Worst vape ever?


johnwillyums UK
I'd say the Davinci IQ is pretty poor. You have to get glass spacers or the chamber is too big, they are fiddlly, get hot, get lost.
Even if you don't need a spacer it's unnecesarily complicated for a very average experience.
I always find myself wishing it was over, but feeling forced to carry on knowing that my herb is still cooking whatever I do.
Dynavap, Milaana etc. That's where my heart lies, vapes you can control, and on demand, plus no wastage.


Free Men Don't Ask
Atman Hachi. If you can really call that a vape.

There are some absolutely terrible vaped out there but even the worst of the worst usually gave me a whisp of vapor. Not the Hachi though.
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Free Men Don't Ask
and a special mention to the Grasshopper.

Maybe most unreliable, but if you think it's the worst your opinion is simply wrong :p

Also forgot to mention in my first post the Atmos Raw (like others mentioned) and Vaporblunt 2.0. They were both absolute garbage but I do have to thank the Vaporblunt for showing me how awesome vapor could be. It would work if you packed it improperly and turned it to the highest setting lol.

The iolite was the first vaporizer I bought that I wasn't incredibly disappointed with. Pretty decent flavor and if packed right decent clouds. I remember scraping reclaim out of the plastic stem and putting it right back in the bowl on top of some herb. Got me absolutely toasted.
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Well-Known Member
My worst vape is the flowermate mini. It never worked as a battery pack.
It’s not capable of vaping at high temp weed, let alone oils or concentrates with the pods. My unit at least is very weak.


Well-Known Member
The infamous Atmos Raw and a special mention to the Grasshopper.
Can u detail your experience with grasshopper . Thanks

Lol snoop doggs vape pen
And this guy,makes like he's a expert and on top of the scene. O what scenes that???? The steal a hard working person's cash. Sad. Maybe he's the cheatin Billy boy and Tommy boy of kids football to. Sad.
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Worst vape for me was using a skillet and glass jar, back in the day when only the Volcano existed. Or maybe it was trying to use two heated butter knives, :lol:.

I guess I've been lucky, the worst actual vaporizer I've tried was the MFLB. It did the trick but I felt like I wasted so much just trying to get over the learning curve.

I actually found this thread to be more useful than a "what's your favorite vape". :tup:


Well-Known Member
Gpen Elite for me.
Why? I got one when they came out and, for me, the mouthpiece would clog too often to be useful. The form factor was great and it seemed to heat the oven appropriately. But, it was so close to the mouthpiece screen you couldn't draw for more than a couple of seconds before a clog of some sort.

That and the offgassing. I don't think it was a pure air path. ;)
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Well-Known Member
FM V8.0 the housing didn't allow enough air through the chamber. Made a wood housing so it works better nowadays but it's still not even close to my other vapes


Well-Known Member
As others have mentioned; no name knock offs! I had a table top whip vape that was &^%$!!

The Persei; for me. I never got mine to work. It leaked. It clogged. It burned my fingers. I cleaned it out and send it back. The replacement did the same thing.

I understand it is a great devise for people heavy into electronics. Either my lack in that area was a deal breaker or I got 2 lemons.


Well-Known Member
As others have mentioned; no name knock offs! I had a table top whip vape that was &^%$!!

The Persei; for me. I never got mine to work. It leaked. It clogged. It burned my fingers. I cleaned it out and send it back. The replacement did the same thing.

I understand it is a great devise for people heavy into electronics. Either my lack in that area was a deal breaker or I got 2 lemons.
My very first vape was Vapolution 2. While I don't use it as much as I used to. I still easily regard my first times with it were nothing short of revalutioary . It was my first vape . After like 40 yrs smoking. Made in California. $99 and absolutely works perfect. I mean it just plain works. I'll never forget it. And pretty soon I need to get it out again.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Well I said worst vape was taitan t3 but another worthy competitor is a VIE revolution vaporizer. I was asked by a local headshop to review it.. What a piece of junk. STAY AWAY !There is buzzing on every hit which cannot be turned off,sometimes it triggers on it own and it vibrates in your mouth.. Loud buzz so everyone can be alarmed that you taking hits..
Plastic taste. Bugged Functions. Cant keep up temp. Temps dont correspond to the markings. Works only at max temp and delivers light vapor. Also u need to press button to active heat compensation which never happens. You wait one minute and after 3 seconds hash untasty conduction hit,vapor productions stops. The manufacturer had though this as a puff device maybe IDK.. but if you have to wait 30 seconds for the temp to recover after a 3 second anorexic puff. A lot of waiting for a very little bad quality vapor,it also needs constant factory reset cause it dies every two sessions and wont even charge without it. Oh i forgot to mention that there were plastic bits falling out the herb chamber,and after closer look i saw some melted inside the chamber... What a cancerous Piece of junk.. It was a favor for a friend,but i guess i cannot do him good with a review,so instead i convinced him to return all units to the manufacturer for a refund.


Calm Consistency
My friend had a "snoop pen" that ... "vaped". Also another friend had a "g-pen" or whatever the fuck it's called. Both total worthless pieces of shit. Buy one and throw it against the wall, just so they run out of stock and someone else won't buy it.

Hey Nineteen

Well-Known Member
The original Firefly 1 one was the worst vape I ever used. So time consuming and difficult to operate. The seal also came of the lid and it constantly combusted. I finally got pissed off and threw that POS in the garbage
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Geeze, I hope I don't flamed out for this but the worst vape I ever owned was the Magic Flight Launch Box. Never could get a decent hit. I can't believe they still make them and have a giant following here.

I have an original, like new in the original tin. Maybe I should sell it in the for sale forum while it is still loved. LOL

Or, perhaps this one does suck and they have new versions that are much better. Just my guess.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Geeze, I hope I don't flamed out for this but the worst vape I ever owned was the Magic Flight Launch Box. Never could get a decent hit. I can't believe they still make them and have a giant following here.

I have an original, like new in the original tin. Maybe I should sell it in the for sale forum while it is still loved. LOL

Or, perhaps this one does suck and they have new versions that are much better. Just my guess.
I also hated this vaporizer, almost got me in trouble once because of the impossibility of cleaning the resin underneath the screen. Vapor quality was also not up my standards,i became victim of the hype,lately i had a knockoff which was working better and could be taken apart for cleaning,but got tired of this tech pretty quick.
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