@pakaloloYou don't apply to this because you've never felt like you couldn't get the same high you used to get, correct? I'm curious, how often do you vape, and what quantities since you sound like a micro doser?
Are you SURE?
I think you did get absolutely floored, like you do every time?
You are definitely an inspiration, as is Pakalolo! Wow! Even my micro dabs were about 0.015-0.02, which is closer to 0.1g flower.
When/if I return to cannabis, I don't see a more sustainable method than micro dosing, and moderating frequency. I don't think Cannabis is supposed to be used frequently IMO, unless at least one takes frequent breaks.
@CANtalk What would you say you vape on a "heavy" day, and what do you feel would be optimal in terms of usage to avoid withdrawal (or "recovery" lol) effects?
Respect to all three of you!![]()
First, no I don't get absolutely floored. I reach the same level I always do, which I find comfortable but I'm definitely not in the state some of you (most?) are trying to re-experience.
I am indeed a micro-doser. My standard load (mentioned many times on here when describing my various tests) is .07 g. I used to weigh it every time but after a while you can estimate it pretty accurately. My approach (when not testing) is to take two or three hits to start (at low temperature for the flavour) and then one or two hits every hour or so, usually stepping up the temperature or increasing the heat a little. This maintains my level.
If I want to get really blasted, I will consume a whole load in one session, or perhaps indulge in some rosin. I do reach a condition that is somewhat stronger than usual. This won't achieve the same experience I had my first time, however. I don't believe that's possible for a simple reason: acclamation. You just get used to the feeling and you need to adjust your expectations accordingly. If you do the same thing repeatedly, you will get used to it. This is why changing things around seems to make a difference. A different environment, vapourizer, strain, mental state—all of these will give you a slightly different experience. You can only be a virgin once, however.