wassup FC! the names j-rellz(i know duh right

) im 19 and a born/raised citizen of the great city of Los Angeles, CA
i started creeping with mary jane fairly recently. 1st time was out of a bong but by the time it was passed around to me damn near all the herb was burned out(sucks huh) so i didnt get high or was to drunk to notice lol. 2nd time was a blunt that i didnt smoke right at all, seeing as how i never inhaled the smoke, so we know how that went. 3rd time was another blunt that i smoked right and finally got high, but it wasnt that strong, i had that high where u just kind of feel buzzed and zone out from time to time, but it was still an enjoyable experience. as my high started coming down(at church lol

wasnt a sunday, was there cause my sis had rehearsal ) i began to feel irritation in my throat and a mild headache from the smoke, and i could feel ash in my throat. that next morning i was sick as a dog and remained sick for 1.5-2 weeks which lead to an ear infection that lasted for almost a month. i blamed my illness on the weed(which my bro denied was the case, especially seeing as how it was four of us and im the only one that got sick) and told myself i would never smoke again, needless to say i lied to myself. just a couple of days ago me and the bro had some girls come through with some MJ. we smoked it through a glass pipe, which took me a couple tries to get it right. didnt get high, just a short lasting buzz. surely enough i got sick later and i guess the fact that we were outside in the cold made it no better. IMO no matter how strong your immune system is(unless super strong) smoke can provide immediate irritation which gives cold and flu viruses a window of opportunity to work their magic, or black magic rather

. i say this b/c my grandma is a health freak and keeps me on all kinds of herbal tinctures and vitamins that keeps me illness free, until i smoke something, then symptoms begin to show as quick as i come back down to earth. luckily i was able to run the sickness out of me in about a day and a half.
then on friday, as i was cramming every relevant herbal medicine i could into my system, i had an epiphany. i began thinking of how i already had mucous built up in me from previous years of being sick, that i never fully got rid of, and how the smoke(being bad in itself) interacting with the mucous was probably why i was getting so sick so fast. so i got on google, starting my search looking for proper ways to smoke without irritation, which led to me to alternatives to smoking, which led me to(those of you who google know how it goes lol

) to the divine invention that we know as the VAPORIZER!(say with power). while googling info about vaporizers i became quickly sold on the idea, but being lead to this site was the icing on the cake. and not just any icing but that icing that makes the cake superb, the icing that without it the cake would be shit! ive been scanning through the forums and info on here for about 3 days straight! with minimal sleep

because soaking in all the knowledge you guys have to offer is very enjoyable and quite entertaining. and it seems to be never ending, no other forum compares at all in my book. this site and all the ppl on it are MAX AMAZING! and as long as i have interest in consuming thc we will be lifetime partners lol. by now your probably wondering when i'll stop with the ass kissing lol, so i think im about done for now.
(im a fit one more ass kiss in here and i promise im done lol) i just want to thank all of u in advance because these recent times of my life have been, and are very stressful. and when i stress out alot i tend to get sick alot, i become super irritable, and everything around me seems to just crumble. i just transferred to a university with a bad community college record, and the economy has hit me really hard, which just adds to the stress more, so as you can see the "sweet ol' herb" would be a nice tool and asset to my life and smoking is just not going to cut it.
as of now i am vaporless but as soon as i get my school fund money i will be investing in that marvelous vapor. my first vape will be between a PD(if on market) and LB, or hopefully both depending on funds, seeing as how they are both inexpensive yet very efficient devices. then i plan to add the SSV and the Extreme, and who knows maybe some more! but those 4 for sure. when i get my first hit of sweet vapor believe that you guys will be the first to know how it went.
until then happy vaping! and FUCK COMBUSTION!!!!
P.S. because of you guys(having me glued to this forum) i now have to crank out a last minute speech for my class due at 5:30 this evening lol, no biggie though, luckily its a fairly easy assignment. and despite all this i told you, i'll probably end up sick tomorrow because a classmate of mine is gonna bring a nice bag for us to smoke and ima need it cause the class is 4.5 hours long. good thing we have computers in our class though so i'll most likely be on here reading and posting. sorry for the long intro, im done ranting now