Hi... been hanging here a few weeks. Guess I should post here
I'm almost 42, live in SW FL and have smoked most of my life... Started smoking young! Married and mother to one teen boy so I have to live SUPER stealth. I run my own business and stay pretty busy, most people wouldn't believe I smoked as much as I did since I could focus and work my ass off...
Anyhow, was trying to quit smoking cigs, got into the e-cigs... Started feeling better and guilty about smoking herb but no way I'm giving that up. I always tell my dr (he's cool as hell) that most folks are on xanax or prozac or something... I'm Indian and believe the herb is for me...also that I'd probably be on some meds if I didn't smoke. I'm a bit OCD... Okay maybe little more than a bit.
My son calls me a tree hugger, many call me the tie-dye lady cuz I made tie-dye for years as a hobby. I am usually the only one at the gun range wearing tie-dye much to my son's dismay. He loves the range and my dad was a gunsmith so I try to be a cool mom. I only shoot paper though
Anyhow, since finding this place I broke out a Vapir I'd bought, dismissed and thrown in the closet without a second thought several years back... Decided it's still not what I want but made me re-look into vaporizers. I got enough advice here to get the Vapir to work enough to let me try vaping... I then immediately put myself on the PD waitlist.... Ordered an iolite...now have ordered a 2nd iolite. Already thinking I'll need to order a backup PD too

(OCD... I have 3 e-cig screwdrivers now... Just in case)
Between my new e-cig habit and vaporizer habit I've spent a small fortune getting started but I feel awesome not smoking... No cigs in over 40 days and I can't remember the last time I combusted but it's been awhile and was only method available at that moment.
So, love this forum. I have learned tons and appreciate all the info... kind words for me when I'm confused

Thanks and I'm happy to have found this site