SM, Nice new avatar (the monkey is vaguely familiar).
Disclaimer: Please feel free to correct me if I am off about anything I say below (as I have not yet had the opportunity to use the VHW). Furthermore, I mean no disrespect to Mark's ingenuity.
SM - About the handle, I think in a future version, the handle could be shrunk down. The circuit board could definitely by shortened and widened out but I think this would have added quite a bit to the production cost. It doesn?t look overly complex and I think with some more R&D, a shorter VHW would def be possible.
Cool. IMO, R&D is one of the things that can make or break anyone competing in the technology industry.
SM - for the time being, I would say the trade off for a longer VHW is that you get the temp control built right in, something that is extra for the Herbo, and I?m not sure if there is one available for the Verdamper.
I Agree (also, the stikman has no temp control option except draw technique

SM - The glass sleeve on the VHW is removeable

SM - I got an email from Mark the other day saying how hard it has been for the glass blowers to get the upper intake bowl blown correctly with the tooling they have done, I can?t help but think GG joints could have expedited this but it was important for him to have the connection from the wand to the intake be one that could be easily taken on and off.
IMO...It seems like a viable option would be to have a large GonG permanantly attached to the top of the filling chamber instead of the part currently with the logo (the part he is having trouble with, right?...Side note: IMO he should definitely offer GonG bottom instead of the standard slide with ring stet-up). Additionally, the heating element could have a non-GonG cone that would comfortably/safely mate with the GonG that is attached to the top of the filling chamber. In particular, it would only seal at the bottom of the GonG (where it gets skinniest) I proposed to attach to the filling chamber (picture the tip of a dull pencil entering the end of a straw, but not fitting would just touch the skinniest part of the GonG that is attached to the top of the filling chamber instead of the part with the logo), so it could wobble/rotate (unless you wanted to slide the silicone down for a tighter seal and more this case the silicone-coated glass, being thicker, would seal at the top of the GonG joint).
SM - He has already agreed to make lower stems with 14 and 18mm GG joints in the future but has not given me a timeline for that.
He could shorten the stem below the filling chamber to about 1" for now (that would make it easier to use with a GonG female).
SM - Oh yea, as far as the drag goes, the current down stems come in two sizes, 9 and 12mm, which do drastically affect the type of drag you want
I can't comment on this (have not used the VHW yet), but I know that it is nice-to-be drag-free (sounds like a slogan--I even added the hyphens for effect

). In other words, to be able to draw as easily as if you were just breathing (with only the restriction of the tools to which the heat source is attached)
Perfect? No. I agree with Aristotle that perfection is an unattainable state towards which we can only strive (the allegory of the cave).
I have actually been thinking about some possible future trajectories for phyto-inhalation aromatherapy devices (in addition to the development of better hand-held/portable devices, compatible battery packs, and more oil-friendly units). One idea seeks to further concentrate the vapor inhaled (particularly for those seeking large/concise dosages). I have been toying with ideas for a unit that would heat up a small chamber filled with herbs in water or oils (with or without water) to the desired vaporization temperature without allowing the water or oil vapors to be released. Once the desired temperature has been achieved, the contents of the chamber (steam AND evaporated essential oils) would all be released into the larger cooling area or pathway simultaneously (rather than requiring the recipient to repeatedly draw/force hot air past the herbs/oils to vaporize them). I am not sure about the feasibility of such technology, but thought that this example would help justify my answer.
Ramble, ramble, ramble...
I just like seeing such technological advancements continuing to decrease the suffering and increase the well-being/health/happiness of individuals

Toke care
