few minutes, and they come out alright
i really liked my Storm Pen, but i prefer this. i think you can rip a bit more on the mouthpiece so it "feels" better like that. i don't get clouds much, even if just "breathing" in rather than ripping - i mean, in the cold here i've got some nice clouds, but not at home or even today (bit warmer).
pretty easy for packing - i have to be stealthy at home, wife doesn't approve, but generally can get it all sorted within 5mins when her back's turned

(better than wrapping a joint!)
can't think of much else, but will come back if i do. must say, of course, that vapefiend's support and service is fantastic!
it's not amazing but it's pretty great. it enhances my life. i was reluctant to spend too much, so a mid-range option was better, and this seems a great mid-range option.