What would be your Trinity of vapes?

Canna Chameleon

Muted by mods. Run off by rudeness.
[Anticipating] Tempest
Honest question, because I really don’t get it.

How can you put a vape you have never tried into your top 3. Not even released and less than a dozen in the wild. Even the test folks haven’t used it longer than a month or so.

With all the vapes on this forum and in Reddit that have been hyped as the last vas killer, but never came to fruition or had a terrible result for some people.

Again not an insult of your opinion or choice, but more of a question of how an untested device makes it here?


Well-Known Member
How can you put a vape you have never tried into your top 3. Not even released and less than a dozen in the wild. Even the test folks haven’t used it longer than a month or so.
because people believe phatpiggie won't release a vape that he hadn't tested for many, many sessions. so if it's awesome for him, it will be awesome for any other user...special case i think....i can see the logic behind it....


Well-Known Member
My current top three are
DaVinci Ascent ( absolutely love this vape! I have 2 currently ), Argo because it's quick to load and empty and has tasty vape, And my solo II which is used every night with a bong.
The Argo is dying though, the buttons are getting fiddly...


Well-Known Member
How can you put a vape you have never tried into your top 3. Not even released and less than a dozen in the wild. Even the test folks haven’t used it longer than a month or so.

With all the vapes on this forum and in Reddit that have been hyped as the last vas killer, but never came to fruition or had a terrible result for some people.

Fair question.

It's the successor of the Revolve 2. I would put the Revolve 2 in its place if the Tempest wasn't already in pre-release.

This isn't some unknown manufacturer creating something new in a vacuum.

I believe Brenyo (Mad Heaters) and phatpiggie have high quality standards for their products (I very much enjoy the products I own from them).

The proposed technology improvements (dyna style ball vape), prototypes, active feedback in the forum thread regarding the finalization for the production, and revisions build my confidence in the product. This isn't your typical hypetrain like a notable recent vape was...


Well-Known Member
Three I'd keep for coverage:
1. Hot Rod
2. Hydrobrick Maxx
3. '21 Omni

Three I'd never get rid of:
1. Vapbong
2. Custom OWW Micro
3. Lotus/Vaporscope
*3.5 Triihouse Waldo (how the heck did I forget this?!)

4. Da Buddha (first real vape, still use it all the time)

Honorable mention: Dreamwood DLX One, Lamart Piro. I use one or both of these daily.

I've lost no love for my previous choices but I have gotten some new vapes and have increased usage on a few older favs. The current rotation-dominating trinity would be something like:
Vapman & station

Die Wunderlampe (Element table vape)
Glass torch vapes (Tasty Tube, VHB Slide, GLass/Quartz Cap, etc.)
The usual assorted Dynavaps and Bricks, etc.
Things haven't changed much over the year but I notice my previous lists mostly ignore Dynavaps, which i still probably use as much or more than anything else.
0. Dynavaps
1. P3 ZX/Zbowl
2. Couchlog
3. Vapman/station

I've also been using my CC Zeals a lot (and now the Omega), The Inductor/Convector, Dreamwood DLXs, and my Lotuses. The hypotheticals of the first list remain true and the Element Table Vape, DBV mod, and Vapbong are all worthy of the top three and the other injectors and bricks are all as well.


Big and Bouncy
My updated list:

1) Couchlog
2) Stunner w/ zirc balls

Couchlog has supplanted most things for use at home. Stunner is for joint type sessions and sometimes when out and about. My outside rotation is usually AVLP, IQ2 and/or dynavaps.

Grass Yes

Staff member
A year later for me too... Still love the TM. I use it most days. The other devices are great but I would make my top choices:
  • Couchlog
  • CC Atlas
  • Tinymight
Still not giving up any of my other vapes 😄
While it's only been 10 months this time, one vape has changed in the list. And this is strictly what is at the top of my rotation right now:
  • Couchlog
  • CC Omega
  • Tinymight
I have also been spending a lot of time with the Prrl Neo lately too, but this thread says only 3. I think for top vapes of the year, I'd have to include that one.
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Unregulated Tendencies
Also mostly unchanged:
1. Toad
2. Lotus
3. Vapman Yocan Uni Pro w/ a rosin cart. Vapman’s still a fave but with on-the-go a thing again, the Uni Pro beats my DHVs for stealth, shareability, and getting thru security.

Toad. The quality of the build adds to the quality of the experience. Also, the low heater delivers serious flavor.

Lotus. As tasty as advertised. The only convection portable I own that lets you really rip the draw.

Vapman. For hash. Another flavor winner.


Well-Known Member
1. TM2
2. Couchlog
3. Anvil

Other devices I've tried but left out that appear popular on this forum:
  1. AVLP - I find the cleaning too much effort and I prefer the taste of my TM2
  2. FW7 - I really love my fw7 but I find it much easier to load my TM2 when outside
  3. OG Mighty - The S&B tickle was too much for me
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No thoughts, head empty
Right now mine is:
- Underdog
- FW9
- IQ2

Hoping to land a Toad or another pure convection portable to replace the Underdog and complete my portable trifecta, though the Underdog will always have its own place.


Well-Known Member
Desktop: Couchlog. Small footprint, low power consumption, and versatile.

Battery: TM1. Easy to clean. Easy to load/reload. Easy clouds.

Butane: Vapman. My favorite vape signature. A little goes a long way.:smug:
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