Let's go in order of acquisition, shall we? please follow that formula..it makes a difference
~VG(gone...traded the genie+$$$ for a 'used' PD. My buddie will be enjoying it soon)
~Launch box Beta
I love the E because it blows thick vapor rich bags..and what true stoner would refuse a remote control...for gods sake this thing is so fucking awesome.
the PD is my everyday work-horse...it hooks up to a 14 GONG joint and will knock you on your feet. the size of the bowl will blow your mind...such a small amount for the size of the cloud you blow out...all I can say is if you get a PD, enjoy the clouds

SO far I have had the VG for two days...such a nice vape to lazily kick back and puff on. the best part about my little wooden friend is the fact I can be ANYWHERE and puff the rich vapors we all enjoy
I might get more down the line but, lets hear what the community owns....

I really hope all members on FC contribute what vaporizer they own...makes it a tad easier for members on this site to figure out a certain users preferences so they can compare/contrast to their own preferences or whatever it may be.
and thanks in advance 
~VG(gone...traded the genie+$$$ for a 'used' PD. My buddie will be enjoying it soon)
~Launch box Beta
I love the E because it blows thick vapor rich bags..and what true stoner would refuse a remote control...for gods sake this thing is so fucking awesome.
the PD is my everyday work-horse...it hooks up to a 14 GONG joint and will knock you on your feet. the size of the bowl will blow your mind...such a small amount for the size of the cloud you blow out...all I can say is if you get a PD, enjoy the clouds

SO far I have had the VG for two days...such a nice vape to lazily kick back and puff on. the best part about my little wooden friend is the fact I can be ANYWHERE and puff the rich vapors we all enjoy
I might get more down the line but, lets hear what the community owns....

I really hope all members on FC contribute what vaporizer they own...makes it a tad easier for members on this site to figure out a certain users preferences so they can compare/contrast to their own preferences or whatever it may be.