Name me one country that currently uses the AR-15 as a front line weapon for its military. You can't so if its not used in a military how can it be called a weapon of war?No more weapons of war in unqualified hands.
Name me one country that currently uses the AR-15 as a front line weapon for its military. You can't so if its not used in a military how can it be called a weapon of war?
What is an "assault weapon"?
Unless the bone spurs are acting up. That tends to affect one's bravery.Who needs a gun? Trump will save the day, unarmed!
Guess you didn't see any video of the Vegas shooting. That was a war zone, Howie. AR-15's are weapons of war.
I'm not deflecting. Your question is irrelevant. Watch video of the Vegas Massacre and tell me that didn't look like a war zone. If you watch the video and disagree, fine. We agree to disagree here.No, you are deflecting. Please answer my question "Name me one country that currently uses the AR-15 as a front line weapon for its military. You can't so if its not used in a military how can it be called a weapon of war?"
I'm not deflecting. Your question is dumb. Watch video of the Vegas Massacre and tell me that didn't look like a war zone. If you watch the video and disagree, fine. We agree to disagree here.
Guess you didn't see any video of the Vegas shooting. That was a war zone, Howie. AR-15's are weapons of war.
See above. The AR-15 definitely seems like an assault rifle to me. If you have other weapons that should be on the ban-list be sure to let us know.
Of course you are deflecting or you would just answer my questions "Name me one country that currently uses the AR-15 as a front line weapon for its military. You can't so if its not used in a military how can it be called a weapon of war?" You have run away from the questions twice please answer the question.
So your definition of assault rifle is "it seems like one to me."?
Up above I copied something from Time saying that the inventor of the AR-15 intended on it being a weapon of war. This was stated by the family of Eugene Stoner. I’m not sure if everyone is reading through the text?
And marijuana "seems" like a schedule I drug to Sessions.See above. The AR-15 definitely seems like an assault rifle to me. If you have other weapons that should be on the ban-list be sure to let us know.
So how do you know what I am thinking? Unless you have superpowers and read minds over the Internet you can't.Again. Your question doesn't prove what you think it proves.
Not the way logic or reality works.Just because an AR-15 isn't used by the military doesn't mean it isn't a "weapon of war".
Good for us we just had our first agreement.But it isn't a weapon that should be freely available to loons.
We can decide as a Nation which weapons should be freely available at store counters.
What one feels and what actual is is is often two different things.Ask the survivors of Parkland and Vegas if they felt like they were in a warzone.
We already have thats why you can buy them, legally.We can decide as a Nation which weapons should be freely available at store counters.
So how do you know what I am thinking? Unless you have superpowers and read minds over the Internet you can't.
Not the way logic or reality works.
We already have thats why you can buy them, legally.
I agree we need better enforcement. I don't think any guns should be "freely available to loons."Just because an AR-15 isn't used by the military doesn't mean it isn't a "weapon of war". If that title triggers you, call it whatever you want. But it isn't a weapon that should be freely available to loons.
And marijuana "seems" like a schedule I drug to Sessions.
Maybe we should go with objective criteria rather than feelings if we're going to make it illegal--at least if we are trying to effectively address a problem rather than make silly rules that make some people feel better.
I agree we need better enforcement. I don't think any guns should be "freely available to loons."
Purposefully using emotionally charged, triggering, buzz words and then putting the onus of being "triggered" on your readers?
Dude stop saying Vegas was war zone. It was not!! It was one person who committed mass murder. That is far from a war zone!! There were no military operations going down, no commanders calling out orders to troops to drop bombs no air strikes it was one individual who was mentally ill and committed mass murder. Could of been done with a moving truck full of home made explosives still wouldn’t make it a war zone!The AR-15 is objectively a weapon that makes mass murder too easy. No weapon like that should be available to unqualified individuals. I'm over you saying "silly rules to make people feel better". I want actual rules that makes mass murder more difficult. We are the only big-boy country with this problem.
My position has been stated over and over again. I want owning an AR-15 or similar weapon to be like obtaining a pilot's license. Training and recertification with a mental health screening.
And give me a break over "weapons of war". That's what they are. Vegas was a warzone. Sorry if the term is upsetting. Mass murder generally is.
I don't have a list of exactly what weapons should be freely available and which should be restricted. I'm not an expert. Just a citizen who is deeply embarrassed that we are the only modern country with mass shootings many times every year.
In my uneducated opinion, EVERY weapon that makes mass murder as easy as the AR-15 should only be available to qualified individuals.
Y'all need to understand, that the page has turned. We will inevitably have another mass shooting in the next few months. The cry to ban anything that LOOKS like an AR-15 will become deafening. I personally don't want them banned outright... but the free-for-all must end.
Dude stop saying Vegas was war zone. It was not!! It was one person who committed mass murder. That is far from a war zone!! There were no military operations going down, no commanders calling out orders to troops to drop bombs no air strikes it was one individual who was mentally ill and committed mass murder. Could of been done with a moving truck full of home made explosives still wouldn’t make it a war zone!