I've got a funny story, well actually I have many funny stories but some of them need funny voices and actions to go with them.
And it's not related to a news article, so sorry if this is dangling in the wrong thread.
In my house there is often older teenagers, some of them I birthed, some I did not. Many I don't know where they actually belong, they just appear. Some are loud, some eat all my food, some help me do my house work, but they all generally just like to hang out.
I have various bottles of this and that all over my place, I consider myself a bit of a hippy alchemist.

My bathroom has many lotions, potions, bottles, sprays and rubs. Most are in recycled jars and I have manny of the brown dropper style bottles.
My resident teenagers are very aware that they are not allowed to smoke weed in my house, this came about due to various spillages of water pipes, burns in the carpet, leaving paraphernalia in public view...
So one arv, the gaggle of teens were into their GTA game and too comfy to vacate elsewhere for a brew.
So one of the bright sparks Mr 19 (yes one I birthed), decided to sneak up to my bathroom and 'borrow' my bottle of tincture.
So about 20 mins later when I've clicked onto what they were up to, as I heard various comments 'this tastes oily', 'this isn't working', 'I think I'm getting high'....
So I goes to investigate and retrieve my goodies.
Poor little ragamuffins had been having shots of Rosehip Oil and ended up with sore tummies